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Role play: The Twilight


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Yo, i'm setting up a role play. Maybe u know it, maybe u don't i will xplain it.








1)Everyone chooses a character, and char info: age, home, gender, weapon, and sides(Good/Evil)There will be . 10 good players and 10 evil players (a total of 20 players for this story)








name: Fuuin




age: 19




gender: Boy




Side: Good








2)Then if 20 players are in, we will begin. U write a story, then maybe another player goes to u in his story. And there is no plot, except that good and evil are in a war of course.












(Good side)




I was walking in the white knight castle, writing some battle plans for the upcoming battle, when .....(player name)walked in. I greeted him and explained him what is the battle plan to defeat the evil warriors. blablabla








(Evil side)




I was walking trough the wilderness, killing people, it was great moneymaking today, lot's of people left 10k behind. When i was at the greater demons. I saw a white knight. I ran to him and kiled him from behind. I heard him said before he died:'U scum, this will not be unpayed'. 'yeah right'i said.








So it goes like this. I of course also join in.








Name: Fuuin




Age: 19




Gender: boy




Side: Good

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Age: 23




Gender: Male




Side: Evil








I'll go a bit farther then that.








Life Description: Life of a White Knight would have never suited IronClaw. Strong men would come to the castle and train on them. Even though they always came back to life, he thought it wasn't worth being knight fodder at all.




His father attempted to make him join, but IronClaw resisted. He knew soon his father would dimply stuff him into the White Knights without second thought. Packing up his food, and his training wooden dagger, he set off north. He didn't know the north was the wilderness.




He would have died if it weren't for him cunning. A magical goblin pinned him to the cliff walls and prepared for the double barrels into his face. As he charged. IronClaw, in fear, tossed his wooden dagger at him. Since he was more vunerable when charging up his spell, he was incaptitated.




Since then, IronClaw vanished into the wilderness. Where he went can only be answered by one man. And he delights in not coming out.




There have been a few remours of him travelling with the most noble heroes on their quest, much like Strider with the four hobbits in LOTR. They have never been confirmed though. Mostly, they the heroes never reappear in public ever again.








Skills: Ever since his episode with the mad goblin, he immediatly started training his magic up to resist these magical forces. Despite that, he is more of a warrior at heart. One moment, in a fight, if you managed to slip away, he would look confused, sniffing the air like a hungry dog, with no cleu of where you were. In the next few moments, even if you were invisible, he would be whacking and slashing his longsword all over you.




Despite this, he can also alternate himself to become from a stealth killer to a big, slow, war machine. Unfortunatly, this requires much meditation to change his style, and doing so, he can leave himself vunerable. He always decides which one to use before any wars, meditates, then enters the battle.




His cooking skills are remarkable for a man with hands the size of buckets. Able to properly assemble a shark n a few minutes, he has been hired, though only once, by the King of Varrock to cook for one of his birthdays. Wasn't the Duke of Lumbridge enough?

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skills:good luck, disappears in battle, not getting caught with beer sense he's under aged




side: is there a neutral side cause if not i think he'll be evil








grew up with urban gangs learned pickpicketing, acting innocent and scamming ppl. hates do-gooders since they only act good but deep down they are scum just like he is.

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Name: Syrith




Age: 27




Gender: male




Side: Evil




Skills: Has the ability to turn his blade to pure energy and strike down opponents with ease. Is deeply in touch with the gods, follows their will and in turn they make him stronger. When in need the gods will grant him supernatural powers to overcome his opponent.








Description: Originally a knight fighting for justice, but when he was betrayed by his closest friend he was forced to kill him and joined the forces of evil. Now he travels the land searching for ways to become more powerful, no matter what the challenge. Some say he has no emotion, other say he mearly hides them. He claims emotions get in the way of battle and his quest for power, so no pity is given for the defenseless, and no mercy to those who surrender before him.

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name: falcon




gender: male




age: 56




side: good








skills: very wise and has a very vast knolage. also a master sword wielder and good with a bow and arrow. (he also loves fire :P)








background: orfaned at the age if 10 after assasinating his parents with his trusty sword and setting the hut alight! he moved to an orfanage home but didnt enjoy it there (would you?!) so to get revenge he was (in cases) pschopathic and made everyone think he was mad! after he was left alone he found he enjoyed reading and so thats how his vast wisdom and creative language come from. he loves making up poems. any way he finaly found some foster parents and they misteariously died on falcons 16th birthday (as soon as he could live alone). since his 'parents' had no other sons or daughters he inhereted all they had.








little else if known about falcon untill the age of 55 when he re-aperes. his sword skills have improved alot and can take down almost all enimies with only 1-3 hits depending on their strengh. he can also split a branch with one shot, at a distance of 200 meters, on his first attempt. he has got on well with various monks and has every prayer skill avalible including the ablility to come back from the dead which he has only ever used once.








he is not one to be messed with, how ever, in his old age he prefers to work on tactics rather than fight.


