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Everything posted by Ixindor

  1. Title and subtitle tells it all. I'm looking for a good Barbarian Assault team. I'm briefly checked on the RSOF, but its hardly the place to find good teams. I'm looking for maybe something off-site. Like how Pest Control Elite (PCE) runs. I've looked for CC's (of the top of my head) that work like Fast SC, but they seems to be non-existant. I really don't care if its a clan that I have to join either. I just need a pro team that isn't built from the RSOF or World 6 Noob Stockpile. Something that has teams running around the clock if possible. I'm 134 Combat and a Master in all roles at BA. I'm not a fan of Defender, but any other role I will take with no problem. I really would like to fill up my Master Penance Horn. I'd also like to do it in as little ingame time as possible (aka, no failure teams that lose more points than they gain in 10 Waves). Does anyone know something like this? Any links to off-site pro clans would be greatly appreciated.
  2. The only problem I'm having is finding a reliable COMPETENT team. Using the waiting room that asigns you a team is slow if you want to choose your role and the best I've ever started on is Wave 2. Not to mention, as soon as the Wave is over (whether you win or not), everyone bails and you have to go back. Also, it seems like no one really understands how BA works. Its frustrating to waste 10 minutes only to gain like 3 points because everyone else failed at their jobs. Anyone got any suggestions? I'm a decent player, 130+ Combat, 97 HP. Working on Leveling up Roles atm. Level 5 Defender, Level 3 Healer and Level 2 Attacker/Collector. I'd like to speed up this process, because its already frustrating as it is. Are there any known Clans that operate at BA around the clock?
  3. Someone already mentioned it, but this too reminds me of Dark Sqaull http://runescape.wik...iki/Dark_Squall Dark Squall was seen wandering the Chaos Tunnels for a good long time. He functioned quite similarly. Couldn't talk to him. Had a vague Examine. Appeared randomly. Did his thing and left. Turned out, Dark Squall was actually Surok Magis when While Guthix Sleeps came out. Purely speculating, but this may be some foreshadowing on a further WGS sequel. The idea of a Slayer Guild that only lets players on Task go in would be a godsend. The first thing that came to my mind on the idea of a new Slayer Master, backed up on the words from the Mod talking about a "small but helpful Slayer Update," was the ability to use Slayer Points to make a customizable list of Slayer Monsters to kill. That would be so awesome. If we could use Slayer Points to build a list of Monsters available from all of the previous Masters, that would be very convenient. The only reason why it appeals to me is because I only use Lapalok now. Not only are the tasks repetitive, but not all of the monsters are appealing. I haven't killed a Dragon lower than a Black Dragon in years. It would be nice to kill a Blue Dragon or 2 on a Slayer Task again. Also, he can't assign Warped Tortoises, but loves to hand out Warped Terror Birds. WTF. At least Warped Tortoises have a drop I can use (Shells for Summoning). I guess we'll get the answers in due time.
  4. Usually, new skills are unlocked with novice quests, not master. True. But I just saw another post on here about the light from the quest having different frequencies (sounds). It all adds up in a weird sort of way. Even a Mod posted about his grand plans for the finale. It would definitely be different if a skill was unlocked via a Master+ Quest. However, it may provide some serious motivation to do quests for both old and new players that avoid quests. Not to mention, get them through the oldest running quest series in the game.
  5. The one thing that caught my attention was the "enchanting" of the teleport crystal. It mentioned maybe teaching you more about singing in the future. I'm wondering is some kind of Singing/Bard Skill is the next skill on the horizon. If they line up a new skill with a quest, Singing/Bard would line up with the reason to unlock the skill, much like Summoning and Herblore. Tbh, I think this quest was more of hint/teaser for the new skill. NOTE: Singing/Bard is the only words I can think of to describe the new skill. It may be something more complicated than that.
