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EPISODE 5 COMPLETE-Runescape: A Reality


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Yeah, Firemaking is sweet.
















How many times is Firemaking said in the first movie? How about Fire?































Almost said one other time.




Written once aswell.




8) 8)




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I feel such a vast outpouring of love from all of you. And that actuallty wasn't sarcastic. For once in my life.








Dare I point out, Peter, that 1) you were the one who caused the "security leak", and 2) if you're embarrased by it WHY IS IT UP ON THE INTERNET.




In additon, as I type this, I seriously doubt that the juniors willl be equipped to hijack the projector. And if they do, we shall ascend to heights of awsomeness prevously unheard of. Or be taunted. But hey: if I cared what people thought about me, I would have to live in a perpetually sad and demented little world.








Well, I do now, but that's just because I'm criminally insane. :twisted:

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Do one on like, stupid trade offers (real life)




One person holds out a set of full rune, and the other reaches down in his pocket and pulls out some bread and chicken :D

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Yessssssss... more lengthy paragraph-form information from Minty... I'm sure you're all just so excited.




Yeah see we didn't film this weekend even though it was time (we had been in an every-other-week pattern). Now that the juniors and everyone else in our entire school knows about us we need to do our absolute best. Our feedback from non-RuneScape players has been something along the lines of "what the hell was all that crud at the end? Did you mess up the editing or something? Are you that stupid? Don't make me pwn u."




This week Peter and I brought in lightsabers to school and got into a fight in the courtyard, drawing about 100 spectators. Turns out there's a security camera out there, wouldn'tcha know... so we wanna ask the security guy for the tape so we can put it up on the web. He prolly can't give it to us cause our school's run by a bunch of up-tight suits.




In any case I read all the suggestions, and would like to reprimand my friends for complaining about not getting any ideas from you people cause you're giving them.




The trouble about the suggestions, though all the ideas I really like, is that those who don't play RS won't get it and we'll be ridiculed by friends and family. So as you may have noticed, we tried to move out of RS-specific situations and more into things that those who don't play the game could relate to (particularly in Episode 3).




Unfortunately we've exhausted our store of all-audiences humor (which actually only included going downtown in armor) in the last film. It may take some time before we're able to come up with something else, and if we can't, then we may have to resort to actually giving our film a plot. But I don't think that's a move any of us are prepared to make. (<--- That's a joke. Haha? Just making sure you knew... My humor is pretty dry.)




Speaking of dry humor, a number of people at school have asked us if we're kidding or not in our films. And here I was thinking it was completely obvious... so I'll spell it out for you. WE'RE KIDDING. Thank you.












...So what was the point I was trying to make with this post?

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Oh, gosh Minty........... :roll:




At the moment, nothing comes to mind. (To help you out :wink: )












*dramatic silence*












ok, I forgot what I was gonna post but I have to post it later cuz my cat is stuck in the tree next to my window and "screaming" if you can call it that. so ill brb. *grabs shotgun* :shock: :roll:




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There was one other universally funny idea...




But involved one of us (Peter) as a princess.








Which would have killed our entire fan base instantly. As in, actually killed them.








Perhaps we must, driven by necessity, return RSR to its Runescape-based roots. There simply aren't enought video-game chicḫ̩̉̉s (did I spell that right?) to play off of.








Or, if we get really desperate, we CAN release our "candid interview" footage, which we filmed but then discarded based on the fact that we though people would find it boring. Perhaps if we included a disclamer "LONG CLIPS AHEAD. NOT FOR THE EASILY BORED."

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Oh. So one of my posts got deleted. Apparently saying the big H-E-double-hockey-sticks is a no-no on this forum. I scoff at the mod who deleted it, whoever it was. OH MY [religious figure] HE SAID [H-E-double-hockey sticks] ! Personally I think i should have gotten banned for that. Cause man. that's a pretty bad word.




[Religious figure] I had some good info in that last post too, [expletive]! I got into how i was gonna ask the security guy to release the tape of Peter's and my lightsaber fight, held in the courtyard at our school which drew about 80 spectators. But the chances he'll give it to me aren't good.




And then I was saying how most people didn't like the RS footage usually included in our videos. I was quoting someone and said the big H-E-double-hockey-sticks. In any case they don't like it so much. At least not the way it was presented in episode 3.




