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90 strength on my pure!! -Pure F2P-

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Where do you work for an hour??????? :P My part time job at a grocery store is 5 hours a day. I go for runs and work out a lot in the week, as i am a runner and a wrestler, and a fitness guru hahahahahha. I get like >50k str a day if best haha.




Anyways, seeing as how i am an ex member gone f2p, I've managed to get 76-93 str f2p trained on fleshies and spiders. Yeah it's not as good as mems but like i care. Haha, I quit mems in spetembre and its taken 10 months to get 6.5 mil exp!!!!! I want to get mems and max out seeing as how i only need str and hp. I also pced a lvled.........




To all you dopes actually not even thinking before posting anything less than a 8/10 should just quit mems for a year and see how fun training in f2p is. Eh, youd all be whining that you cant summon or whatever. Yeah, i hate summoning too, even though i quit long before its release. Everyones like "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Im so good because im now lvl 126 even though i should really be lvl 110" All these noobs dont understand that a silly stat doesnt impress anyone. Have fun dying to me. They's say "ohhhhhhh a lvl 119 (me) and im lvl 126 w/ summon (them), i can own him" hahahahahahahha what dont these morons understand. And GWD, jeeze, Im sick of ppl just trying to make easy cash. I've never been rich, but at least i have a santa. Does a huge cash pile even justify why "the new generation of rs noobs" exists and preys on the f2p?????????




There is a big difference between f2p and mems, but these mem noobs are caught up hanging out in f2p worlds in varrock (god i hate those ppl) they show off how rich and powerful they are, haha, but common, they are friggen member noobs.




I truly regained my interest in rs after converting back to a f2per. F2p brought back memories of simpler times when nothing mattered but earning full rune and training. Hell its all i ever did and all i will do until i get 99 str/hp.




To recap, all you mem noobs with your Godswords and Bandos.......and other nice things, piss off and have a fun time with it all. You have no respect for the F2p community that really works hard and earns their lvls. Look at the highscores if you think otherwise. Look up Eikoor, or go to the smithing page. All these mem noobs just buy every lvl because they cheat rs on GWD or other nonsense. You think that having a Fletching cape is so special, but 90 stat in F2p isnt? Hell f2pers have more smithing exp than you. Many are even maxed, and did it the hard way.




When i joined rs 4 yrs ago I evolved from a noob into something that these mem noobs have forgotten about. The game isnt about bashing someone because they can achieve more than you. Respect it and move on. Worry about your own ordeals.




Anyway, I've kind of lost track where this is even going............Maybe i just hate members now, after quitting, and seeing for a second time how....fun, and challenging f2p is and will always be. Im against these new updates, they satisfy the ppl that dont like to work hard. I just wish the old rs was back........If i could just relive my old rs times, and remane my guy, i'd be happy gaining it all back, and never even become a member.




Congratz of 90 strength and keep on playing this game regardless of the members that surround us, and how they love to show off their fletching capes, and godswords.....




You will surpass me in your lvling to 99 str even though i have 93 right now.




And because i actually think before a number pops into my head about rates, and is not influenced by whether im f2p or not, or how better one player is, i give you a 10/10.




This post does not insult the poster, in fact, if anything, it should influence all member noobs to smarten up and think about all the cake walks you've gotten. Big deal, you paid $5 a month to get easy exp and cash. Gratz, you really deserve to boast and show off in f2p, or be little [bleep] noobs cowarding behind a comp monitor and saying all this hooplah because a guy got a nice stat as a f2per. I bet most ppl who say "6/10 or 5/10, or nooooooooooob" are scrawny little nerds that i could snap in half.




Have fun and take care, and remember, this is a 10/10 achievement, f2p is a hell of a lot better then mems, and nice that rune pures see that pking is not ruined!!!!!!Go get maxed str, you really do deserve to get it.




Runescapes been good to me, but i think i might move on, maybe one day i'll look you up and see that you're better than many, as for me, I will do my routine of training, and one day reach where i want to be.


Glad someone understands. I don't know why so many people in Tip.it are a bunch of idiots. Probably all those who rate low are a bunch of levels 90s (f2p cb) who have no idea what they're talking about.




