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Maple logs even worth it now?


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Everyone is plonking 10 workers on maples atm to gather eggs for summoning irrespective of the price of maples. The seeds and nests along with profit from coal/flax means that you always make a profit from MTK, and walk away with free maples/flax, or seeds ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Ãâ take your pick.




What he said. The maples dont matter because its not the maples I am after




I want the seeds and eggs. The maples are an after thought I dont care about. The only annoying thing is they will use up a slot in exchange for a few months. Most people are waiting for summoning to be released then claim incase they release any new content in the nests. As soon as its released I will claim the eggs that are atleast already existant and the massive amount of seeds. The 100-200k maples I get dont matter.. I will try to sell them at the lowest price jagex allows me to though on their free market.

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if you need for firemaking, then use willows instead, as that is allmost same xp i think. 90-135.. ehm nothing forget it, but if you are short on money, then use willow

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