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Oh yea, and here in the US, we have the exact same problem, illegal immigrants are taking jobs,
How are they taking jobs? If an illegal immigrant wants the job, and can do the job better than you, then let him have it.








Yeah, I took that from Maddox, but it's true.

















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America would be worse off if there weren't illegal immigrants.. Theres no way you're goin to get lazy fat white people to do the jobs that immigrants do.

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America would be worse off if there weren't illegal immigrants.. Theres no way you're goin to get lazy fat white people to do the jobs that immigrants do.
Maybe they would've be fat and lazy if the illegal immigrants weren't doing all the work ;)
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America would be worse off if there weren't illegal immigrants.. Theres no way you're goin to get lazy fat white people to do the jobs that immigrants do.
Maybe they would've be fat and lazy if the illegal immigrants weren't doing all the work ;)
No you don't understand...it wouldnt get done period, we've become so accustomed to all the low horrid work just being done we dont think twice...we would refuse to lower ourselves to do that work.
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Who do you think do the jobs everyone else despises. Immigrants (legal) will gladly work the crappy jobs cleaning sewers and doing all the menial stuff.




I do have a problem with entire families coming over here and only one (the father) gets a job. But at the end of the day if they pay their taxes like everyone else there im fine with it. Did you know that more people LEFT the uk this year than claimed asylum?




190,000 British citizens left in 2003 and approximately 105,000 British citizens returned in the same year - a net outflow of 85,000 people. Only Some 34,000 sought asylum in the UK in 2004 the lowest figure for years.








I will be voting Labour this year. I'd like to see the Liberals get in but theres still many policies they havnt made their minds up on yet and im not convinced their ideas on the economy will work.








Please dont let the tories back in, this will be a disaster for all. Common sense should stop you from voting for them. "Less taxes, more spending" The maths just dont add up, where is this mystery money coming from...? The pensions, the schools and the hospitals are all going to have their money taken taken away.




You think theres a lot of red tape now just imagine the horror that will happen if the tories win.




Remember that it was Michael Howard that introduced poll tax back in the day, I wonder what other money thieving schemes hes got prepared for if he becomes pm?












oh yeah and for the record, the BNP are scum and the leader is a racist



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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The maths just dont add up, where is this mystery money coming from...?








Perhaps they might build fewer millennium domes.

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The BNP is NOT a racist party, and racism is not what they stand for. Just because some of the followers see it that way doesn't make it so. And just because some idiots who affiliate THEMSELVES with it engage in racism does not make it a racist party.








Idiots like the leader himself?








you know what visit the offical BNP website you can find it using google and just watch some of the Video's and stuff on there by Nick Griffin.... your find that if they do get in power that won't as many people think kill all the black people :roll: they just won't let any tom [bleep] or harry into the country from when they get in power :roll:

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This topic is yet more proof of human nature. People would rather nuke the problem, or put it in a big jar which is then sealed, buried and forgotten, then to do something about it.








You may call me naive, but I believe that in the end solidarity solves all problems, or atleast make them easier to solve.

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Oh yea, and here in the US, we have the exact same problem, illegal immigrants are taking jobs








What kind of a job would that be? Cleaning the sewers? You wouldn't even bother for such a job. They're not "taking" any jobs, they're filling the ones nobody else wants to do. I don't see any illegal immigrants as a manager of a corporation? It's pure stupidity if you can find NO job at all, there is always something for somebody (though some people think the jobs are "humiliating"). If you don't know how to get a job, get more education or start a business of your own.

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You're, not your.








I mean if you're going to bold it and everything...








Your is the possessive form of "you." You're is the contraction of "you are."








Maybe if you spent less time being a crazy * you'd (note the contraction) understand the language.








You're quite right. How I was an idiot enough to spell it like that makes me almost as sick as him. I'll go edit now.

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Let me start by saying I respect your view, and in no way find it a racist one.








That said, I do differ with your view. As a US citizen, I have watched our country become increasingly hostile to immigration. This does two things. First, it creates hostility between foreign citizens and the US, as they feel that the land of "liberty and justice for all" becomes "liberty and justice for some".




Secondly, it shirks our country's responsibility to the world. Major world powers, Britan included, have a responsibility to help the rest of the world. Many of the immigrants you talk about come from countries where they are brutalized, tortured, many have had family members killed. These people need a refuge.








To this, you respond that many of the immigrants become involved in crime, drugs, etc. Unfortunately, this just goes to make the case against you. The vast majority of these immigrants have next to no education and family. Right now in society, it is very hard for them to move up. Those that become criminals do so because British society (and the same happens in America) leaves them no room to get legitimate work.








While I understand your resentment of losing tax dollars to immigrants, Britan has a responsibility as a world power to help improve the world, and allowing immigration is a large part of that.

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Let me start by saying I respect your view, and in no way find it a racist one.








That said, I do differ with your view. As a US citizen, I have watched our country become increasingly hostile to immigration. This does two things. First, it creates hostility between foreign citizens and the US, as they feel that the land of "liberty and justice for all" becomes "liberty and justice for some".




