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bursting lobs


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Or your doing it wrong, equip, invintory? Because you want the best mage bonus you can get, which spot are you useing? The 7 or the 9? I used the 7 and i still wasn't far behind the people that used the 9 spots.

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umm the spot where u get 9 i think, and i think its because of the rol, stupid kids in evil mumms chat said not to use a row but im starting to get mad i wasted 1k spells and only got 100 crimsons :( and i know i have a great mage bonus etc...


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wow? I got 120 crimsons using only 400ish bursts with the 7 spot. What are you wearing?! You should think about using the 7 spot if your having such difficulties. Just wear the Ring of Wealth next time (if your going again?). Maybe we can help you maximize your magic offense so you get more damage.

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my outfit is:




ahrims hood, top skirt, barrows gloves, mystic boots, guthix cape (mage arena) guthix book, ring of life, and ancient staff


Thats actually almost the same setup as me, lol. Only, i used the frem farseer helmet, zamorak book, and ghostly boots. Weird, it must be your ring of wealth, i didn't know it made such a big difference. :-#

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i went back to get my ROW and so far ive done 3 "rounds" and got twice as many crimsons but less gold and green, perhaps it just helps give better chances to more crimsons and less greens and gold?


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