I don't WORK lol. Not a job =p. I work *out*. Just to get my arms defined. I will be working out 2hrs straight (instead of 1hr then pool then another 1hr) when school starts.




I have a level 124 which I maxed out on feb 21, 2006 in purely f2p but back in 2004, I was member and gained a few member levels therefore everyone thinks I pced it. That is part of the reason why I'm training this account =p.




Glad you understand and good luck ;)




edit: On my main, I like asking other 120s "what your your cb level 1-2 years ago?" usually, I get 90 lol. A year ago, I was 122. Two years ago, I was 119. Haha. Pest Control products =\. All of these new 120s who claim they are old school, they really are way off.

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Ohhhhhhhh, work out, haha. Yes, luckily we have a gym in our "town", if you will. It seems most people have a membership these days. Anyways, what really bothers me is when all the girls go immediately to cardio, then hit a leg workout, haha. Most guys will do weights strictly and most older people will do cardio with a light mix of weights.




As for me, I'm strictly at the gym for weights, I take advantage of the outside to do my running for cross country, wresting and track.




And I take it you trained on ice giants and what not on your other account? I beleive I saw a guide of yours on RSC. Very good guide and Ice warriors supply me with my Laws haha.




And to be honest, last year I was 111 cb after qutting mems. However, keep in mind that I had 99 att 76 str 99 def. Those 76-93 str lvls have earned me many cb lvls :oops:




I wish I could experience what it would be like to be 100% f2p, but unfortunately I can't on my main.




I have an account called "abdominate" that is 100% f2p, but is only lvl 43 so I can at least work on him.

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Where do you work for an hour??????? :P My part time job at a grocery store is 5 hours a day. I go for runs and work out a lot in the week, as i am a runner and a wrestler, and a fitness guru hahahahahha. I get like >50k str a day if best haha.




Anyways, seeing as how i am an ex member gone f2p, I've managed to get 76-93 str f2p trained on fleshies and spiders. Yeah it's not as good as mems but like i care. Haha, I quit mems in spetembre and its taken 10 months to get 6.5 mil exp!!!!! I want to get mems and max out seeing as how i only need str and hp. I also pced a lvled.........




To all you dopes actually not even thinking before posting anything less than a 8/10 should just quit mems for a year and see how fun training in f2p is. Eh, youd all be whining that you cant summon or whatever. Yeah, i hate summoning too, even though i quit long before its release. Everyones like "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Im so good because im now lvl 126 even though i should really be lvl 110" All these noobs dont understand that a silly stat doesnt impress anyone. Have fun dying to me. They's say "ohhhhhhh a lvl 119 (me) and im lvl 126 w/ summon (them), i can own him" hahahahahahahha what dont these morons understand. And GWD, jeeze, Im sick of ppl just trying to make easy cash. I've never been rich, but at least i have a santa. Does a huge cash pile even justify why "the new generation of rs noobs" exists and preys on the f2p?????????




There is a big difference between f2p and mems, but these mem noobs are caught up hanging out in f2p worlds in varrock (god i hate those ppl) they show off how rich and powerful they are, haha, but common, they are friggen member noobs.




I truly regained my interest in rs after converting back to a f2per. F2p brought back memories of simpler times when nothing mattered but earning full rune and training. Hell its all i ever did and all i will do until i get 99 str/hp.




To recap, all you mem noobs with your Godswords and Bandos.......and other nice things, piss off and have a fun time with it all. You have no respect for the F2p community that really works hard and earns their lvls. Look at the highscores if you think otherwise. Look up Eikoor, or go to the smithing page. All these mem noobs just buy every lvl because they cheat rs on GWD or other nonsense. You think that having a Fletching cape is so special, but 90 stat in F2p isnt? Hell f2pers have more smithing exp than you. Many are even maxed, and did it the hard way.




When i joined rs 4 yrs ago I evolved from a noob into something that these mem noobs have forgotten about. The game isnt about bashing someone because they can achieve more than you. Respect it and move on. Worry about your own ordeals.




Anyway, I've kind of lost track where this is even going............Maybe i just hate members now, after quitting, and seeing for a second time how....fun, and challenging f2p is and will always be. Im against these new updates, they satisfy the ppl that dont like to work hard. I just wish the old rs was back........If i could just relive my old rs times, and remane my guy, i'd be happy gaining it all back, and never even become a member.




