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[Contest]POTM 4 ~ Fantasy [VOTE NOW]


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This month the theme is: Fantasy


That means you can make anything that has some fantastical element- be it dragons, unicorns, Runescape... whatever you want, so long as it's imaginary.




Deadline: July 31st








1. 100 x 100 or larger


2. Vote for 1st 2nd and 3rd


3. 1st= 3points, 2nd = 2points, 3rd= 1point


4. Can't vote for yourself


5. Voting ends on the last day of the month


6. You can enter at anytime as long as its before the deadline


7. If you miss the deadline you wont be counted, unless there is an extension


8. Use .PNG or .GIF


9. The winner gets to decide what the next topic is




Happy pixeling






















Unfortunately some entries are still in an unfinished state, so please judge around this.


Reply to this topic with your 1st, 2nd and 3rd place choices.


































Past Winners:












Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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i'm in ::'




fantasy.... hmmm.....


ohh i know!!!!




lets seee....


well i could...


but then maybe not....






i have no clue what to do...


ohh well plenty of time to think

New Sig Coming soon!

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Congratz on winning last month Pixel o' the Month. Had that uncanny sense you would win ;) . Interesting them this month. I have a great idea, but i'm horrible at pixels #-o like....you can't comprehend how bad.




How are you going on mine uno?




EDIT: TBH i think I might enter. I've tried pixels and whats the worst that can happen :lol: .

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I'm about.. oh 65% done. Sorry bout the wait,This one's proven to be a little more involved than I thought it would be...




Okay, so Jopie and Mr.Shiny are joining? Good, good... I'll go write that in...


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Here's a wip for what I have so far:








Keep in mind this is like a 2nd pixel or something. I don't expect to win.




sorry... but that's not a pixel


there are way to many colors




nice try though ::'




also unialexi you forgot the image tags

New Sig Coming soon!

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Here's a wip for what I have so far:








Keep in mind this is like a 2nd pixel or something. I don't expect to win.




sorry... but that's not a pixel


there are way to many colors





Lol. I think its a pixel, just the linework is by hand :P. I'm not usually that shoddy at drawing. Uno count me out then.

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Just because it had many colours, it ain't a pixel :wall: ?! Haha :lol: , then destro has much to learn... plus It's a WIP you don't know what he is going to do with it... And shiny, why count u out, you had a great WIP, please finish it ? :thumbsup: :thumbup:

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Alright, I'll make an attempt at this, but can we use anything from like a fantasy genre book as a basis? Like, say I read a book and it had a made up creature in it (take the thestrals or hippogrifs from Harry Potter) and use that as a basis for something in the pixel (like, make my interpretation of that creature or object), or something completely made up on our own?

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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Well..Third post in a row but i couldn't resist the temptation of posting a WIP.




I'd say it's maybe around 45% done?








And I'm loling at any rippers who want a half finished sig :lol:




Tell me what you think so far! :thumbsup:

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Well..Third post in a row but i couldn't resist the temptation of posting a WIP.




I'd say it's maybe around 45% done?








And I'm loling at any rippers who want a half finished sig :lol:




Tell me what you think so far! :thumbsup:




Jesus Christ sir. That is in no way a pixel, the colourcount is nearly 6000, and unless you plan to go over the hand with your own colour choices, which sort of defeats the purpose of badly digipainting the hand, You can't enter a PIXEL of the month competition. What defines a pixel signature is altering each pixel with the intention of crea....or something like that, I dont know. But what you've done is not it.

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Perhaps he drew the hand on paper, and is tracing it in MS paint? You can't really say anything until it's finished, though I must agree that, at this point, it does not appear to be a pixel...


Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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Jesus Christ sir. That is in no way a pixel, the colourcount is nearly 6000, and unless you plan to go over the hand with your own colour choices, which sort of defeats the purpose of badly digipainting the hand, You can't enter a PIXEL of the month competition. What defines a pixel signature is altering each pixel with the intention of crea....or something like that, I dont know. But what you've done is not it.




LOL :P :shock: .... :cry: It is not a digipainting. In fact, I think it's like that because gimp....GAH!!!!! darn gimp...Well i coloured the hand and flame in then moved it too MS paint. It is a lot easier in paint. all the shading on the fingers though was done in paint. Fair enough. I drew the horribly bad hand in paint then (no colours) then traced it and cleaned up the edges. Scrap this idea. I'll start over.

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