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Solutions to keep noobs from stealing flag and ruining game?


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I am not sure what kind of sultion they might could come up with for this. But it drives my insane when noobs get flag run out and die with it. Cause then other team has flag and your screwed.








Anyone have any ideas for solutions to this problem?!

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no way to pick up your own flag no matter what...








only way really...








or have it only the average level of players and up can take it








so say we have lvls:




































only level 64 and up can take the flag.. to prevent the 12 and 25 form stealing...








even id 64 is a low level.. it will prevent th 12 form running out with it and getting hit like a 17 and die...

Long since retired.

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Like maximus said the only way to prevent this happening would make it so you can't pick up your own teams flag, then it doesnt matter if newbs get it and die because another of your team could juts pick it back up.




Maybe another idea is that if someone on your team dies with the flag it returns to the enemies base but cannot be taken for like 30 seconds or something, to punish your team for dying with it. That's the only solution i can come up with.


'The' Clan

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Yah it pains me to say this because I do it all the time. But the flag holding thing really has got to go.








At the minimum there should *atleast* be a time limit on how long you can hold before it automatically returns to base.

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Yea it is.








It's part of the game, it's supposed to be. If your team drops their flag and someone gets it on their team, you need to kill them in order to score more. I often kill people, take the flag, and am never killed. It's part of the game and I enjoy it. Do you complain when it's your side with their own flag? Didn't think so.

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  • 2 years later...

I think Castle Wars should have worlds for 3+, 50+ and 90+ kinda like the way pest control has the three boats. It annoys me when there lots of level 3 noobs dropping rocks killing lv 100's who can just get KOed easily. They never seem to try and get flag or protect base just try and do 99 damage in one-hit.




Posting power has gone away will hopefully be back by tomorrow.

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God. This is meant to be a fun game for all. Stop bringing Nazi elements into everything.






It's like in real life capture the flag. When you play, you have people who are good at sports and people who are bad at sports. Thus, if the more 'athletically challenged' people get the flag, naturally they will be pwned by the sports people on the other team. Does this mean that the PE teacher should go around saying that the 'athletically challenged' people can't get the flag? No! It's a fact of life, and I'm sure that losing one time on a Java minigame because of another player's stupidity really doesn't matter that much anyway. These people learn by experience, after all.


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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well if ppl would actually protect their bases noobs wouldnt get to the flag room :wink:
EXACTLY stop whinging

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I think it was a good idea that was said before. If you can hold your flag for 30 seconds without dying, your flag gets ported to your base. Maybe we can have half of the worlds like this and the other half kept as-is? I think that this is fair.

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Everyone has the right to play castle wars, even the low levels.




So quit being arrogant. Chances are, you're probably just as low level compared to me as those guys are to you, but you don't see me whining about you taking the flag.




And I think someone said it's impossible to take your own flag. That's not true at all. If you kill someone on the opposing team who was holding your flag (the flag of your own team's god) while they are outside of your castle then you have a few seconds to pick up the flag and "flag hold." This means that until you die and someone from the opposing team gets the flag, the other team won't be able to score.



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