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Everything posted by ZsXzSx456

  1. So I've stopped playing after the Clan Citidel update. I've come back to find, completely reworked combat system, more pricey membership costs and a new barrows brother (and about 50 pages worth of new game updates on the runescape website). I'm just really looking for a brief overview of the biggest changes, to be reasonable. For example: I understand that the protection prayers work differently now? Something like that could really screw me over. Any insight anyone could provide would be useful. More speifically: Does food work differently now? Have G/E buy/sell limits changed? Is the whip still a good general purpose weapon? Or can you recommond weapons/armour? I think my cb stats are 75-80 Have the "strength bonus" properties of armour and weapons been removed? Good ways to make money other than killing bosses? Any useful quests I should do? (to provide access to certain transport, or that give useful items, for example) That's all for now. (You don't have to answer everything!) Thanks.
  2. Alright, so do all items get their prices updated at the same time? or does it happen randomly per item throughout the day?
  3. The GE does update once a day? ie not more or less then that? You're saying it's random and can happen at whatever time of the day?
  4. Every day the prices on the GE change; what time does this change happen?
  5. How should I distribute my 15 workers for the most profit? I'm guessing flax/mining/maples?
  6. So bots have returned along with free trade? I guess this is a pretty permanent thing then.
  7. Ive recently started playing again and prayer potions are under 3k. What happened to make them drop? And should I stock up?
  8. Thanks, my questions on the sara sword and nature rcing have been answered. Runescape.wikia.com say the drop rates for rings and axes are "uncommon". Can anyone give me something more precise?
  9. To prevent three different posts, here are three different questions: 1. Is the Saradomin Sword better than whip + defender? Or is it expensive just because it can train strength? 2. The last time I crafted nature runes was possibly over a year ago, when they were about 300gp each and good money. Are they still good money? Is there a better method that using the abyss, I've heard something about a summoning familiar. Is ZMI significantly faster training? 3. What are Rex's drop rates for warrior and zerker rings, and dragon axe?
  10. You want your armour to be a good magic/prayer bonus mix. I just used the best earth spell I had along with melee protection prayer, without bothering to snare. My inv was full of prayer potions and a few sharks; you could even take a magic potion or sip it at the bank. He drains your prayer points fast, so you might want to side step while you drink prayer potions, like you would if you were barrowing. Last tip. He has two different forms. What I did was kill the first, teleport out and restock then enter and kill the second. It might make things a little easier during the second, harder form.
  11. Best xp/hr would be KO and pickpocket twice Pollnivnian bandits till 65. KO and pickpocket twice Menaphite thugs til 91, then it's Pyramid Plunder to 99.
  12. Welcome to TIF! http://forum.tip.it/faq.php?mode=bbcode contains quite a few useful codes. Edit: For images "To display an image you must surround the URL pointing to the image with tags. For example: [img=http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif] As noted in the URL section above you can wrap an image in a tag if you wish, e.g. [url=http://www.google.com/][img=http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif][/url] "
  13. Points per task: Mazchna 1 Vannaka 4 Chaeldar 10 Sumona 12 Duradel 15
  14. Turael is the first lowest combat slayer master in Burthorpe.
  15. I believe you have to collect them from a knight, as 7o7 said. I think he's down the ladder in Lumbridge, the closest "!" on the minimap from when you spawn in Lumbridge. Are you sure? I remember getting them from the knight, and this acc is more than a few years old.
  16. How about space for one more wieldable weapon, ie dual wielding, with the secondary weapon only doing something like 40% normal damage? That would be an interesting addition to gameplay an the economy (increase in the price of weaponry?). Perhaps you could only unlock this ability after some master quest: Desert Treasure, but for meleers.
  17. So I've started training farming through planting trees. I was just wondering whether watering or using supercompost makes a difference to their survival rate, and what are the most cost/time effective trees to plant. (I'm talking about both wood and fruit trees). Cheers.
  18. Isn't a money sink where money is taken out of the game? Here money is only being exchanged. But yes, I do agree that rich f2p'ers should have something to buy, and, unlike a Santa hat, the armours are functional. If it wasn't clear enough: On of Jagex's aims is to maximise profits, however, F2P do not pay to play the game and only contribute through adverts. Therefore, it is in Jagex's interest to get as many members as possible, as members pay to play. Now, the way Jagex do this, among other things, is by serverly limiting what is available to F2P'ers. This encourages F2P to become members. If F2P didn't have less benefits, then there would be no incentive to pay to play the game. Syco, it appears to me that you think getting rid of trimmed armour will remove the immature players that brag and boast with them. While it would make it harder, I think that there are much more effective ways of removing such immature players. To summarise: Absolutely, to a limit. Why else would people set goals for cooking or slayer? To look good in the game.
  19. Yep; not just WoW. It also looks similar to Perfect World, Silkroad Online, Conquer Online, even possibly Fly FF. Pretty much all the MMORPGs I've played have the skills/menu/interface bar at the bottom, map in the top right, chat bottom left. The only thing RuneScape is missing is character status top left, which is grouped with the map in fullscreen mode. It appears to me that RS is starting to fit in with other MMORPGs. With graphics that can compete with the likes of WoW, but much cheaper and much more accessible, things can only get better.
  20. Yes, I've mentioned that: If you need xp, fair enough, but you can't claim you save money doing everything yourself. This is getting too off-topic...
  21. I agree with Qeltar, even if Jagex hasn't been completely honest with their players. Why not just buy materials? Unless you need xp or enjoy it, I don't see the point. Also, you are not making "100% profit". Cutting yews, picking flax and spinning it all cost time- time which could be spent doing something more profitable and making you more money than you would have made doing things yourself.
  22. No, he's saying summoning could make gathering resources faster, decreasing prices and counter acting the lack of bots. Manage Thy Kingdom is a decent way to get coal, nests, seeds, etc. One of the dds mentions something about familiars aiding skills. That's what I think. I see many people waiting for summoning to come out before quitting, instead of quitting as soon as the wilderness/trade changes hit.
  23. Find out more yourself. Yes, it's relatively strange, but the idea is to try something constructive and new. Either that, or expand on something you already like/good at.
  24. If you really want to quit, you can; but just think about what that means: no more RS in the morning, after school, weekends, holidays etc. Are you willing to give that up? You can't just take something out of your live without putting something back in. As many have suggested before me, do something constructive in those 5-8 hours. Learn to play an instrument, piano, guitar, take up art, photography, skating, writing, heck even parkour. Anything like that will help you forget RuneScape, and you'll soon realise just how much time RS eats up, and how much time it's actually worth.
  25. You don't "use" marigolds on an allotment to protect your vegetables; when they are fully grown in the flower patch your onions, potatoes etc will be protected, so long as the flowers remain planted.
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