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Guide to Defending in Barbarian Assault


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1.) Intro


2.) Starting Off


3.) Hansel and Gretel, exceptÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ EwwÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ WormsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ


4.) CHOMP CHOMPÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã

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I use a method similar to that, but you shouldn't be missing those calls early in the game, the reason you have probably had so many bad experiences with healers. Rather then make them really mad and try to compensate for it later, sacrifice a little and horn.




Your healer will be getting a little irritated from that small break of calling, so help him out (though he shouldnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t really be going for the penance healers that early except for in the first few levelsÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ã
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Sorry, but as i can see, i put tons of emphasis on calling whenever possible, so i didn't think that missing one chance to call would cause whoever is using this guide to be kicked out, but i'll make a minor change. I havn't really had that many bad experiences with healers, but i know that they will get ticked off if you don't call as quickly as possible (which actually applies to most of the positions). I've only really had a team of all 80+ a few times, so i always find myself focusing on healing for the first half of the game whenever I am the healer. I don't really poison them over and over until some of the later levels because they won't die from a single poison. I've also made it clear that I am not the level 48. And as for your comment, it is actually quite easy for a 48 to get into a team, as being the leader. I'm sure that he called plenty, as for the majority of the time playing i was the healer on his team.

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One more thing I forgot to mention, if possible bring Excalibur for the special and Guthans for wave 10. Even as a really low level, bringing Excalibur at least shows that you are smart with what you use at your disposal. And I just love being able to heal myself on wave 10 :D

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One more thing I forgot to mention, if possible bring Excalibur for the special and Guthans for wave 10. Even as a really low level, bringing Excalibur at least shows that you are smart with what you use at your disposal. And I just love being able to heal myself on wave 10 :D




But you can't attack unless your an attacker.




So I'd only be useful for that role, unless that's what your talking about.

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One more thing I forgot to mention, if possible bring Excalibur for the special and Guthans for wave 10. Even as a really low level, bringing Excalibur at least shows that you are smart with what you use at your disposal. And I just love being able to heal myself on wave 10 :D




But you can't attack unless your an attacker.




So I'd only be useful for that role, unless that's what your talking about.




You don't need to attack anything to use Excalibur, and I said Guthans was only good for wave 10 (when there is lots of competition for defending and this gives you an advantage)

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Not bad guide at all. Although myself I defend by using different method (

of my defending). However, your defending style will work as good even when game is very laggy whilst my style is harder to do when it is laggy.




But, I have to disagree with you of what you say of healers. When I am healer myself, I always start by poisoning as many healers as I can and fill my healing vial and heal people AFTER poisoning. This method will make completing waves much faster. It is just fact that (especially during waves 1-7) most people don't need healing during first minute. And it takes just that 1 minute to poison most of the healers IF calling is good. Although, if defender doesn't call I usually just guess right poison as healer because guessing wrong food doesn't give too much penalties (unlike in attacker role).




Actually, only role where you really need good calling is just attacker role (I don't say details of this if you don't want).




One thing you could add in your guide is that 1st food is never crackers, it is either worms or tofu. And another thing: If you see that someone in your team is not calling, you should go to use horn of glory after you are finished instead of shooting. It is also better safe spot than egg launcher platform.




If someone in your team stinks, you could of course go to tell him what to do after you have done your own job. For example, if collector doesn't call, it is not too hard to tell him that he have to right click horn and choose the one that reads next to mouth symbol in top right corner. And tell him to repeat it everytime when it changes. Some people get it fast, some people don't :P Anyway, it is worth trying as it will make ba a little better place for everyone (= 1 noob less getting other people nervous).




This is all this time :P




Or.. almost all, try to avoid writing so long paragraphs. They make text harder to read :)

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Not bad guide at all. Although myself I defend by using different method (
of my defending). However, your defending style will work as good even when game is very laggy whilst my style is harder to do when it is laggy.




But, I have to disagree with you of what you say of healers. When I am healer myself, I always start by poisoning as many healers as I can and fill my healing vial and heal people AFTER poisoning. This method will make completing waves much faster. It is just fact that (especially during waves 1-7) most people don't need healing during first minute. And it takes just that 1 minute to poison most of the healers IF calling is good. Although, if defender doesn't call I usually just guess right poison as healer because guessing wrong food doesn't give too much penalties (unlike in attacker role).




Actually, only role where you really need good calling is just attacker role (I don't say details of this if you don't want).




One thing you could add in your guide is that 1st food is never crackers, it is either worms or tofu. And another thing: If you see that someone in your team is not calling, you should go to use horn of glory after you are finished instead of shooting. It is also better safe spot than egg launcher platform.




If someone in your team stinks, you could of course go to tell him what to do after you have done your own job. For example, if collector doesn't call, it is not too hard to tell him that he have to right click horn and choose the one that reads next to mouth symbol in top right corner. And tell him to repeat it everytime when it changes. Some people get it fast, some people don't :P Anyway, it is worth trying as it will make ba a little better place for everyone (= 1 noob less getting other people nervous).




This is all this time :P




Or.. almost all, try to avoid writing so long paragraphs. They make text harder to read :)








Nice video:)

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