Congratz of 90 strength and keep on playing this game regardless of the members that surround us, and how they love to show off their fletching capes, and godswords.....




You will surpass me in your lvling to 99 str even though i have 93 right now.




And because i actually think before a number pops into my head about rates, and is not influenced by whether im f2p or not, or how better one player is, i give you a 10/10.




This post does not insult the poster, in fact, if anything, it should influence all member noobs to smarten up and think about all the cake walks you've gotten. Big deal, you paid $5 a month to get easy exp and cash. Gratz, you really deserve to boast and show off in f2p, or be little [bleep] noobs cowarding behind a comp monitor and saying all this hooplah because a guy got a nice stat as a f2per. I bet most ppl who say "6/10 or 5/10, or nooooooooooob" are scrawny little nerds that i could snap in half.




Have fun and take care, and remember, this is a 10/10 achievement, f2p is a hell of a lot better then mems, and nice that rune pures see that pking is not ruined!!!!!!Go get maxed str, you really do deserve to get it.




Runescapes been good to me, but i think i might move on, maybe one day i'll look you up and see that you're better than many, as for me, I will do my routine of training, and one day reach where i want to be.




I doubt I will be the last to say this but... GTFO!




Get off your high horse, just because you ftp does not make you any better than the ''member noobs'' you so happily insult.




Just because people choose to pay for the game does not make them noobs, your bashing people you dont even know, because they pay for a game -.- how pathetic.




''When i joined rs 4 yrs ago I evolved from a noob into something that these mem noobs have forgotten about. The game isnt about bashing someone because they can achieve more than you. Respect it and move on. Worry about your own ordeals.''




WTF? How hypocritical do you need to get? Your the one bashing people because they have achieved more than you, (higher combat level, or more money). They are not noobs because of this, your just incredibly jealous of their achievements.




Thats the only reason I can see for this, Jealousy. These ''member noobs'' have better opportunities than you, and more abilities to make money, as well as access to highly usefull skills such as summoning.




You call people who get summoning up to raise combat noobs as well,(Oh Just off topic, well done for insulting so many people at once =D> genius -.-).




''Have fun dying to me. They's say "ohhhhhhh a lvl 119 (me) and im lvl 126 w/ summon (them), i can own him" hahahahahahahha what dont these morons understand.'' And you a level 119 is gna kill a lvl 129 member with summoning, how? He might not Bh, he might never go to ftp, so stop bigging up your abilities and skills because, I for one, Am not buying it.




GWD is a great money maker yes, just because you dont have that option dont insult those who do. Seriously, you must be the most jealous person I have ever seen on this forum. Also to the topic starter ''don't know why so many people in Tip.it are a bunch of idiots'' you claim others are idiots but you agree with the absolute *cabbage* that that guy wrote? Hmm its people like him that ruin good forums.




Just go and deflate you head, and maybe see a councillor about your serious jealousy problem. Then come back and give a real post which is not full of hypocrisy and insults.




O.T to make this not spam.




Decent achievement 8/10, gratz. Keep going and GL in Bh.

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[hide=Quote FreeWrest]

Where do you work for an hour??????? :P My part time job at a grocery store is 5 hours a day. I go for runs and work out a lot in the week, as i am a runner and a wrestler, and a fitness guru hahahahahha. I get like >50k str a day if best haha.




Anyways, seeing as how i am an ex member gone f2p, I've managed to get 76-93 str f2p trained on fleshies and spiders. Yeah it's not as good as mems but like i care. Haha, I quit mems in spetembre and its taken 10 months to get 6.5 mil exp!!!!! I want to get mems and max out seeing as how i only need str and hp. I also pced a lvled.........




To all you dopes actually not even thinking before posting anything less than a 8/10 should just quit mems for a year and see how fun training in f2p is. Eh, youd all be whining that you cant summon or whatever. Yeah, i hate summoning too, even though i quit long before its release. Everyones like "Ohhhhhhhhhhh Im so good because im now lvl 126 even though i should really be lvl 110" All these noobs dont understand that a silly stat doesnt impress anyone. Have fun dying to me. They's say "ohhhhhhh a lvl 119 (me) and im lvl 126 w/ summon (them), i can own him" hahahahahahahha what dont these morons understand. And GWD, jeeze, Im sick of ppl just trying to make easy cash. I've never been rich, but at least i have a santa. Does a huge cash pile even justify why "the new generation of rs noobs" exists and preys on the f2p?????????