  6. Beat me to it. Its a shame it got 3 pages in before anyone picked up on the real reason behind this thread. The words gay, lesbian, sex, sexy, sexual, penis, vagina, heterosexual, homosexual...they are all censored because they all center around the discussion of SEX. The game has players under age 11. There are Sex Education Classes and Parents to teach these things to children. They don't need to learn it from Runescape. Case Closed.
  7. Fast Quest Walkthrough: [hide=]Go to the Quest Start Point and talk to Commander Veld (can't remember the full name). Start point is Northwest of the Bank. Go to the Tower Southeast of the bank, kill the Chaos Dwarf (Good Armor and Food Required). Take the note it drops and talk to Veld, he'll send you to the GE. Grab a cart ride back to the GE. Talk to a clerk in the center part of the GE. There will be an option for the quest. You'll receive a package. Go back to Keld and find Veld in the Pub near the Blast Furnace. Buy him a beer (no money needed, its put on his tab. Keep talking with him until it moves you to the next part. Veld passes out. Go back to the tower that you killed the Chaos Dwarf in. Go south of the tower and use the Boot from the package on the footprints. Follow the footprints to a dead end. Backtrack a bit to the first fire pit. Use the bowl from the package on the pit. Then remove the bowl. Use the Socket thing on the fire pit, then turn the socket to open the secret passage. Go though the cave to the carts. Try to operate the controls. Go back the Start point and talk the now awake Veld. He'll follow you. Go back to the Cart Controls. (If he disappears at the cart, log out and back in to fix it). Once he gets on the controls, do the cart sequence as follows: Yellow, Green, Yellow, Green, Green, the rest Yellow. Once on the other side, lower the bridge to let Veld across and go talk the prisoners. Tell them to head back the Keld. Go south of the prisoners and open the door there. Veld will help you. After the cutscene, duck into the room Veld goes into. Use the Metal Plate on the machine to jam it up. Then use the other tool to open a way out. Escape in the Cart. Quest Complete.[/hide]
  8. No plans to match the Adze...oh well... Quick find code: 15-16-110-59549605
  9. I can't figure out what to do after the Commander falls asleep. The quest log is very vague. Any ideas?
  10. I like Animal Apogee, Waiting for Battle and Trouble Brewing. I've put a list together using my Ignore List (long before the Notes feature). I always seem to pick those 3. Animal Apogee is easy on the ears. Waiting for Battle is really short, but I love it. Its one of my favorite tracks and wish they would do more stuff like it. Trouble Brewing reminds me of Navy songs (I used to be in the Navy). Gets old after about 3 loops though. It would be very convenient if the Music Player allowed you to select and loop multiple tracks. I'd be more willing to listen to the music if this feature was around. Looping one song over and over gets annoying really fast and some of the other songs just don't make the cut.
  11. Stay away from the Corp Beast right now. My Clanmates caught this on vid after the System Update. Scary stuff... :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGSoMJ *Can someone tell me how to make the Vid appear so people can just click on it to watch it?*
  12. I like that one. Not too bad. Man, I would love to do this contest. Only problem is I have never ever done a Video in my life and I think its a little too late to learn. I have an awesome idea. There's just no way for me to transfer it this medium. :cry:
  13. I know this one isn't an entry to the contest. Still one of the better RSMV out there. Too bad it isn't updated to the new graphics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGP7OtI7tfQ Why am I posting this? Anyone thinking of doing a Thriller RSMV for the contest might want to think again. Unoriginal.
