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Ever taken the spotlight?


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I had a brief look around and haven't found a topic like this so excuse me if I missed it, or it doesn't belong in here.




But moving on to the point, I've recently taken quite a big liking to drama recently. Recently, a group of about 10 people I was involved with, were given the oppurtunity to represent our highschool at, what's called the Sydney West Drama festival (Well, Sydney being the capital of NSW (one of the most renowned cities in Australia) and the western side of it), Pretty much just a mediocre gathering of school performances, to perform a piece we had to create from scratch, with our only stimulus being a picture book. In being accepted into this festival, I got to experience the joys of backstage, teching runs, wearing makeup and squeezing ten people into those funky rooms with the mirrors with all the lights around them :P I enjoyed every minute of the experience, but I wondered whether anyone else got to take the spotlight where you play a major role in the development of whatever it is your doing, be it a lengthy monologue/solo, whatever.




Which brings me to the question this topic poses. Have you had the chance to show off your performing art talent onstage regularly? Were you the focus? I'm assuming we have a large amount of semi successful bands which would have this oppurtunity. If so, do you have any decent stories about it? Have any particularly humorous screw ups on stage.




Sorry if this topic isn't up to standards, it's late and all that jazz. You can run wild with the basic gyst of it, show off if you want, I truly don't care.

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I'm no good at drama, so I haven't gotten the chance to do any drama performances, but I'm going to assume you're talking about any of the performing arts. I play violin, and get the opportunity to play in front of people all the time. Like, last weekened I played in a trio (violin, clarinet, and piano) with my music teacher and accompanist in front of 800 people, which is a lot for the city I live in. It was a concert for this visiting men's choir, but they needed some people to perform in between a few of their songs, so we did that.


The best experience I've had was about a month ago. Late last year, I won a violin competition in a nearby city, and one of the prizes was the opporunity to play something of my choice with the backing of the orchestra. For some reason I chose Summer by Vivaldi (Even though I don't like Vivaldi). But yeah, I got to perform in two concerts as one of two soloists, with the backing of a reasonable-standard orchestra. That was great fun. Good experience for my HSC as well. :)


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I used to be in a lot of school plays when I was younger, but then I just seemed to drop out of the whole acting scene when I got older. I'm not sure why because I would have probably enjoyed it. I've had bit parts in various school things, and despite me being fairly introverted I really quite like public performances. I play the guitar as well, but hate playing that in front of people for some reason.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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