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Fairy Ring Interactive Map Needs to be Updated!

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Yeah, looking through the fairy ring map ( http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?page= ... ng_map.htm ) and it really needs an update.




- Only so called 'non-useful' fairy rings are in the map ( I dunno why you would make a map for the ones we won't use...)




- It has not been updated. In a long time. On the TIF Chat, Nazgul told me they lost the original .pdf file...

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

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...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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Yeah, alot of stuff needs to be updated.. Would be better if you submitted info: What exactly needs to updated and exactly which parts.. In this situation, which fairy rings etc...




Also, Nazgul already in IRC said that it can't be updated till that .pdf file is found. :|




Also, there's all the fairy rings, except those that can't be found on surface map and the new ones. And even those can be found on the same page as the map. And the fairy ring youre talking about isn't the only useful one..In fact, I never/rarely use it. :S



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There's more than just the Keldagrim one, I'm sure. That's just the one that lead me to this. If you look at the map, most of the newer areas aren't even added there. And yes, I already know it's only the surface ones which is why I didn't ask things like "Why is Zanaris not on the world map" and crap like that.


You told me that this map is way out've date yourself, Profins.




So, the Fairy Ring Map needs to be updated with the current RS World, and then have all the Rings (Or just the useful ones) added.




You say you can't do it till the original .pdf is found, but can't you just take the .pdf for the World Map, remove all the clickable stuff, then add the rings?

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu...

This is the truth!

This is my belief!

...at least for now.


"The Mystery of Life"

Vol. 841, Ch. 26

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