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<3 Dragon Kngs Blog <3 Died at GWD >= (

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Welcome to the nubs blog. Please read your way through my useless introductions, piccys and such rubbish as I saw fit to grace the land of blogscape.




[hide=RL intorduction]


I am a 15 year old male from the UK. I wub runescape and all my wubly blogscaper friends. I love swimming, and various other sports, but I do NOT like watching sports like football, cricket, baseball, ect. Its bring when you cant play it yourself. I also have four sisters, so don't expect me to be the kindest person. I had to get tough to survive them.






[hide=RS introduction]


I am a very old runescape player, a veteran of six years runescaping. However, I quit during the years of 2002 - 2004, so when I quit, I gave a friend the useless junk from my level 19 bank. A few p hat SETS left my company that day, and I have never had one since. I came back in 2004, bored of the computer, and looking for something to play. Then I found runescape again. Now that rs2 was out, I could figure out what I was doing 8-), and I worked from there on my old account from rsc days. Sadly, I forgot the password on it around early 2006 after going on holiday, so I made dragonkng198. Although I remembered the password to my old account, I couldnt be bothered to work on it, as dragonkng198 had already surpassed it in every skill.[/hide]










Ill post a new skill screenshot every 2 months. I am VERY bad at skilling. :thumbsup:






My main goal has got to be a quest cape :shock:. Dont expect me to get it straight away, as like I said earlier above, I am not a skiller. -.-


[hide=Quests left till cape]


Back to my roots


Devious minds


Fairy tale part 2


Grim tales


Land of the goblins


Rag and bone man (2nd part)




Then I think my other goal is all skills to +60 :ohnoes:


As you can see from the Skills piccy, I got a long way to go, but thats the point of a goal! \'






















[hide=My nooby bank!]








[hide=Nooby pics by meee!]




Most ever tears




My gf wasnt happy with me




Cheese! With Paulin50




Cat pwnage




I'm famous! Woot!




The sandwhich lady has met her match!




I r very friendly person :twisted:




Make my day pl0x!




And the best ever drop I have had EVER! \'








Had a decent start to the day. Did another avianses trip, sold the addy bars, got a rubbish clue as usual


Then, at avianses, I dont know what happened to the runescape lag. At avianses, I turned on my range prayer, and it turned on meele prayer. I clicked once again on range prayer, but it didnt do anything. By then, the avianses were pwning me, and I dont bring food to them. I clicked in desperation on a tele, but the lag wouldnt tele me. I died.


Respawned in camelot with my barrows gloves, ring of wealth, and fire battlestaff. I ran back as fast as I could to the avianses with a trollheim tele, a full inv of lobbies, and a prayer pot. As I got to my grave marker, I died again. In desperation again, I repeated my dash back, and managed to pick up the stuff from my grave, but once again, I died before I could tele. I respawned in camelot for the third time in less than 5 minutes. Just as I respawned for the third time, my grave marker collapses. I hate avianses at the moment :evil:.


Lose in total:


Saradomin mitre, Zamarok stole, red d hide chaps, monk robe top, 20k bone bolts, bone crossbow, arvas accumalter, snakeskin boots, 124 addy bars, 56k cash from alchs, fire battlestaff, 100+ nats, around 16 full prayer potions, clue scroll.






And last but not least...






I dont need them, but any donations are much apreciated.




Given by a random guy who decided to do Great Brain Robbery with me. He said I was such a good help, I deserved a reward.




And a donation from a blogscape resident narbcake! <3 I wub paul!






Special Thanks! :mrgreen:


As this blog is quite young, there arent many people I can thank, but in particular, I would like to thank Paul <3


He has kept my blog alive for as long as he could, and is my most dedicated poster. I wub you pauly!




Thanks for taking the time to read my entire nub blog. Please post and tell me what a nub, me, my goals, bank, stats, and piccys are!


Woot for wubage!




P.S. I no like smiley limit =(

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Hi dragon froob <3:<3:




Sorry i had to go earlier :x




But good luck on your goals and nice blog <3:




Thanks leet nub <3:




*gives NinjaChicken a cookie*




*sends Theoknight2 a cookie as well :mrgreen:*




*druels over the sight of his cookie*




*gives dragon a cookie* <3:

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