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help me form a diet plan!!


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I am on a diet too




I basically have only this now




Mabye a Sandwhich with a bit of butter for breakfast 7.30 am




7 pm - Dinner, Can be anything tbh, Normally Pasta with Dolmino Sauce and cheese



Is that ALL you eat? You my friend, are on the path of yoyo diet.




Not sure what cereal though, Special K (with all those summer fruits in it).


No and no. It's filled with sugar, and there's no fiber in it. Read the labels. If it's too tasty to be true, then it probably is. The company advertises it as healthy, it's a lie, don't get fooled.

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i can only benchpress 140 pounds, im not skinny.. i want to get toned for a certain thing coming up.


I don't understand why everyone measures strength in how much they can bench press :/


I can do 1 arm pull ups, 210+ pounds on the peck fly machine, full range handstand push ups, muscle ups, but I can only bench press 135, but that doesn't mean mean I'm weak, does it? I'm 140 pounds, 6'1. (I wasn't trying to act e-cool, it just baffles me why people think those who can bench press more are stronger.)


I could do 30 pull ups when I was in 5th grade. Doesn't mean I was strong (and for that matter, you're mentioning that you can do things, not how many reps you can do. Most guys can do that stuff a couple times, so just saying you can do it doesn't set a bar).




I can bench about 130. I would consider myself weak, muscle-wise anyways. Sure, it's not the only measure, but for a universal upper body measurement bench press isn't too bad.




And honestly, if you weigh less than me at 6'1" (me being 5'7"), you're probably a little more on the thin than the muscle side.




[/please do not continue weight-training tangent ya'll]




Yeah, I have pretty much no fat, but I don't mind that, and honestly, "Most guys can do that stuff a couple times" ? :shock: That's an awesome place you live in, since most people can barely do a couple of normal pullups (not the ones that are training biceps, or w/e, the harder ones. )where I live, not to mention handstand pushups and muscle ups.

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Or simply your doctor.. Who will probably point you to the aforementioned "dietist?" (is that the right word?)




I just used the Dutch word, didn't know the English version, but you all knew what I was talking about. How cool is that.


Yea, just fyi I wasn't trying to be facetious, I was wondering myself since dietist didn't work on the spell check.. Just wanted to clarify =p.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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