There is a big difference between f2p and mems, but these mem noobs are caught up hanging out in f2p worlds in varrock (god i hate those ppl) they show off how rich and powerful they are, haha, but common, they are friggen member noobs.




I truly regained my interest in rs after converting back to a f2per. F2p brought back memories of simpler times when nothing mattered but earning full rune and training. Hell its all i ever did and all i will do until i get 99 str/hp.




To recap, all you mem noobs with your Godswords and Bandos.......and other nice things, piss off and have a fun time with it all. You have no respect for the F2p community that really works hard and earns their lvls. Look at the highscores if you think otherwise. Look up Eikoor, or go to the smithing page. All these mem noobs just buy every lvl because they cheat rs on GWD or other nonsense. You think that having a Fletching cape is so special, but 90 stat in F2p isnt? Hell f2pers have more smithing exp than you. Many are even maxed, and did it the hard way.




When i joined rs 4 yrs ago I evolved from a noob into something that these mem noobs have forgotten about. The game isnt about bashing someone because they can achieve more than you. Respect it and move on. Worry about your own ordeals.




Anyway, I've kind of lost track where this is even going............Maybe i just hate members now, after quitting, and seeing for a second time how....fun, and challenging f2p is and will always be. Im against these new updates, they satisfy the ppl that dont like to work hard. I just wish the old rs was back........If i could just relive my old rs times, and remane my guy, i'd be happy gaining it all back, and never even become a member.




Congratz of 90 strength and keep on playing this game regardless of the members that surround us, and how they love to show off their fletching capes, and godswords.....




You will surpass me in your lvling to 99 str even though i have 93 right now.




And because i actually think before a number pops into my head about rates, and is not influenced by whether im f2p or not, or how better one player is, i give you a 10/10.




This post does not insult the poster, in fact, if anything, it should influence all member noobs to smarten up and think about all the cake walks you've gotten. Big deal, you paid $5 a month to get easy exp and cash. Gratz, you really deserve to boast and show off in f2p, or be little [bleep] noobs cowarding behind a comp monitor and saying all this hooplah because a guy got a nice stat as a f2per. I bet most ppl who say "6/10 or 5/10, or nooooooooooob" are scrawny little nerds that i could snap in half.




Have fun and take care, and remember, this is a 10/10 achievement, f2p is a hell of a lot better then mems, and nice that rune pures see that pking is not ruined!!!!!!Go get maxed str, you really do deserve to get it.




Runescapes been good to me, but i think i might move on, maybe one day i'll look you up and see that you're better than many, as for me, I will do my routine of training, and one day reach where i want to be.



First of all, I am ftp, never been rich, all that jazz. I still rated it 7/10. People have their opinions. He shouldn't have posted this thread if he wasn't looking for them.




Secondly, Godwars is put into the game for a reason. If you are just jealous because members have a way of making decent cash, then get your membership back and do it yourself. If you don't like it, stop playing, or keep your comments to yourself.




Lastly, this is not the thread to post your rant in. That is what the Rants forum is for.


|Signature by Jason321|

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I can't wait when I achieve 99 strength. Will people still rate it 3/10? xD




I guess the smart thing to do is ignore them.

-Retired from Runescape on August 12, 2008-

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90 strength is an easy achievement. I'm not going to rate it higher just because you choose to make it harder for yourself for no reason. Have fun pking with a rune scimitar and swordfish and regular strength potions. What a waste of time.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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I would rate it 6/10, slightly above average. *And please note this is rating the level, not how much you work out a day or your main*




Its not exactly that hard to sit at a computer, and check back every 5 mins.




But I gave you a somewhat good rate for not giving up :P.

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I never did like this forum. RSC is much better as most people here are babies and can't comprehend that this is when it all comes down to it, a game.............very very sad




You are acting as a "baby" yourself now.




The fact that you are F2P doesn't really matter to me, as you are still able to train it half-AFK, so as I've said before: 4/10.


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