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Mac on a PC? is it at all possible?


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Is it possible to buy a boxed mac complete install? I know that mac has been running on intel processors for almost two years now, but is there any way to buy mac OS to install onto a blank hard drive? It seems like most everything on the apple store comes as an upgrade, where you run a program on your mac to get a newer version. Am I right that the only way to get the mac OS is by buying it preinstalled from apple? (and if this is the case, what happens if you clear your hard drive?)




Also, is it possible to copy a mac hard drive with everything, including the os, onto a empty pc hard drive, then boot up in mac? I know microsoft has blocked this by getting a signature of your hardware, but is it even possible to do with a mac (and if so, have they done anything to prevent it?)




Thanks everyone


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Is it possible to buy a boxed mac complete install? I know that mac has been running on intel processors for almost two years now, but is there any way to buy mac OS to install onto a blank hard drive? It seems like most everything on the apple store comes as an upgrade, where you run a program on your mac to get a newer version. Am I right that the only way to get the mac OS is by buying it preinstalled from apple? (and if this is the case, what happens if you clear your hard drive?)




Also, is it possible to copy a mac hard drive with everything, including the os, onto a empty pc hard drive, then boot up in mac? I know microsoft has blocked this by getting a signature of your hardware, but is it even possible to do with a mac (and if so, have they done anything to prevent it?)




Thanks everyone




Well you can boot OSX on a pc, but not easily. You can not just go to the store, buy it and pop in the disk and click install.




If you want to try and install OSX on a pc and have enough time on your hands you can try this. This is the only way to do it (that I know of). http://wiki.osx86project.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page




You can install Mac OSX on a blank hard drive but the hard drive has to be in a mac computer :wink: . The reason OSX will not install on a normal PC is complicated and you probably don't care for me to explain it.

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Wow, thank you very much blade. I've found the reasons it won't work, and have attempted to see what I can do. Right now it seems like my motherboard is having some trouble reading the hd, but I'll try it again w/ a different mobo and/or hard drive and/or install DVD to see if I can get it. Thanks


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Pear pc. Just grab a copy of mac, and... Actually it isn't that simple, but a Google search will reveal that it has been done. My Friend tried it, but his copy of Mac wasn't legimate.




Google Pearpc. Ignore any resuts you get with Parallels.


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