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The way we walk.


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Well, they've updated the whip, which is good, there's only one problem- I walk like my grandpa does when he craps himself.:wall:




Really, it looks stupid.. Running is okay, just walking needs to be worked on. I would have posted this on the RSOF, but I can't as I got perm muted a few months ago for some [developmentally delayed]ed reason.




Anyway, that's my rant. :P




The game.

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The new walk is a bit off, but I suppose when I walk I take large and fast steps, can't bare to go slow and walking slow isn't exercise.... I like the running thats quite good, you wouldn't want to see your character "leg it" from varrock to falador...




Anyway, lets try something else for the bad walk... Well, the poor pixelated character must be scared [cabbage]less for confronting such horrid monsters and villains. The poor pixelated character would be quite battered and I don't think monkfish heal those terrible cuts and bruises... Give the old pixelated program a break ;)

Luck be a Lady

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Did I just read that? Do you really care that much on how your character looks when he/she walks? Amazing.




Did I just read that? Do you really care that other people rant? Amazing.




There's nothing wrong with this rant. The rants that get to me are the big ones that just totally try to obliterate Runescape and Jagex with propaganda.




Anyways, yeah we look like we're being chased by a monster or something. But I suppose some people probably like the new animation. You can't always please everybody.

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Actually, the biggest thing wrong with this rant is that there was one similar to it posted the day before and instead of expanding on that one, a new one was started.




As to the subject, there have been several "flaws" found with the new animations. Let Jagex know, I've personally bug reported three actual flaws I've seen so far. As a member, you should be able to give feedback on their forums, although you might consider stating it differently than crapping yourself.

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Can we stop the copying someone else's sentence and adjusting it slightly in a stale effort to seem witty? It was already old the first time it was done -.-.




As for the new graphics, there's always stuff you like and stuff you don't like. Some people hate the new whip and the new walk, others love them. I think it's just a matter of getting used to them. Before you know it, you'll be ranting when they change them into something even more ridiculous in a year or so.




With every graphical update I need a bit of time to adjust. The only thing I really never got over is that you have to click more to see your weight in RS. But that dates back to a few graphical updates ago.

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Yeah, you do walk kinda funny, but I know a few of my friends actually like the animation and some really hate it.




And did you just say "Perm muted for a few months"? :wall:


I have realised I am not ranked in anything, Yet...



Feel free to random HYT me, I will probably do it to you anyways...

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Yeah, you do walk kinda funny, but I know a few of my friends actually like the animation and some really hate it.




And did you just say "Perm muted for a few months"? :wall:




No, he didn't say that. Lern2read! He said "Perm muted a few months ago". I think it's impossible to fail much more than that.




The walking is annoying, but it's not the worst in the graphics update. The worst is how our capes now flow all stupid, and how, when we stand, we seem like poorly manufactured statues of soldiers.



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Can we stop the copying someone else's sentence and adjusting it slightly in a stale effort to seem witty? It was already old the first time it was done -.-.




Sorry, I'll tone my wit down a bit. ;)




Anyways, I'm willing to bet some of these people just see others flaming the Jagex propaganda threads, so they feel it's okay to flame every single rant thread in existence. There's nothing wrong with this thread. He's venting, not trying to spread a rotten idea around.

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Can we stop the copying someone else's sentence and adjusting it slightly in a stale effort to seem witty? It was already old the first time it was done -.-.




Sorry, I'll tone my wit down a bit. ;)




Anyways, I'm willing to bet some of these people just see others flaming the Jagex propaganda threads, so they feel it's okay to flame every single rant thread in existence. There's nothing wrong with this thread. He's venting, not trying to spread a rotten idea around.




Flaming the Flamers, that's either noble or ironic. Is it really counter-intuitive to see people ranting about rants in a section meant for rants? In essence they're just doing what everyone else is doing in this section.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Can we stop the copying someone else's sentence and adjusting it slightly in a stale effort to seem witty? It was already old the first time it was done -.-.




Sorry, I'll tone my wit down a bit. ;)




Anyways, I'm willing to bet some of these people just see others flaming the Jagex propaganda threads, so they feel it's okay to flame every single rant thread in existence. There's nothing wrong with this thread. He's venting, not trying to spread a rotten idea around.




Flaming the Flamers, that's either noble or ironic. Is it really counter-intuitive to see people ranting about rants in a section meant for rants? In essence they're just doing what everyone else is doing in this section.




The rants section is for RuneScape-related rants, and I don't think flamers are ranting about RuneScape.



You're being watched.

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