  14. WARNING: In the Hide Tag are 113 Player's Gallery Pics in their original size. If you have a slow computer or are playing Runescape right now, this may slow your computer down to a crawl. If you are doing something DANGEROUS in Runescape, do not open the Hide Tag until you log out. I was wrong. I had more than 100. Some of them are from Jagex. Most are the Player's Gallery. Keep in mind that I didn't take all of them. The ones that were really crappy didn't make the cut. These images are the ones that I personally liked. As stated before, I'm not sure when I stopped collecting these. Also it says, "By lickz23 at 2009-08-13" after each pic. I am not the originator of any of these drawings. That is a tag put on from Imageshack. Lickz23 is my User Account and the date is the day I put them on the site. Enjoy! [hide=Player's Gallery Pics + More] By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By Lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13 By lickz23 at 2009-08-13[/hide]
  15. Ok, got a question and I don't mean to Hijack the thread. If I'm imposing, I apologize. This Tipit Guide in the above post doesn't answer my question. When you enchant a helm for Scrolls (EXAMPLE: Split Bark Helm to Split Bark Helm (e)), can you still store it in the closet with the rest of the set? This includes: Split Bark Helm Lunar Helm Lunar Ring (imbued from MA) Anyone know?
  16. Give me some time...I will try to upload them all. I do have a crap ton of them. More than 50 but less than 100. Which is more than I care to upload and it will take forever. Not to mention I have to sort them out of the other RS Pics of my levels and other unique pics I've taken over the years. Give me some time...
  17. I have a crap ton of them saved to my computer, but I stopped somewhere around mid-year 2008. Not sure when they stopped putting them out. I really don't feel like comparing which ones I have and which ones are still on the site. Nor do I really feel like uploading all of them to the internet...I have alot. Motivate me...
  18. Tried for the first time today. Got through the caves pretty easy. It was rather controlled. Used the Enhanced Excalibur in lieu of a P Pot. I didn't use a single brew through the waves thanks to it. Got to Jad...never seen him before. I froze. The attacks came in too fast and I couldn't concentrate on what I was supposed to be doing. Also I panic clicked my Prayers...turning them on and then right back off before the projectile hit. Took 3 hits and survived tho...4th one got me. I couldn't figure out how to switch to my Inventory to heal and get back fast enough to my Prayers. I just stood there lol. GF Jad. You don't scare me anymore. Next time...the Cape is mine!
  19. I completely forgot about Skeletal Wyverns. I haven't gotten them as a Slayer Task in ages. According the the Skill Guide here, Duradel can assign them. Guess he just doesn't like me all that much. Oh well. The reason for all of these questions is because I'm trying to just do Slayer, but optimize my chances of getting a Visage. Guess I should take Steels off my Blacklist, but I can't stand the fact that A) there isn't alot of them in the game, B) they are so far away and C) I can only get a few kills before I have to Bank. But thanks for all of your help. I guess I have all the answers I need for the time being. If you find that guide on the Drop Rate, that would be great, but if not...oh well. You've all been very helpful.
  20. Gotcha. That makes a lot more sense. I noticed that Banking and getting back took almost no time at all. After looking at the Solo portion of the recommended guide. I realized that my setup isn't too far off from the guide anyway. Guess this is going to be the best I'm going to get for the time being. I have one more question, this is about Visage Drops. The reason I went from regular Black Dragons to the KBD, is because I would assume the KBD would have a higher Drop Rate for the Visage than a normal Black Dragon. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the normal Black Dragons the lowest on the totem pole for Visage Drop Rates? I'm thinking it goes like this: Black Dragon Iron Dragon Steel Dragon (Blacklisted - takes too long to get to and hard to kill) King Black Dragon Mithril Dragon Is this correct? I get these a lot for Slayer, except Steels.
  21. Thanks guys. I have no clue why my search function isn't working right. I've recently got the level for Lava Titans and Black Dragons as my Slayer Task. I've done a few attempts already trying to see what I can figure out on my own. I'm trying to figure out a way to max my kills before I have to bank. Ironically, I can get 7 Mithril Dragon Kills before banking...this is using a Terror Bird for extra Food. I was wondering if there is a way to maximize kills before banking with a Titan. So far, my best attempt has been 4 Kills. Equipment: Slayer Helm Black Dhide Body Karils Bottom Fury D Boots Whip Antifire Shield Barrows Gloves Mage Ring Obby Cape Inventory: 1 Super Set (4) 1 Antifire (4) 1 Super Antipoison (4) 1 Prayer Pot (4) DDS Teletab 20 Sharks
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