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***Made A new sig, Looking for commentary!***


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Well I made this sig in bout 5 hours. Looking for c&c on it.




In my opinion, it looks like a western style manga dude in a sweat stained red shirt, but thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s my opinion. This is my third pixel sig so I still suck at the whole concept... I decided to put in an ok kind of looking background, so tell me what you think bout that too. Did an invert to make two backs one being a stone cave the other an ice cave.




If you looking to buy this "thing" I will do changes as you like.








Thanks, Mastersigmaker








I can also put in a different background if you are going to buy it...




Oh and on the c&c tell me what you really think. if it is shi*, then tell me it is shi*.









you should never attempt to insert a floppy disk in a 56X CD-ROM drive, as floppy disk shrapnel hurts
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i dont think they like it me on the other hand i would buy it if i had the money
Thank you :cry: Everyone else here is so mean, they just come here to make fun of peoples hard work...They can burn in hell. You can have the sig for free if you want buddy :wink:
you should never attempt to insert a floppy disk in a 56X CD-ROM drive, as floppy disk shrapnel hurts
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Myweponsg00d your far too harsh its ok saying its bad but at least give some cc to help him make it better i opinion is that its good its the same linework on both but that doesnt matter as someone may want 1 setting rather than another maybe put in a dead ice warrior or ice giant on the ice one and a dead something else maybe lesser of dragon on the first!




Nice work









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