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Pixel sig(work done so far)


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well 1stly start off by looking at the sky... seriusly look out your window and yes the sky is not that color, 2ndly look at some grass the grass is not that color either... geez thats wierd?... my C/C is to just fix up everything in your picture for example make the sun bigger and bolder and make the grass darker and the sky the right color and not some baby blue color, then it may be half decent and then u can add clouds and add shading and texture to the grass... :) hope that helps

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Not good at all because








A) You just copyed that off Elvy's tutorial, you know that was a crappy example that wasn't supposed to be copied?








B) No clouds or border..








C) Looks like nothing.








D) What are you supposed to put there? Happy land, where all the bunnys play together?

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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well im really begginer on sigs but i cant tell u what i think: idea is good but where is the objects? i see no point of drawing sig with groudn... and sun with sky...

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well im really begginer on sigs but i cant tell u what i think: idea is good but where is the objects? i see no point of drawing sig with groudn... and sun with sky...








notice in the heading "work i've done so far"

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What are you supposed to put there? Happy land, where all the bunnys play together?








:lol: :lol: thats going straight on my sig rofl!!!!




ROFL :lol: :lol: :lol: , i think it need borders and some thing else, its too empty! :roll:

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the shading on the grass is so, dodgy. where are the clouds, and what happens there? the place where ppl fight in padded costumes with inflatable gutars so as not to hurt each other.... its just well, very bad. both in how it was drawn and its usfullness. try a battle scene or atleast a sunset with a siloet os someone.....












dude, phaps this isnt a good idea....


100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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To be blunt, it's cack.




Its just the top of a circle with 3 shades of green and a click with a yellow brush onto a blue blackground. And aside from that, it's blurred. Sorry man, try harder next time.

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Hey, I think its a good start but rather than having the lighter colors on the bottom, maybe it would look more realistic if the lighter colors were on top, because the light source is also coming from the top.








PS- I'm up for some pixeling, you want me to upgrade your sig?

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Well i suck at pixel sigs sorry.....................not my fault i suck at everything i do....................




PS- I'm up for some pixeling, you want me to upgrade your sig?
Yeah that would be cool but im broke atm :|
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