Secondly, it shirks our country's responsibility to the world. Major world powers, Britan included, have a responsibility to help the rest of the world. Many of the immigrants you talk about come from countries where they are brutalized, tortured, many have had family members killed. These people need a refuge.








To this, you respond that many of the immigrants become involved in crime, drugs, etc. Unfortunately, this just goes to make the case against you. The vast majority of these immigrants have next to no education and family. Right now in society, it is very hard for them to move up. Those that become criminals do so because British society (and the same happens in America) leaves them no room to get legitimate work.








While I understand your resentment of losing tax dollars to immigrants, Britan has a responsibility as a world power to help improve the world, and allowing immigration is a large part of that.








Well, at least your not one of the people who hear someone talk about controlling immigration and slapping Nazi stickers all over them.








The point you seem to be missing though, if it's not possible for someone to get a job in the British society, why are they allowed in? Surely they should be job hunting somewhere where it is possible. It is the fault of the goverment, completely, and the goverment we have had for the last 8 years has as good as allowed hundreds of thousands of people to enter the country and do nothing beneficial for it.








I'd like to add that I see nothing wrong with the immigration concept as a whole, if a hardworking person from any other country wishes to come here, live and work as any normal person, if there is an opening I see no reason they should not. The goverment at the moment however simply lets anybody with a decent sob story about having had their nipples electrocuted for a few hours in their own country.

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Gah, you hit a raw nerve. Thoughout HighSchool I have crossed paths with seemingly endless completly-against-any-remote-types-of-racism people. They have lived in my small Wisconsin town of 2300 (which, I kid you not is 100% white) and they all get together and yell at anyone who says something remotly racist like "I wish I was black, I would be better at basketball, lol".








From my personal experiances and travels to various contries around the world, I have learned that generally:




-Asians are smarter,




-Blacks are more aggresive,




-Russians are solemn, and




-Mexicans work harder but don't care as much about apperance








If I was to say any of those at school I would literally be attacked by a mob of white women chanting "How can you say that?!?! I don't see how anyone can think a group of people is different from another group of people" :roll:








Personally, I let the facts speak for themselves








Blacks constitute only 12.9 percent of America's total population, but black prisoners account for 46 percent of the total in jail in the nation; approximately one in every five blacks is jailed for some time during his or her life.











The number of blacks in jail is greater than that of blacks at college. In 2000, about 800,000 blacks were in jail, compared with only 600,000 blacks registered in institutions of higher learning.








In California, 70percent of white children met the required educational attainment standard, compared with 86 percent of asian children, and 37 percent of black children











Who is a student at MIT: Current Students




Male 57%




Female 43%








35% White/Caucasian




33% Asian American




12% Hispanic




2% Native American




6% African American




13% Other/no response











I don't call myself a racist, but a realist. A racist is someone who puts a noose in the locker of a visiting black student. A realist is someone who just goes by the facts.

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Personally, I let the facts speak for themselves








Blacks constitute only 12.9 percent of America's total population, but black prisoners account for 46 percent of the total in jail in the nation; approximately one in every five blacks is jailed for some time during his or her life.











The number of blacks in jail is greater than that of blacks at college. In 2000, about 800,000 blacks were in jail, compared with only 600,000 blacks registered in institutions of higher learning.








In California, 70percent of white children met the required educational attainment standard, compared with 86 percent of asian children, and 37 percent of black children
















I don't call myself a racist, but a realist. A racist is someone who puts a noose in the locker of a visiting black student. A realist is someone who just goes by the facts.








It's not necessarily true, but those figures could all stem from racism: racist juries would likely vote against their target race; racist teachers might give children of other races a hard time, stopping them from getting as good an education; black people might find it difficult to get a job in a racist area, regardless of their qualifications. As I say, I'm not saying that's the case, but statistics aren't really useful in this sort of debate, as they can be interpreted it too many different ways.

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Everyone on this topic should see a cartoon called "The Hatta" which can be found on http://www.illwillpress.com/vault.html








The cartoon is located somewhere in the top left corner.

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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Personally, I let the facts speak for themselves








Blacks constitute only 12.9 percent of America's total population, but black prisoners account for 46 percent of the total in jail in the nation; approximately one in every five blacks is jailed for some time during his or her life.











The number of blacks in jail is greater than that of blacks at college. In 2000, about 800,000 blacks were in jail, compared with only 600,000 blacks registered in institutions of higher learning.








In California, 70percent of white children met the required educational attainment standard, compared with 86 percent of asian children, and 37 percent of black children
















I don't call myself a racist, but a realist. A racist is someone who puts a noose in the locker of a visiting black student. A realist is someone who just goes by the facts.








It's not necessarily true, but those figures could all stem from racism: racist juries would likely vote against their target race; racist teachers might give children of other races a hard time, stopping them from getting as good an education; black people might find it difficult to get a job in a racist area, regardless of their qualifications. As I say, I'm not saying that's the case, but statistics aren't really useful in this sort of debate, as they can be interpreted it too many different ways.








