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hunter and con help


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hey. i recently got my members back ( \' ) and i wanted to work on some skills. con and hunter were always my least favorite. It turns out, though, that they are my lowest stats. i am looking for a good way to get to at least 70 in each starting at 63 hunter and 61 con. for con my original game plan was to do oak larders, but then i saw the number... something like 7.5k oak planks... thats a lot of cash! any con tips would be nice. as for hunting, i got 63 by red sally's. i was wondering if i should stay with those or go to red chins. i went there for a bit, but got annoyed. they felt slow to me, but maybe thats just my distaste for the skill... if someone could help me out with either of the skills, i would really appreciate it. thanks :)



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Catch red chins for 70 hunter because you will make some cash which can be used for oak planks/logs.




This is the way I did construction. I bought oak logs, and made them into planks myself. It's not that slow once you get into it (I made just over 10k of them), just listen to music or talk in clan chat.


I can't remember exact details but what I did is I set up my house so it had a portal to falador and right next to that the workshop with a workbench for flatpacks (Also the house portal was there, obviously). I set my inventory with tele runes to my house, hammer and saw and did this:




1. Grab the oak planks from falador bank until full inventory.


2. Telied to house


3. Ran to workbench, made oak bookcases.


4. Ran to portal room, telied to falador


5. Do step 1 again




That's what I kept doing from 50 something to 70 con :D




TIPS: You don't have to make oak bookcases because the exp is based on the amount of oak planks used so make anything oak.


The less rooms in your house the faster it will load when you tele, I only had the required rooms to power con (yes, that's what I call it)




Ok well that's all, any questions just ask. Hope this helps




thank you. might do that. if i use chins, how should i set up? could you show me a screenshot or something please? btw, 63 hunter means only 4 traps. thanks :)



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