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Those pesky private eyes...tisk tisk tisk... EDIT2:MORE PICS


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well this is my return to tip.it for a while...








Well as none of you know, like 7 months ago i was hit by a car, hit and run thing... u know...well anyways were taking them to court so they want evidence of fraud... or something...well here it goes








Not to long ago, i was siting here at my computer and my mom calls me up...




Mom: Theres a man in a car out front of Marks house (mark is our neighbor), dont awser the door for anyone...




Me: ok, sure....








(me im armed, 6'3" 14 years old, DE varsity team... i can take ppl down ya know... lol so i ignored this... and an iq of 143, youll see where this comes into play soon)








anyways i went and stared out our front door to see what he was doing...




well he hammers a post into the ground... then goes back to his car and grabs one of those round phone line boxes...and puts it down... he messes with it a bit and then drives off...(ive taken pictures, ill upload em in a few) i go outside and look around the corner, hes still sittin there.. so i go back inside for a minute.. and come back out... well hes gone.. so i go across the street, and get down on my knees, and look at it, (i already knew what it was and had a pretty good idea where the lense was...) and the label reads "








Burried lines








"well, you look at that "O" and the center of that was cut out, and sure enough, there was a lense in it... so i just smile right into it and wave, well here comes this guy speeding around the corner... pulls up infront of my house, gets out, and pretends to start messing with our phone box... i go and i say, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"




he replies: "im with the cable company"




me: "what'd you set that camera up across the street for?"




him: "what are you talking about?"




me: "dont try to bull**** me, what you spying on me for...?"




him: "I dont know what your talkin bout kid, your crazy..."




me: "listen, i know who your working for, i know why your here, dont try to bs me"




him: "your crazy kid, go home"




me: "i am home"




me: "now leave it alone, and get off my lawn, please."








me: "get off or ill call the police"




him: "I have the right to be here"




(if he was with the phone company or cable company, he would legally be allowed to be there...but he wasnt, i was 100% sure of this...)




me: "your electrician then are you?"




him: "yes"




me: "then wheres your electricians license?"




him: "i dont need one, im an electrician"




me: "what do you take me for? a fool?"




*he walks off and gets back in his truck*, before he closes his door, i yell out..."SIR!"




him *rolls down his window partially*: "What?!?"




me: "where can i reach your manager"




him: "I AM THE MANAGER..."




me: "ok then, what number can i reach you out?"




him: "pfft"




*he does a u-turn in his truck and gets out again...*




*i call up my dad, tell him whats going on...*




me talking to the man again..."listen sir, its great that you do this for a living... but dont try to bull**** me..."








me to my dad: "Dad, ill call you right back..."




*i hit end, then 911 and send*




get the opperator and tell her the info, the license plate number, car type, all that... deputy comes... i give him the report n everything... well now hes gonna be spending the night in jail...i hope...








but yeah.. it was cool...




if i didnt go out there how ever....




i just would of waited till like 3 am, sneak out my window out of the lenses view, snuck behind it, put some duct tape over the lense so theres no survalence... quickly take out the batteries, take it apart... because im sure it wasnt a tape inside it.... otherwise he wouldnt of known to come speeding back... but take out the tracking device, im sure there was one in it.. then do some other various stuff to it, then i would of had a spy cam to myself...








and if your wondering, it would be legal to do so...








florida state law is if its on the side of the road, or on "neutural" property... its considerd "abandoned property" and therefore if you want it, you can take it...
























































heres where common sense takes into play....
















the diagram above is the setup... where it says me, is houses... where it says bushes... is well....bushes! there are NO wire that run down that line of bushes other then the irrigation there, trust me, my neighbor is a contractor... i would of looked at that not even knowing he had been there and known it wasnt right... beside im a nerd when football seasons over.. i stay inside.... then common sense 2....




those things have a LOT of wires that go into them... they NEED to have machines come in and do it... it would take HOURS to place just one, after wires have been burried, and to make the job "legal" they would probably have to lay all new wires in... because when wires are layed, they are pulled tight... well u need to have like a foot of wire go up into this thing... on each side... other wise, the job wouldnt be done right and stuff... but yeh... i say i owned him...

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me: "then wheres your electricians license?"




him: "i dont need one, im an electrician"











OMG thats stupid, what is wrong with people today...

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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yeh suing for damages, i was on my bike, and was ejected off 22 feet from where my bike ended up to where i made contact with the ground, broke my radius and my alnuh (i cant spell lol, the iq is from math and such) had surgery had a metal plate put in my arm on my radius to secure it, now i guess theyre trying to find out if im faking it... but the thing was, when it happend, i went into denile, because these guys were supposibly my "friends"... well i went into denile thinking they couldnt of hit me, they just couldnt have... mean while im so messed up.. scars all over my body, i needed emergency surgery, but had to wait 3 days for it... so i was on horse tranqulizers or something, the size of 4 quarters stacked on top of each other... but then theres evidence, and i worked it out with 3 of the phsyics teachers at school, and theres just no way i could have not been hit... and also theres a witness to it so yeh.. but their main thing is, theyre saying they stoped, and i waved em on, told em i was ok, they say i "WAVED" them on... i couldnt wave...




my right arm was broken, my left was holding my right in place so it didnt become a compound fracture... (where the bone exits the skin) but yeah... anyways, im sure the dudes going to come back, and put a camera like in a tree or something... meanwhile my friends is bringing his survalence system over so we can set it up to watch places he might set up more cameras... i really want one as a trophy... its a thing "geeks" like me have :lol: pictures coming soon, cant find the cord for my digital...












that's wierd...








