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no right click script


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Does anyone know a really good no right click code. i found one but its to easy to get around. all it does is disable highlighting text but you can still use ctrl+a.










First and only pixel thinger I made.

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It is 100% impossible to prevent content theft from hypertext pages. This includes images and text. Since the viewing user will always have to download both images and text to be able display the page, he/she can always save it for later use regardless of any scripts you might run.

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no they cant :wink: ive also blocked them veiwing page source
Ure protection scrips also only work in IE. Doing this only annoys legit people. The people with intent to steal will always find a way around it. Your guide isnt the most detailed in the world, its not like you are trying to protect the source code to windows.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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but most people dont know anyother way than copy paste or right click>save as








So what? Most users don't want to steal your code. Those who do will know the way around it, guaranteed.








Plus, in adding a no right click script you will annoy a hell of a lot of users and make them not want to come back to your site, guaranteed.








To reiterate,








A no right click script:








Annoys normal users




Does not stop thieves








Thus, there is NEVER any reason to use one.

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