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What would YOU like to see in runescape?

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A quest where you can't use a guide so that it gives a challenge to everybody. With a nifty reward ofcourse.. An impossible dream tho








They wanted to come out with randomly generated quests. But they apparently didn't realize how difficult that would be to implement. Difficult, but it's not impossible...








I was gonna say, they did mention it in that upcoming updates news item from last year (which has now been edited by remving all references to any timeline. The one where farming and carpentry were announced).








I just hope their idea of randomly generated quests isn't "kill so many " or "get me xxx ". I'd be mad if it was. Better if they don't try actually...








Off the top of my head, the first idea would be for runescape to be time based. A central or self based time, where certain events and random weather or other things happen based on what time it is during the day, and if you're on certain times different things will happen, to add more variety. Maybe getting more tunas than lobsters fishing in the morning, and vice versa in the night for example. Also a sky, and weather based on that same thing. Maybe if it was raining water spells would do more damage, or if it was hot or in the desert fire spells would be more effective. At that note, maybe making certain npc's that are weak to certain elements.




One more thing - range armor having a negative melee attack bonus.








I see a problem with that. Central time: people play RS all over the world. Some players will never or rarely see a specific part of a RuneScape day. Self-based: well same thing really, players go to school, work... etc, and tend to play at the same time. There's an easy solution for it though: make a RuneScape day that is not 24h. That way it won't match our real-life patterns and we'll all get to experience various times of an RS day. Would be a bit of a pain though if you need lobbies right now (following your example) and they're harder to fish because of the time of day. That's an idea worth evolving though.












Anyway, I like some of the ideas posted here so I won't repeat them.








Here's another: an offline messaging system. But here's the trick: incorporate it inside the game instead of making it a boring offline addition. Create post offices (just like we have banks now) in the game. Give the opportunity to players to send messages to each other when offline. But not items. Because then we could all transfer items between several of our own chars, which is explicetely forbidden (no interaction between one player's different characters: it gives an unfair advantage. Ex: my lvl 100 combat gives full rune to my noob miner or whatever...). It would also cut down on the amount of players trying to bend the rules by giving each others websites, e-mail addresses and IM handles. It could have an On/Friends Only/Off option just like online messaging (aka Private Messages).

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Some (if not all) of these have been posted...but my favorites are








-clan support








-friend to friend offline messaging system (only if your both added to prevent a million noob messages every so often)








-The kalphite queen made easier again...








-an extention to prayer (useful higher lvl prayers)








- finish off the elven lands (and make them usefull, provide a teleport, dont screw up on making them useful...)

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Ocean Based Activities -








Like being able to ride on boats travel to islands do more quests and kill tropical monsters... also monsters in the water like eels and such.








Maybe even a wilderness area in the water and you can have your clan travel on a ship and attack a clan on another ship (clan wars) and not allowing people who have died to board your ship again.








Feedback? :P

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Ocean Based Activities -








Like being able to ride on boats travel to islands do more quests and kill tropical monsters... also monsters in the water like eels and such.








Maybe even a wilderness area in the water and you can have your clan travel on a ship and attack a clan on another ship (clan wars) and not allowing people who have died to board your ship again.








Feedback? :P








Awesome Idea...just not sure how it could be implemented well enough.

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That would introduce a whole new concept to RS.








You could be pirates, you and your pirate friends could buy boats, repair it etc... When it's finished, you could all get on, and travel to distant lands, or if you see another pirate ship, you can have yourself a little fight :P

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er.. include teleport portals from town to town.. to facilitate junior players who subscribe p2p the moment they start the game.. so that they won't be penalised for low mage lvl..

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We need more quests for F2P, more spells for F2P, more skills!!!!








For one this is the P2P board, and for to... pay for it? It is no different then recieving a demo for a new PS2 game and then when you run out of things to do on it you ask why you didn't get the entire game for free...


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We need more quests for F2P, more spells for F2P, more skills!!!!








For one this is the P2P board, and for to... pay for it? It is no different then recieving a demo for a new PS2 game and then when you run out of things to do on it you ask why you didn't get the entire game for free...








