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agility guides


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any1 know a good 99 agility guide? :-k




Here not need some special guide, agility leveling to 99 anyway is big hardwork, methods can be like this:




1 - 40 level (some low level arena), but i trained all levels from 1 to 75 in brinhaven;


40 - i suggest brinhaven, but you can use wildy agility arena from a bit highter level too...


75+ i think best is ape toll up to 99, but other preffer wildy arena..




Here is no some big choices or so much diferent tactics

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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Here's what I did to *quickly* get my agility into the 50s:




1-25 : Ran the gnome agility course.




Once I had 25 agility, I did The Grand Tree quest and got 7,900 agility experience as a reward. This took me to 31 agility.




31-47 : Ran the barbarian course. One could switch to Brimhaven as early as 40 agility, but the barbarian course is quicker. You don't need any food at this course because even though you'll take damage, you never take enough to die.




Once I hit 47 agility, I started using the wilderness course. I brought a summer pie with me and ate a bite right before attempting to enter the course (pie gives +5 agility). Once inside the course, I would use normal agility potions when needed to boost my agility to 50 (one of the obstacles requires 50 agility). This sounds like a lot of trouble, but its not. When you use the wildy course at this low level, you gain levels very, very quickly.




Note: If you have the reqs, Troll Romance can be done at 28 agility and gives 8000 agility experience.




^^ "Agility for n00bs miniguide"?? :)

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I just got an agility cape, this is what i did. As soon as i was 48 i went right to ape toll. in retrospect this was not a good idea. I would recommend getting 60 before moving to ape toll. also, you are going to need thousands of super energy potions if you want 99 before you are 35, here is a cheap cheap method to get the pots, if you can do it great, if you cant cough up the 6 million you need for the potions.




You will need the farming level to grow avantoe herbs. buy a few hundred seeds, they are only about 2k each. Plant 4 herb patches of seeds (use super compost). Take about 8 four dose super energy's from the bank and head to ape toll, run run run until you are out of pots and energy. Glory somewhere and harvest all your herbs, bank the herbs, plant more seeds, get 8 more four dose and repeat. Using this method the pots cost next to nothing and grow while you train. also, now that vials cost nothing, drop the vials while you run and grab a pineapple each time, they make great super compost. Also, while you are lower then 75 you will defiantly fall and take damage, keep your HPs below 20 and you will only ever take 3 damage. Bring a knife with you and pick the one pineapple near the vine at the end, slice it into rings and eat the rings. Using that method you do not need to carry food.




one more thing, check the events section of the official forums, there is an entry there for an agility team that run on world 46, if you can get in with them they will keep you sane on the 300+ hours you need to put in before you get the cape. And before you ask it took me 6 weeks from 78-99.

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I just got an agility cape, this is what i did. As soon as i was 48 i went right to ape toll. in retrospect this was not a good idea. I would recommend getting 60 before moving to ape toll. also, you are going to need thousands of super energy potions if you want 99 before you are 35, here is a cheap cheap method to get the pots, if you can do it great, if you cant cough up the 6 million you need for the potions.




You will need the farming level to grow avantoe herbs. buy a few hundred seeds, they are only about 2k each. Plant 4 herb patches of seeds (use super compost). Take about 8 four dose super energy's from the bank and head to ape toll, run run run until you are out of pots and energy. Glory somewhere and harvest all your herbs, bank the herbs, plant more seeds, get 8 more four dose and repeat. Using this method the pots cost next to nothing and grow while you train. also, now that vials cost nothing, drop the vials while you run and grab a pineapple each time, they make great super compost. Also, while you are lower then 75 you will defiantly fall and take damage, keep your HPs below 20 and you will only ever take 3 damage. Bring a knife with you and pick the one pineapple near the vine at the end, slice it into rings and eat the rings. Using that method you do not need to carry food.




one more thing, check the events section of the official forums, there is an entry there for an agility team that run on world 46, if you can get in with them they will keep you sane on the 300+ hours you need to put in before you get the cape. And before you ask it took me 6 weeks from 78-99.

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And before you ask it took me 6 weeks from 78-99.




omg 6 weeks from 78 o.0




Is how much hours per day playing ? No life? i training from 75 agility already 5th month already, but i play sometimes not more then 10 hours per week, sometimes more.

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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Ya i played about 9 hours a day 4 days a week and sometimes on weekends. i would get about 2 million per week, sometimes less. it was defiantly less at the end, the last 500k seemed like it took months. also you usually get around 2 million exp per 270 four dose super energy potions.




Also, and i cant stress this enough, train on world 46 (ape toll). Get in with that crew and it will make the mindless loops around ape toll that much better. i wouldn't have made it if it were not for them.

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Ya i played about 9 hours a day 4 days a week and sometimes on weekends. i would get about 2 million per week, sometimes less. it was defiantly less at the end, the last 500k seemed like it took months. also you usually get around 2 million exp per 270 four dose super energy potions.




Also, and i cant stress this enough, train on world 46 (ape toll). Get in with that crew and it will make the mindless loops around ape toll that much better. i wouldn't have made it if it were not for them.




When i training agility i watching some movie and just playing, then if i meet other people they only dirsturb me asking something and disturb sometimes to press on palm tree :/ then i love to find world with this place empty..

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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