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Tips To Make Sure RS Players Don't Think Your A Macro


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This is for those power skillers out there.


If you like to work on your skills so much and sometimes you seem like a macroer. Read these tips.




1) Participate in conversation or start one. :P




If you have anymore tips please post them here!

yewbotssmallqu7.pngDestroy Them All!!!!!!! :twisted:

Support railroads in Runescape, a great update for Members and Free Players alike!


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This is for those power skillers out there.


If you like to work on your skills so much and sometimes you seem like a macroer. Read these tips.




1) Participate in conversation or start one. :P




If you have anymore tips please post them here!




yup talking is the best way to make sure people don't think ur a macro. cause macro's can't talk!



I am known only as The Seer. I have many names and many different forms. Cross me at your own risk, fight me at your own peril, but join me and fight by my side, and none shall stand before our power.

Owner of the Quest, Firemaking*2-12-08*, Fletching, Magic, Defense, Cooking, HP, Attack, Strength, Herblore, Summoning, Farming and Prayer Capes.

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Sorry, this does not qualify as a guide.




Guides should require several hours of in-game research collecting data before writing. Please see the forum guidelines.






it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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