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Blocked from paying with Credit Card :/


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Heya people, went to my account information and it says that I'm blocked from using credit card to pay for member.




I knew before that I was blocked from using pay by phone and pay by sms, but I didn't know that from Credit Card too.




Anyone had similar experience? Does it mean that I will be never able to buy myself a memership or what? :S since I joined rs community in 2003







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With new billing system possible to cancel member subscription just having credit card information & without any Runescape username or password knowledge is really great security update and if you use parents credit card maybye they prevented from it usage on RS ;)




Now owner of credit card can easy chancel any membership and can see for what nicknames membership he pay and he can select to chancel just some not all, now all control CC owner ;)




I suggest to try to ask Jagex support about your credit card if you are owner of that CC and if it don't help then go to bank and ask to change credit card number "Please change my credit card number because i can't play Runescape!" :D

Suggestion: You can use Anchor on Waterfiends - is cheap if to compare to GS & effective with crush attack & it hit like Whip.


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What I meant was:




I'm blocked from buying membership with a credit card, pay by phone, pay by sms.




Blocked by Jagex.




Yeah I have sent em a query about billing. No answer after long time. Few days ago I sent them an email (there's their adress in account info about billing questions too) no answer yet.




That's why I'm here asking you for advice. Because I wanna get myself membership as the exams are almost over but I cant because I'm not ALLOWED BY JAGEX to.





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the reason is....










jagex doesn't trust your money. Basically a fradulent payment may have been made on your acct, or using the same email or credit card before, and now jagex just doesnt want to lose their precious monies.

I require hugs. Seriously, just give them to me, and youll see your little turtle again.



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the reason is....


jagex doesn't trust your money. Basically a fradulent payment may have been made on your acct, or using the same email or credit card before, and now jagex just doesnt want to lose their precious monies.




Well I mean it's odd. I was member ages ago, after that I had no problems , I could've bought myself another month of membership. And now after long break I can't.




P.S. WHat's wallie card? How do you get it and where? :/




I would hate to be forced to create another account after what I've done :(








Hm what about PayPal, send money to PayPal account and use it to pay for membership?

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It may not be personal at all, though. Some online vendors will not take credit cards from certain countries.




Notable locations where CC fraud is prevalent:




* Romania


* Indonesia


* Singapore


* Ghana (a rising star of fraud!)


* Ukraine


* Uganda


* Nigeria


* Hungary


* Belarus


* Estonia


* Latvia


* Lithuania


* Slovak Republic


* Russia


* Yugoslavia


* Macedonia


* Phillipines


* Thailand


* Malaysia




It may be a blanket ban that is biting you.

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Alright that might explain it ... - Lithuania. The last time i bought myself membership with Visa Electron debit card was about 2.5 years ago or so and I still lived there...




Probably I'll get E-GOld or smething like that. :ohnoes:

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