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Ranged level 70


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Right now i am level 65 Ranged and was wondering what is the FASTEST way to 70 i have three options:




Ranging fires under the waterfall with a MSB and steel arrows or


Ranging fires with a bone bow and bone bolts or


Ranging ogres at king lanthar's trainging ground with bone bow power ranging




I just wanna know what is the FASTEST xp i dont care about drops i just want to know about the fastest xp




I was also wondering is level 70 ranged good enough to go ranging blue dragons for their dops + a little bit of xp?




P.S i know this is off topic but on the maze random what is best to get a bigger reward completeing it quick or opening lots of chests lol?





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I would use a bone Xbow + bone bolts at the Waterfall. King Lathas may be faster though, I am not entirely sure.




70 range is a bit low to effectively range blue dragons for their drops. Just stick with Fire Giants. ::'




It is better to finish the maze more quickly, for a better reward, rather than opening chests.




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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Knives on Orges




Or darts, but i leveled my pure with MSB and mainly bronze arrows on ogres collecting big bones for sale (pure had 65 agility then it not taked long time to put bones and herb seeds to bank)

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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I used a mage short with steel arrows at Cave Horrors as I wanted a black mask. Got a fair few high level herb seeds. However since then Jagex have introduced better Xbows and made monsters move diagonally.




I would say the best X-bow you can wield, with mith bolts for weapon. Probably train at Bloodvelds if your slayer is high enough, few safe spots and the bloods soon add up.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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Just got back from school, im guessing i should just use my bone bow and bolts at king lanther's trainging grounds, once i have got 70 i will go on to rangeing blues but use my 1k mith bolts(dont know where they came from :S) and then i will carry on with the bone bow hope fully ill get lvl 3 clues and will sell all hides and bones =] any other help is appreciated thanks.




P.S which is quicker to the bank, rangeing blues at heroes and banking at rogues den or rangeing blues at ogre enclave, and banking somewhere, i dont know because i havent completed watchtower quest yet lol thanks.

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Ranging fires under the waterfall with a MSB and steel arrows or


Ranging fires with a bone bow and bone bolts or


Ranging ogres at king lanthar's trainging ground with bone bow power ranging





Of the choices you listed, I prefer choice 3.




Someone made a really nice post in the "general discussion" section that shows exp/hr and gp cost/hr of various ranging methods and the bone bolts strike me as an excellent option. Although bronze knives are a little faster, the bone bolts are a ton cheaper.




I prefer Lathas ogres over fires because you never lack for targets, there are no distractions at all, and it is completely safe so you don't have to pay very good attention (watch tv while you range).

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