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My New Sig... it lacks something


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oh, and kenny... he could have put it into more constructive terms. The way he blatently put it sounded very rude and arrogant. I know he is a great pixler, and I am not saying he isn't, and I know he is well known on this board... but the first impression I got of him was him being a jerk.








It was though, very nice of you to stick up for him, that earns some respect in my book just for being loyal








Zonda there is some things with your sig, so heres some CC you wanted.








First of all the shading is more or less 'gradient style' which is going from light to dark no matter the posistion of the object, and not even all of it has shading, if your going to do shading (here comes my term) dont be lazy and finish off what youve started, the anatomy is nice (ignoring the fact that the old man in the sig isnt very attractive, usually a strong young man would suffice but none the less it was drawn well and thats what counts, right?) The attempt of floating blood in the ocean is a nice touch however i suggest that you dont do this kind of thing because most of the time its a failed attempt to blend it (in pixel anyway) the belt is very straight, make it have some life other than a kind of cardboard box, the sun... the sun should be probably either in the sky (judging by the sky color) or if its sundown, the sky would be more of a purple and the water would be sparkling, making everything darker, the dock is out of perspective and looks like its a ramp or something, but you almost got it, choose better text, and put it in a better place, do some shading in the sky and... thats about it.











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To quote what someone else already said, it lacks talent.








Considering this is my second sig ever...








You can still See if there is any talent evident from the get-go.








Either way, it is just an opinion








I would like to see your first or second sig... I took a gander at the sig you have now and didn't like it at all :?








That is my opinion...


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First sig in Photoshop:
















First 3 pixel sigs (not in order):




































If you wan't I'll have a graphics battle or whatever. Sorry to act all nooby but I'm tired and I took offense to what you said.

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I think it looks just fine. Axeradier loves to poke fun at everyone and take a high position because of the signatures he spents an hour on. I think you did a good job and with a little more practice it could look better, but a great second sig (I think it's your second)?. Anyways, J Rod, he does have talent. WAY more talent then what you displayed with your pixels. WAY more talent in reading and knowing what he was asking for. I don't see anything I DON'T like about it really, Zonda, other then the fact that there are black outlines somewhere and colored outlines somewhere. It looks a little odd, but a good attempt. :)

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J rod, I am not attempting to flame anyone, just simply stating that when everyone starts off they arn't the best right off the bat... afterall, you have to crawl before you can walk :wink:








Anyways, as usual, thanks punkage. I guess I am done with the sig now, I don't know what else I could do, at least not within the limitations that I have.








Thanks everyone for both the positive and negative feedback, it is good to be able to express yourself and your opinion :wink:


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