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99 Magic


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Well, I have been flirting with this as a long-term goal for a while now, 99 magic =P~ .I highly doubt I will get it or any other 99 soon, but I want my first maxed skill to be a more respected 99, not fletching or cooking. My magic is pretty pathetic now, at a measly little level 63, but I was wondering, for gits and shiggles, what would be the fastest way to get it. I was thinking alcing while waiting for Watermelons to grow but idk. Then there's also humidify. Then there is the obvious question. From 63 magic, how long would 99 magic take aproxomatly?




Thanks to any insight you guys can give. Btw feel free to bash all my childish hopes and dreams getting 99 magic. :lol:

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when i first started out playing in RS1 i never though i would ever be able to get any 99s at all...13M exp is really a long journey but hey with time and by playing a bit day by day every goal is possible as long as you stick to it =) it is even easier now with RS2 where lots of skills are made easier and you gain combat exp much faster with all the new equipment too so i'm sure you will be able to get any 99 if you put your heart to it ::'




hmm i trained my magic casting level 6 enchant spells at the mage training arena but i suggest you only cast level 5 or 6 enchant spells there using mud and lava staff respectively because the lower level enchants might not earn you that much exp...this is really quite a fast a cheap method in my opinion...




you could of course try high alchs as well but i suggest you grow higher yield crops such as snapdragons, marigolds and yea watermelons are good too since they are needed for payment for farmers...




i stopped training magic at MTA once i got 94 mage and the occasional trip to DK, barrows and most importantly barraging/bursting at castle wars got me to my current level...so even if you don't actively train magic but use it as and when you can you will get quite a bit of exp ;)

maxed out melee on 10/10/08, current goal: 94/99 cooking

life may be unfair, but why can't it be unfair in my favor?

my fake plant died because i forgot to pretend to water it


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for gits and shiggles


lol :thumbsup:




OT: Cheapest way is to buy a mudstaff and curse to 99, costs me like 4m max lol, but itd take YEARS.




depebnds if your gonna make munny with humidify like, fill vials and sell, but alching is non profitable unless you get all materials so i wouldnt sugegst it




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Thanks people. I farm limps and Ranarrs 24/7 anyway, and trees, but tend to stay away fro malotments unless Im right there next to them. I was planning on maybe camping in MTA, maybe grabbing a mage book and sell it to remake some cash...idk.




Nvm, found one.

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graveyard, alch, enchant ae all easy. its the telekenitc place that is hard as hell. i don't recomend it. with the current prices of laws/yew longs bows 99 mage will cost you 60 gp per 65 xp that means that no matter what it wont cost you more then 13m alching. alching is the best all around way but is very boring. luckily your a good farmer so hopefully it will counter it slightly. if you want a respected 99 don't get mage. it's fairly easy to get and not as useful as range. plus the max at 94 mage is the as the max at 99. meaning that its almost pointless to get it higher than 94. you can pretty much do all the spells at 94 except spellboow swap but if you think about what spellbook swap does all it does is let you cast the spells 94 or below on the other 2 books. in all honesty I only have 94 mage for a reason. and I'm maxed! that should be enough clue why it's not a respected 99.




(maxed barrows pure)


that's what they call me atleast.



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I'm going to disagree with the posters above me on the MTA, at the risk of being Flamed. I too am trying to raise my level to 96 Magic. I want Spellbook Swap and am planning to switch to Lunar Spells as soon as I get there. However, my approach is different than most others. I'm attempting to not burn myself out on Magic before I get to my goal. Doing things repetitively, to me, burns me out quickly and I will abandon the goal. MTA is a decent way to earn and learn. What I mean is, I am going to unlock everything in the MTA. This way, I feel as if I earned it and some of the items are useful (Bones to Peaches, Mage Book, Master Wand, Infinity Boots). I do agree that the TeleGrab one is the most boring and slowest and quite frankly drives me a little nutty at times. But I do it a little at a time. I'm waiting to get to 87 Magic to do the Level 6 Jewelry Enchant, so no points have been accumulated there yet. The point is, however, that I am doing it at a pace I like, which isn't the most "Cost-Effective" or "Fastest Way." But its a satisfying way for me to train. To each his own.

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masterwand is junk it can't autocast ancients and if it could it'd be worth while also it would be worth while if it gave some type of elemental rune but it doesn't so for things like metal drags ppl will still prefer to use steam staff to conserve cash. spell swap isn't as great as it sounds. tbh the only time you use anything but modern magics is if your meleeing ppl/erocklobbies for charms/xp lunar spell book is used for what? maybe 2 things and not very often at that. vengance and secondly ouriana teleport for zmi altar. It's a good concept but the cost to cast the spell on top of the aactual cost to cast the original spell u want to cost does not make it worth while. not to mention it takes time so any combat magic done with it via ancients is literally worthless.



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