You're smarter than I am tho, I woulda tried to take him out myself rather than call police..




meh, i dont think a stabbing would look good on my record, but i rather have him beggin for mercy to a guy named bubba in jail.... lol








and imagine my interview with the cia that day....




CIA: "Whats this... "stabbing a...Spy?...for tresspassing on your property...???"




me: "he.....was.....a.....communist......"




CIA: "oh, welcome aboard!"




me: "5vv337"













me: "then wheres your electricians license?"




him: "i dont need one, im an electrician"











OMG thats stupid, what is wrong with people today...








he was obviously nervous, kept changing his story, hes a real ammature, and i admit i made a few mix ups too, but i wasnt pre-paired for the incident to happen either, so i deffinatly think that i won that "fight(?)".








the deupty said that i did good too, so yeah... lol....

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own3d! Nice job there. Next time just try to turn the camera around so the guys spying on the wrong person ;) :roll:








That wouldn't be good... the person wouldn't look injured :P

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so what does this man have to do with getting hit with a car, did he get pissed and hit you, or what, and more pics plz :D




Hes a private eye....




because of the 1337 |-|4><02 i am, i already have his home address, phone number, and email adress... and get this, his company has "never failed"








you sir have PHAILED!!!! w00t.... more pics coming in a minute

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this is interesting, would like to see some more pics. I hope your doing better.








For the pics can you make them smaller? (in size) I cant see the whole pic in one screen and gets confusing to scroll all over the place to see it. :lol:








If i was older(only 13), i would have beet the ......you know.... out of him. I would have taken his camera and thrown it right at his truck and said get the ..... off my lawn and stop spying on me. Then called the cops. :D

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ya but beating people is usuallyforwned upon in polite society :roll:




Just start limping around in front of the cammera and acting overly injured. Then they will get evidence contrary to what they want.

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ya but beating people is usuallyforwned upon in polite society :roll:




Just start limping around in front of the cammera and acting overly injured. Then they will get evidence contrary to what they want.








1. get hooker, or spouse or girl/boyfriend....




2. start counting your times tables infront of it...if ya know what i mean...lol








but seriously, the camera wasnt on my lawn, and if i threw it at him i could be arrested for assault, and besides, when your being polite and outsmarting someone, well then that just shows alot of yourself i think....








what u guys dont know is ive been to 2nd chance school, before that, well i have almost 200 suspensions on my record for fighting, all of which were retaliations... so idk... but yeah... oh, also did you know...








if you are in a place your are supposed to be, and there is someone there that is not supposed to be there, you can shoot them as many times as you'd like without asking questions...but then they can shoot back...or something... the whole they shooting back this is a diffrent law, idk how it works...








but yeah...

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American law states that lethal force may only be used when your or someone elses life is in danger.Trust me i read law books when im bored. Now mooning the cammera on the other hand isnt a federal crime :lol: 8) :lol:

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American law states that lethal force may only be used when your or someone elses life is in danger.Trust me i read law books when im bored. Now mooning the cammera on the other hand isnt a federal crime :lol: 8) :lol:




the law was passed about 2 weeks ago, so go to http://www.senate.gov and look for it....




as for mooning, no its not a federal, just local... and i would rather just get that one old dude from viva la bam when they went to mexico to come sunbathe in our front yard.... lol

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wait. which law is this? It wouldnt make sense to legalize jsut opening fire on someone. There is a case in omaha NE(hometown) about a man who got arrested because he shot at tresspasser(who were picking mushrooms)

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It wouldnt make sense to legalize jsut opening fire on someone.








Its really a nonsensical law

w teh ph?








neways, yeh its really messed up... but first last year..uzi's and ak-47's become nationally legal...








now theyre turning florida back into the wild wild west.... wow...








oh and i just realized....




that PI... yeah.. he was to the north... MAH wildy...




I owned another newb in teh wildy lawl....








*sigh* alot of typing today.... lol

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Ok i found the law that applies here and addy was misinterpreting it




(a) Reaffirmation of Right- A person not prohibited from receiving a firearm by Section 922(g) of title 18, United States Code, shall have the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms--








(1) in defense of self or family against a reasonably perceived threat of imminent and unlawful infliction of serious bodily injury;








(2) in defense of self or family in the course of the commission by another person of a violent felony against the person or a member of the person's family; and








(3) in defense of the person's home in the course of the commission of a felony by another person.




1 is the most accepted use of lethal force but none of the afformentioned conditions apply to your situation. So private eyes are NOT in season for you in this case.

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so what does this man have to do with getting hit with a car, did he get pissed and hit you, or what, and more pics plz :D




Hes a private eye....




because of the 1337 |-|4><02 i am, i already have his home address, phone number, and email adress... and get this, his company has "never failed"








you sir have PHAILED!!!! w00t.... more pics coming in a minute








im still lost, so you just randomly got hit, and this guy decided to watch you, to see if you were faking injurys or something?

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