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What makes a good clan?


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In your personal preferences, what makes a clan good?




*Many active members




*Small but tight community


*Lots of pking


*Lack of rules


*High level requirements


*Mandatory trips


*Nothing is mandatory


*Good leaders


*Varied events






*Encouraging and motivating pking/skilling


*A certain timezone




*Having been around for a long time






*Advancement possibilities (warlord, council, leader)




Those are just some of the things that might be important for some people. What's your personal opinions?





You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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That every member be they a Leader or a new recrute is required to treat each other with respect at all times. this is by far the most Importent Quality in a Clan as far as Im concerned.




The others are activity, Reguler and Clearly Understandable events, Dissiplin, Honour (Not Runescape but Real Honour as in behavior twoards others) Integrity of Leadership, excetra.




a good Clan needs most if not all of these things but above all it needs good members willing to come to events as required and have a good time. if their is no fun to be had then people will not come to the events.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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Great community, first of all. The atmosphere must be comfortable for all. Leadership also plays a big role; newbie leaders have some experience to gain before being able to create a stable clan. Then comes members, the meat of the clan. Fun members, serious members, laid-back members, they all are important in creating the atmosphere.




Events are a necessity, too. They should deal with what type of clan it is, & fun events need to be scheduled to have everyone relax.




Discipline, loyalty, rules, enforcements of rules, ranks, these all count too.

*-P.K.M-* Website




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Personally I would say for a good clan to become great they would have to have a good leader, someone who listens to their members and acts upon good advice when it is given no matter who it is given from. Also a leader would have to respect all under him no matter what and treat everyone the same, in other words don't treat new recruits as if they do not have opinions.




Also, one of the main things would have to be the way the clan members treat each other. A clan where all clan members don't get along is not going to last very long but a clan where every single person feels as if they belong and are not just being told what to do.




In short what really makes a clan is the people in it and how they chose to treat each other.

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