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How long have you played RS?


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Im not sure when I started... All I can remember is that I made a character, played for a couple days and never really understood what was going on. Then I forgot about runescape for about a year and when I came back they had introduced sleeping bags and fatigue... Anyone know when fatigue was introduced?

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end of sept 01 for me. lasted a week on first char, then have played fat slug since then.




one fond memory that stands out was when aggie first started dying capes. so mane jaggies, [bleep]gies and other variations of her name. and i was given 50k for my purple cape :mrgreen:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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Im not sure, but anyone who is versed in runescape history can tell me. When i joined you couldent see what level other people were, then 2 days later you could. It was a long time ago, anyone tell me when though?








Possibly when P2p was released Feb 2002? I'm not 100% sure but that's when my memories tell me combat levels became visible in non pk areas.

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Im not sure, but anyone who is versed in runescape history can tell me. When i joined you couldent see what level other people were, then 2 days later you could. It was a long time ago, anyone tell me when though?








I remember that, but I forget when.

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I started playing when runescape first came out, one of my characters was in the first 100 to ever be created :P din't even have banks back then lol, attacking anywhere part from lumby, what did we have, lumby varrock and barbarians i think, can anyone remember when draynor manner was put in?




i remeber that edalien








best bit was when i logged on and it said, you last logged in 657 days ago lol

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I started playing when runescape first came out, one of my characters was in the first 100 to ever be created :P din't even have banks back then lol, attacking anywhere part from lumby, what did we have, lumby varrock and barbarians i think, can anyone remember when draynor manner was put in?




i remeber that edalien








best bit was when i logged on and it said, you last logged in 657 days ago lol




rs has always had banks. They were just simple money banks at first, not item banks.

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The fence on the edge of Barbarian Village bordering all the way down past Draynor Manor... Now-a-days Newbs can't even tell you why that is there. The part of the map beyond that point used to be nothing. You couldn't go passed it. The lake used to run off in that direction and stopped. Also, the days when Runescape gave you preset choices for your characters to give a little boost in status. Miner, Necromancer etc.




Black magic and White magic were the choice in Runescape. Black Magic was where Prayer is now (RSC).




You could attack anyone anywhere... Skulls did not exist... Wilderness didn't come in till later in production. I remember everyone used to tell me it was a bad place. Very few lurked in there. Bears were quite scary back in the day. If you think you were one of the oldies. Post what you can remember from way back when.

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I was there when Runescape got aired! With my two brothers. We played games domain alot but I was the one who ventured off into the small time Jagex site. It said something about a new game called Runescape coming out. Nothing was ever like this before. It was going to change the future of gaming history, games have been spawned like Conquer Online. One day my little brother was on and he checked the Jagex site. There it was... Runescape! The oldest version kicks any of the updated versions. Attacking anyone, any level imagine that!

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Wayne being my next door neighbour naturally told me, which is when i started, there was something like the blackhole? on the jagex site which told you cheats for games like meltdown and such, shame i cant find cyber wars anywhere now. if someone finds it tell me thx

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