PWNED!! :lol:








ability to have a fat character (like those fat npcs) ;p








watch out with that, you might take up 2 square's




*points out dragon hally spec*

^^Yeah, and im writing a book about it!^^

Bounty Hunter is nothing more than a lame ass excuse not to say there is no PKing.


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1) POH&POS could be implemented in one location. You'd have the shop set up in your house. It would be like a bank, but with max items at 5 and if your not home they can still buy it. In the house have mantels that allow you to display trophy items I.E. Party hats, Armour, other rare like items, gutted fish, ect.








2) Time because its not as hard as it sounds. Every 3 real min= 1 game hour or something like that. Its in a lot of the newer games and it would enhance the over all mechanics of the game.








3) Auction House. I know too much like ffxi, but this would clear up a lot of lag in varrock because people would be able to check to see what items are being sold at an AH instead of asking a bunch of people to buy an item. This would also stablelize prices on items.








4) More items like silver light. For Instance, fire-sword would be equivalent to rune long when fighting ice creatures or has a 1% chance of setting you enemy on fire (dmg like poison), Ice-sword would have the power of adam long but have the ability to freeze you opponent (like stun but cold causes dmg). or make enchanted rune and up items that would have the same effect as the less powerful enchanted items above, but have to go through a bunch of stuff to get them- Hardest Quest.








5) Races without any special enhancements; only for looks with the ability to be able to change what race you are. This work kind of like the mark-over mage, but would cost a lot more (maybe 30k). Possible name of shop- Soul-exchanger








7) Clan system that allows you to be in more than one clan(such as a necklace or a cape that allows you to enter the clan chat on the game) When you enter the wilderness, castle wars, ect you have to pick which clan you are going to fight with. The clan that you are in would be next to your name and would be seen by other people and you'll only be able to attack people out side the clan (kind of like the cape system they have now). Actually being able to wear clan capes would be best with runescape. Each clan would have its own color of cape (which would be worn like a normal cape) and name (that would be visible when you put the courser over someone). The clan master would have the same color cape but with a white star in the center, officers (or people that can invite others to the clan but can destroy it) would have something similar. The capes would be tradable and have a symbol for the rank that a person is in the clan (nothing= member to star= master aka creator).








8) New Fetchale items for houses








9) Making the strongest monstersbe able to drop the tradeable rare items to lower their price. Well at least p.hats thats the main problem. Or have a vender that sells them at a cheep price and that also sell the non-tradeable items. These non-tradeable items would still be non trade able but they give us item collectors a second chance. Perhaps another Hardest style quest to be able to use the vendor.












As a side note, I think random quest are going to come out with the opening of the dwarf city since they said that shop keepers may ask people to do small errands for them. Sorry to who ever said that they hope thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s its not lie "destroy blank monster and bring this item to blank."

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As a side note, I think random quest are going to come out with the opening of the dwarf city since they said that shop keepers may ask people to do small errands for them. Sorry to who ever said that they hope thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s its not lie "destroy blank monster and bring this item to blank."








Yeah that would be me. I posted that here a couple days before they announced that. I really hope it had nothing to do with what their idea of randomly generated quests. Because this would get boring quickly. Then again I don't know what kind of errands they're gonna ask, but if they used the word errands and not quests, I doubt it'll be much more than just that. Errands. Well, we'll see, I guess.

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I like many of the ideas so far :)




1) Pirate wars (That is the bomb. I LOVE pirates!)




2) New hairstyles. Totally, I want the barbarian woman's hairstyle :)




3) Faces. Don't like looking like everyone else. Maybe eye color or something. And different skin colors. Like white, green, blue. Weird colors, 'cause I like weird stuff.




4) Races. How cool would it be to be a fairy? Lol. I always thought it would add more variety if players could choose different races.




5) Sound and voices. If you were playing on high detail you could choose a voice that people could hear and for when you talked to NPC. I'd love to hear the chef wailing about how he didn't bake a cake. :lol: Of course, in crowded areas, people wouldn't hear your voice as it would overload the systems. And you could turn the voice option on and off, along with being able to read along.








And those be the ideas I liked/came up with. :D

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