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Buying waterfall Landscape Sig Payment Inside.


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Here is the revision...
















or if you want a real waterfall ... here is a shot of Niagara I took on my trip...
















if anyone has any concerns that I took the pic, you can look here... http://www.boomspeed.com/idpup/Niagara-Falls.jpg




















This was very hard but i ranked them all up:








here are the current rankings:








1st: Idpup that looks great, love the font. Only thing i could possibly want changed is a 1 pixle black boarder.








2nd: Demoris It looks pretty good, but could you make the text smaller, with the font beveled in the top left corner, and in the bottom right corner place To all my friends I'm Jamie.








3rd: Colavanor, looked better before the rainbow was placed, i don't believe it can be edited any better but i'll let ya be the judge of that.








Thanks everyone, ill post again tomorrow, I dont work tomorrow so ill be on board quite a bit. Ill end this contest if i dont get any better posts in next couple days, I don't know how much better they can be but we will see.








P.s. Nice pic idpup glad ya injoyed urself on ur vacation, The falls are a perfect place to visit in canada :P Nice pic but id like the sytle i've been getting like bryce abd terregen.









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sweet sig idpup








how do you do those waterfalls in terragen im probably guessing in photoshop but im not experienced enough to create a waterfall on terragen pic with PS lol i will be someday

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Guest idpup
sweet sig idpup








how do you do those waterfalls in terragen im probably guessing in photoshop but im not experienced enough to create a waterfall on terragen pic with PS lol i will be someday








Sorry, but I don't use Terragen... I have seen some very realistic landscapes done with that program.








I use Bryce which unfortunately does not create terrains and such as realisticly, but some folks that are great with the program can achieve far better results then I can (I have had the program for almost a year now I think, but I am still just a beginner on it...just not enough time with work and such to fully explore its potential).








My touch-ups which can range from just the name to extensive fixes or changes are done in Photoshop 7.








I would suggest doing an online search for terragen-waterfall tutorial and see what comes up :)








Good Luck to you









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Tried something else...




































The new one looks pretty good, but after the waterfall where there the splashing water, looks kinda strange like a wave or something, Sorry I like the first one more but the second one is pretty good, just not what i'm looking for. Sorry.








24 hours till close.









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Heh...3rd sig going...and I'm going to end up with 35k. Good for some experience. New render, new color, new waterfall. I like it otherwise a lot more, but I'm not totally in for the waterfall itself. Better and more "realistic" positioning at the end of a canyon in the mountain.









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Colavanor looks good, but could you change the color of the font? i like the second font better btw.








i may need to make 2 second place prizes becuase they both look so good.









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Any color preference? I can't seem to find anything fitting.








It's so hard to make a terrain suitable for a big waterfall. The fall in my picture isn't as primary target as you probably wanted it to be.

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This is so tough they are all so very good! theres another 5 hours ill give till contest ends.








Sorry thy, its looks good but the rocks have no texture, could you possibly try editing it a lil?








current rankings








1st: idpup




2nd: colavanor(could you try a new font?)












Arg i find it so hard to make these standings, they are all so close together but i must.









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I'm not to sure you could inprove it, i like it very much. The only thing is i like all the sigs a lot, It's just that idpups is different and for some reason it just stands out a tiny bit more then yours and avanors. Thats why i made first and 2 second places right now. They are just that good :P








Great job so far guys.









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yeah sorry i don't like that font, and can you please keep that bevel and blue color when you add a new font?









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