Oh by the way, I'd like to make it known that under no circumstances will Michael's idea of releasing those interviews come to pass. Those interviews were so GOSH DARN bad they can just go to HECK (nice word usage there i thought).

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Oh. So one of my posts got deleted. Apparently saying the big H-E-double-hockey-sticks is a no-no on this forum. I scoff at the mod who deleted it, whoever it was. OH MY [religious figure] HE SAID [H-E-double-hockey sticks] ! Personally I think i should have gotten banned for that. Cause man. that's a pretty bad word.




[Religious figure] I had some good info in that last post too, [expletive]! I got into how i was gonna ask the security guy to release the tape of Peter's and my lightsaber fight, held in the courtyard at our school which drew about 80 spectators. But the chances he'll give it to me aren't good.




And then I was saying how most people didn't like the RS footage usually included in our videos. I was quoting someone and said the big H-E-double-hockey-sticks. In any case they don't like it so much. At least not the way it was presented in episode 3.




Oh by the way, I'd like to make it known that under no circumstances will Michael's idea of releasing those interviews come to pass. Those interviews were so GOSH DARN bad they can just go to HECK (nice word usage there i thought).








Oh know, you posted the H-double-matchsticks? Have they come to your house yet?








Guys, if you want more movies, we need new ideas for us to do. Maybe not as heavily related to RS, but something funny to players and non players.

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That was funny to watch them all.








I reckon in the next version you should focus more on the real life interaction.








Things which could be funny.








1) Asking a vicar where you can recharge your prayer points.




2) Going to a public place and continuously shout out "buying chicken" or something.




3) Try and make the public make a "train" - ie - where one person follows the other.




4) Wear high quality stuff (runescape wise) - eg, party hats, and go to a posh french restaurant where the waiters and waitresses wear berets and make a big deal about how your hats are better.




5) You appear to live on a golf course - i am jealous.









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Hmmm... Those are good ideas, but going out in public was actually a really draining expierience. Plus, the vicar in #1 would probably try to exorcize the pagan demons from our poor, heathen souls so we are saved from eternal [H-E-double-hocky/match-stick]fire.








Still, the opportunity to taunt a vicar is an attractive one.




I may be [insert deity here!]-less, but I'm not that cruel. Or self-assured.

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Wow...you look pretty freaking rich. House on the lake, nice yard, house looked expensive from the back and the nice tv.








Didn't find it humorous at all. Take a lesson from those guys who did the phone call. You need public, clueless people to get some hilarity. Right now it's just sad with people who have too much time on their hands.

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Wow...you look pretty freaking rich. House on the lake, nice yard, house looked expensive from the back and the nice tv.








Didn't find it humorous at all. Take a lesson from those guys who did the phone call. You need public, clueless people to get some hilarity. Right now it's just sad with people who have too much time on their hands.








I think you're jelous because of the first things you listed....Obviously you have a very different sense of humour than the rest of us.

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Wow...you look pretty freaking rich. House on the lake, nice yard, house looked expensive from the back and the nice tv.








Didn't find it humorous at all. Take a lesson from those guys who did the phone call. You need public, clueless people to get some hilarity. Right now it's just sad with people who have too much time on their hands.








I think you're jelous because of the first things you listed....Obviously you have a very different sense of humour than the rest of us.








Actually, I was going to go a whole 'nother way when I started my response, but decided to atleast be constructive. And, yes, with maturity does come a better sense of humor.








Any chance you could add some effects? Maybe put the health bars? I don't know, seems like you should have the game layout just real people inside. Set up scenes like you'd find in the game, since that seems to be your main focus: Encountering a noob and finally getting to give him what he deserves, Messing with a scammer, You know, humorous situations.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hiya Guys!








Well, I have news on the one, the only, the new and the crazily pointless installment of Runescape A Reality, this one's episode four!








I haven't run the idea of resuming filming by Michael or Minty yet, but I'm sure they'll be eager.








One thing I can promise you though is much more general humor. We began as a Runescape-oriented movie, but I think that broadening our horizons wouldn't hurt a bit. 4100 hits on the site can't be wrong!








We will keep you updated on the progress in RSR 4 as always because you all, the fans (and Ryan, just kidding man, you have good ideas) are the ones that make it happen.








May the firemaking be with you,





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