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Team-Battle Pixel Contest


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I have hand-picked 9 people, and myself to be halved into two teams and make Pixel sigs, and see how things turnout.


Those picked people, do not put text on your tags, I want to see how well the gallery community knows our style.


(Thanks again, Thru for letting me use your idea ;) )




If some of the 9 people do not want to participate I will be accepting people to ASK to join by pming me.




Thats all for now, wish us luck :D






Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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I make minor pixels sometimes, forgot my big project at my dad #-o, probably good that I'm not in this contest as I'm slow as a snail.






I'm quite slow at pixel as well. I look forward to seeing the outcome though.

Call me Kat, or Kathy Corkat

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I don't quite get it.




Does each participant make a signature each? Or will the team make a collaboration thingy?


Anyways, looking forward to seeing the outcome of this one :P Good to see pixelling again on this forum.

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Can I judge? I don't want to take part, but i'd like to judge.




I dont think im going to have judges but rather have the community vote for the team they like most.




I don't quite get it.




Does each participant make a signature each? Or will the team make a collaboration thingy?


Anyways, looking forward to seeing the outcome of this one :P Good to see pixelling again on this forum.




ummm well im following thrus idea so basically anybody i asked to join will make their own signature and then the voting works like this:




people who vote will vote on each signature, and rate each one 1-10, 10 being hawtest thing theyve ever seen. then just add up all the points and that will decide which team gets the point, just look at thrus recent battle to see how it works i guess :wall: im a bad explainer


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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