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Highscores lookup


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Hey guys. There's something I've been wondering about, how do you get the highscores? Like on the tip.it's calcs, where you can type in your name and it will get's your score and exp and everything? How do you do that? I would love to know.

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Moved to Help & Advice.




Even though I'm not on the crew, I'll try to give you a little explanation of how it's done.




All (?) of the calculators are scripted in PHP, when a user inputs the username, and clicks "Get Stats!", the PHP imbedded in the server runs a lookup on a specific runescape.com stats page, and echoes the data back to the Tip.It calc.


< | Runehead | Learning Java Programming, Please PM Me Tips | Signature by Loaf2000 | >

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oh, i thought you meant how do you manually access them, my bad :P


I'm not quite THAT stupid... :P




There's also a "light" version you're supposed to use for programs and fansites:




Thank you icecube, I looked but didn't find it. Thank you for the help!

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