I see you're point on how juries can be biased towards blacks, but how does that explain the Asians? Asians have higher test scores and a large percentage of them go to Ivy League schools. They're not white, so how come they are not affected by "teacher bias towards other races"?








Again as stated above, Asians have higher test scores, so does this mean white teachers favor Asians over whites? No, it simply means Asians as a people do better on tests and have a higher value on education. Ergo, it is highly possible that blacks generally place less value on education and act as a whole more aggresively. This leads to more crimes commited in black neighborhoods and more arrests.








What doesn't make sence about that? Well besides the fact that I'm not politically correct. :roll:




[sarcasm]How dare I say something like that, someone might call me racist. [/sarcasm]

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Something just struck me trapical.. Maybe poverty and crime are linked? And then i got this crazy thought! If your family is poor, doesen't that give you a worse startingpoint thus increasing the chances of poverty later in your life? And then i got this far out idea: Maybe it ain't got anything to do with "race" whatsoever? Maybe everybody is equal and we are just a product of the society and family we grow up in?








Give it a thought.

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Mayby everyone is equal. And I see you way of thinking. However here we must agree to disagree, personally I think that gropus act different.




As a average, African Americans have larger noses then whites. This is a measured fact, and it has something to do with larger noses helping their ancestors breath easier when they lived in Africa. So even after just looking at noses, we can say that blacks are different then whites.




I'm not saying the brains are different, and I cannot say that certain races are born dumber then other races. Thats not true. However I can say this:








- Asians who lived in my old school were prejudiced against, people called them names. Also their family was poor, they had two parents working minimum wage jobs to feed their family of 6. The asian in my grade was ranked 2nd in our class and wanted to become a electrical engineer.








- Acording to your theory, he should be dumb since teachers are bias, and he should end up in poverty because his family was dirt poor.








- It is true, he could be the exception the the rule, and in fact he probably is. However, everyone's opinions are a product of their experiances.. Perhaps that is the reason why in my school people who never left their home town are extreme anti-racists, while others who have been to Mexico City, or Egypt, or Thailand tend to be slightly more "racist".

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I'm not saying the brains are different, and I cannot say that certain races are born dumber then other races. Thats not true.








Thank you, then we are on the same level :wink:








- Asians who lived in my old school were prejudiced against, people called them names. Also their family was poor, they had two parents working minimum wage jobs to feed their family of 6. The asian in my grade was ranked 2nd in our class and wanted to become a electrical engineer.








- Acording to your theory, he should be dumb since teachers are bias, and he should end up in poverty because his family was dirt poor.








- It is true, he could be the exception the the rule, and in fact he probably is.








I, like you, describe a general phenomen. I say that the stereotype is built on social status etc rather than race. He would then be an exception. Studies in Sweden shows that people from academic families tend to get a long education, rather then people from working class families.

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I see you're point on how juries can be biased towards blacks, but how does that explain the Asians? Asians have higher test scores and a large percentage of them go to Ivy League schools. They're not white, so how come they are not affected by "teacher bias towards other races"?








Again as stated above, Asians have higher test scores, so does this mean white teachers favor Asians over whites? No, it simply means Asians as a people do better on tests and have a higher value on education. Ergo, it is highly possible that blacks generally place less value on education and act as a whole more aggresively. This leads to more crimes commited in black neighborhoods and more arrests.








What doesn't make sence about that? Well besides the fact that I'm not politically correct. :roll:




[sarcasm]How dare I say something like that, someone might call me racist. [/sarcasm]








Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to say that what you said isn't true, or anything. Anyway, about asians doing well in education: it could be siad that most asians families in america moved over there of their own accord, to make money; whereas, a large amount of the black families are there because of the slave trade. Now, I'm about to be horrendously politically incorrect by saying this, and don't take my word for it anyone--I'm just trying to make a point, and it's probably not true--but the fact that the asians moved over there to do well, and the blacks moved over there because they were taken there could sugegst that the asians that moved there were generally more intelligent people. Not to suggest that black people who were brought as slaves aren't intelligent, but most of the asians there would be, as they'd only have come if they were going to do well. Besides which, racism against blacks is far common that against asians; at least, it is here.








Anyway, I hope you didn't take what I said as my calling you racist, or anything like that; I didn't mean to. As I said, I'm not trying to suggest that what I've been saying is true, either. Nor was I trying to say that what you wrote didn't make sense; it does. I'm just saying that they're not "the facts", they're just "the figures". I'm stopping with this now, as I'm probably just agrivating people needlessly.

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Well said Pete and bs_johannes. I als admire the fact that this forum can take a subject as touchy as this and debate it politely without flames and pointless arguments.
















Some people are better at not flaming giving pointless arguments and being polite, then others:) *cough*








Altho i have my bad moments as well. Religion is a hot potato...

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