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New Seers - Coincidence or Laziness ?

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What was the ranters RSN? I want to congratulate him, I now hate Seers Village. He's right though, Jagex seems to lack creativity in the Seers update. I hope they come to their senses, and try to arrange Seers to be changed once again, knowing they won't, I'll end my post.

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this update looks like it was plastered on at the last minute.






People said the same thing about the hunter skill and the construction skill, but through the development diaries, you can see they were obviously planned months ahead. Like the kid said, he isnt a graphic designer, so he should not just decide what looks last minute and whats not. Seers looks just like Varrock, yet its rushed. His logic astounds me.


You do have a valid point here. But which way are we looking at things? was it the skill which made the need for the diaries, or were the diaries planned from the start - but lets not get into a debate about that.






The guy that posted that (orb master44) was an arrogant butt hole, since when has each building in each city or town been completely different?




It takes them a lot of time and hard work to do this type of reconstruction as for copy and past someone should have explained to him its not MS Paint they are dealing with, yeah it looks the same as Varrock just like it did before....




With this years updates they are hardly getting lazy...


I do agree, i believe that they do work hard. I am merely posting this here to gain a different perspective. As you said the author is a butt hole, i have no comment - as i do not know him (at all).

yeah it looks the same as Varrock just like it did before....


As you say here, you are quite right, maybe the author was hoping for a graphical change/update (giving the cities personality, uniqueness) rather than just making the graphic look better.






All the human settlements in rs virtually are built of the same grey stone.




Varrock's update created the new look grey stone and roofs




It makes perfect sense that all other locations, unless special, built of the basic grey stone will get that look when they are updated.




Plus its more realistic, houses are virtually all red brick anywhere u go irl (uk anyway) each city/town/village doesn't look totally unique, so why should they in rs?


You do have a a GREAT point there. I'd have to say that although your right, i was expecting more. Like that varrock update, it was so new and shiny and different - we hadn't seen anything like it before. And i was expecting the same for seers - i like the authors point of having prophesies scribbled on walls that could give hints to future updates.


But for this race of seers(future-sight) i was expecting something cool, unusual and different for other towns.






What was the ranters RSN? I want to congratulate him, I now hate Seers Village. He's right though, Jagex seems to lack creativity in the Seers update. I hope they come to their senses, and try to arrange Seers to be changed once again, knowing they won't, I'll end my post.


As it is posted on Runescape Official Forums, His RSN is the same as that user (orb master44) <- not me






We are getting some good constructive posts here! =D> Thankyou


If you wish to write a debate of "Seers - Coincidence or Deliberate" that would be more than appreciated, and would be put on the front page.




~! Necro ~!


P.S i am NOT taking sides in this debate. This is here to be discussed. Not just "seers is better than because cuz the briks are diff". If you have a point to make, please make it in readable English and explain it.

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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Its fairly valid to complain that they have made two places the 'same' by using the models or whatever of buildings in varrock and planted them in seers with new windows, because really if your going to do that just don't bother with the update, it doesn't really matter that its a lot of work, or that they've brought out some very good updates recently, if you are going to do a half-arsed job, don't do the job. Also i feel the only reason Seers got its 'update' was because of the party hosue being relocated, it was a graphical update tagged onto the back of this, whcih means half-arsed job. I'm not too bothered by it but i feel the complaint is more valid than most seen on these forums.

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It looks better than it did before. Get over it. No one really uses Seers enough to complain anyways, I think that they are just trying to find a fault with Jagex. They have done very well lately, so lay off. <.<

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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All the cities used to look the same. Varrock and Seers looked the same before, so what if Jagex keeps them looking the same, but better? I don't see what there is to complain about, they didn't give the update much of a fanfare anyway, not like when they did Varrock.


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