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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Name: Benevolent




Gender: Female




Age: 17




Side: Good




Skills: She May not be fast with a sword but can be quick footed and is good at avoiding blows, she is seldom seen and knows many hiding places, she remains in the darkness beyond human sight. She is kind hearted and showers love to all who need love.








Benevolent prefers solitude. She trys to avoid conflict,but when forced can strike an opponent with much force especially to protect those she loves. She is fast footed. Ever since she was child she has been able to outrun any thing and avoid any obstacle.




As a young child her father used to be quite ruthless to her and her mother. He would get drunk in the taverns each night and come home and beat her and her mother. she got good at running and hiding from him.One night he came home he drew a sword and striked her mother on the head, He then went to her little brothers basinet and was about to stab him when she reached for her brother, the knife slicing across her arm,she pulled her brother out of her fathers reach and ran. her father was enraged, he began to chase after her, and she ran, ran with all her might. She found a secluded cabin in the woods and there she lived to raise her little brother has her own. She has promised herself to protect her brother from all evil and harm. and to fight for all whom evil men try to hurt. She takes in all and takes care of them. But she has never stopped running from the past, and the thought of this wretched man who took her mothers life. if you are in need and she is able to help you in some way, be sure that she will kindly aid you. However if you are unkind towards others be sure she will fight for those who cannot themselves.

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:oops: damn forgot background








and some new stuff
























weapon: Sword




name weapon: Triforce Blade




Secondary weapon: magic




Job: Mercenarie




skills:both fast and skilled with a blade. He trained in mysterie for 8 years, assasins seek his head but never found him because of his quick reactions and speed.












background:After his village was destroyed by the Dark knights, he seeked a place to hide. He was hiding in the desert untill he met his faith, he pulled the Triforce Blade out of his pedestal. He then trained 8 years and now hes going trough thousainds of areas to complete his jobs for money. He still seeks revenge on the murderers of his hometown




















btw: @bafbag: Cool ava, .hack//sign rules :D

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i know this may sound really stupid but i felt moved by that! lol




were you talking about My post or your own? lol.




I enjoy Roleplay. Its Fun fun!




Also, I think PJB21 is right, we don't need so many people. I'd say we had our 5 good we just need a few evil. :D That way we can start right away.

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merry i was talking about your. a tuching story (i know i cnt speel).








yer, so people, now we need bout 3/4 evil guys. so create away.








(would i be alowed to create another character?)


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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We got 2 evil and 5 good, if I'm counting correctly. Maybe 1 or 2 more evil characters will due. We definately don't need twenty, that would bring utter chaos. There would be so many sub-plots and names that I would drive myself to the point of insanity, lol.








Maybe we could start now, and I could be like ultra-mega-super-really-really-incredibly-inconceivably-strong and kill all of you with a single blow. Just a suggestion, lol.








But seriously, if your gonna be part of it don't do what I just wrote. Say something like: (character) walks up to (opponent) and looks at him. (Opponent) falls to the floor dead in a pool of dark red blood.








Hurry up people, just 2 or 3 more.

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homeland: The Dragon Nation




weapon: Naganata(Japanese style halberd) powered with fire magic




name weapon: None




Secondary weapon: Shadow and fire magic




Job: Bounty hunter




skills:Stealth, Speed, and skilled with naganata and any type of staff.








Background:Born into a powerful family of dragon humans. Five years ago our nation was attacked by an army of humans even though we were more powerful they outnumbered us by thousands. I am just one of the few that survived.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Well I'm not exactly evil and I'm not exactly good I'm in between thats the only way to discribe it.








Yea, but in a large battle what would a neutral character do? kill everyone? Not fight at all? You should just be evil, makes everything a lot easier.

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No a nuetral person goes for which side seems the best for himself if someone he hates is in the battle he will kill him and his team if he doesn't know anyone he just waits til the end and takes all the valuables left afterwards. But if I have to choose sides I'd rather good because I'm better at acting as a good person and my acting as a bad person sks



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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good role requires several things i 'll list them overpowerful bad guys 2 or 3 neutral guys who get bashed by both sides sense they willnt join either, crazy genius bad guy, a normal setting gone chaotic, a weak good guy who discoveres courage within themselves so for the sake of the story turn evil, weaken the good guys so they get beat several times then add skill as story goes, use emotion (crying breakdowns are always good) make ure character emotional fragile and keep a open mind

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Esmegas (yes Esmegas :wink: )
















Nerdy, Shaky laughs funny. He fights well with a sword and dagger, and has excellent reflexes. He has 2 lives that he lives. One as the nerdy son of a large scale business man, the other as a mercenary/hit man for anyone willing to pay.








Special "power" : Can make sparks and small fires with his fingers. Also can use a small bind spell.








To all other characters: Need someone killed, I'm your man :wink:

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