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Everything posted by Ixindor

  1. ... No, I am not talking about a clan. And yes, it's VERY easy to enforce. In fact, it's already being enforced. The only thing that needs to be done is to make it more established, such as official posts in certain areas. Why is it so easy to enforce? Because everyone hangs around at safezones, you can just run. All you have to do is get all the PKers who want to PK one way to hang out at the same safezone on the same server, and have a list of the actual guidelines they use. The point *is* to let players choose what style to play, but more importantly, to help them find the people who want to play with the same rules. LOL You are like a brick wall. Ok, I was using a Clan and their willingness to agree to preset rules as an example. You failed to understand me. I'm not talking about building a Clan (although that may not be a bad idea). I'm talking about how they agree upon things before a clash. You also failed to address the Castle Wars scenario. Unless you bring a clan or friends that will follow you, the random players there will NOT do what you say...even if it is a winning strategy. You say it is easy to enforce. What's to stop a bigger group from crashing you? Try as you might, it will ultimately fail. The people speak for themselves and most do not agree with you. Afterthought: Lets say you and your group of like-minded players are chilling in Fally. You follow what ever rules you want. Then a group of equal size and levels comes in and picks fights with you. As we use what is available to use to fight, you stand there and lose ground as you try to hang onto your honor. Then you either die or retreat to a bank...while we all sit outside and wait for you to log out. What is the point?
  2. I understand what a metagame is. You nor anyone else in this game can enforce it. Basically you are talking about something like a Clan. When 2 Clans clash, they usually agree to some preset rules. That is more plausible than just asking a bunch of random strangers to all rally under your idea. To give you an example. Head to Castle Wars on one of its busy worlds. Try and rally your team to do what you think is right to win the fight. And then see how many are following what you said and how many do their own thing. Its nigh impossible. So the suggestion...again, trying to be constructive here, will let the players choose what style they wish to play. No freedoms are compromised. Everyone gets a piece of the PK Pie!
  3. Soma and I don't get along on these forums...but to offer up something constructive, what about changing the worlds to where these rules/restrictions are preset into the chosen world? It will definitely divide the player up even more, but atleast going into the world, you will know your predetermined rules/restrictions. That would level the playing field between the different types of PKers. You do have a point. And I do acknowledge it. Its the whole Majority Rules that hinders progress. There are what? 15 P2P Worlds and 10 F2P Worlds? Call it a Social Experiment... Why So Serious?
  4. AMEN! If these rules and regs you guys follow on a voluntary basis was implemented...we'd have to follow it too or not PK. It more than likely would upset more players than it helps, so the chances of it actually happening are pretty slim. Players like their freedoms. Whether they PK for fun, profit, or to annoy other players. What you are suggesting to be enforced is like the Trade Restrictions. Its there for a reason, but not alot of people like it.
  5. I used to think No Prayer was just Overhead Prayers too. I saw both of these in the last 2 days. Yesterday, World 65 I saw 2 dudes outside Draynor Bank fighting. One guy asked if the other was using Piety. Other guy said yes. So the guy asking stayed in the fight until he started loosing. Then called the other guy a Pray Nub and ran back into the bank. The day before on World 124, dude was outside Fally East Bank asking if anyone wanted to fight. Food Only. No Pots. He didn't get any takers. And got chased off by some other players. But I was thinking to myself, Barbarian Pots...good call buddy. Pretty sneaky.
  6. I do PK. Stated that in the other thread. You sir, must not be able to read or something. Better get that checked on...hope its not contagious. Anyway. I do PK (repeated for retention). I've seen these "Honor PKers." They want me to play buy their rules? I think not. Even with "No Prayers Allowed" how the hell am I to know you aren't using Piety? Food only, no Pots...how am I to know you don't have Barbarian Pots (animation's the same...wouldn't be able to tell). I trust no one except my Clanmates and a select few friends. When I see this kind of behavior, I see liars trying to lure me out of my earned equipment. No Thanks. Good luck finding some that will line up for your knock out, cuz it sure as hell isn't going to be me.
  7. I hope I meet you somewhere in a PvP world and show you what a real pker thinks of "fools" like you. Let's just say your teleports, summons, prayers, and safe bank won't save you. :ohnoes: :^o :lol: Emotes. Real clever...reassures me that you are indeed the scum that pollutes PvP worlds. Allow me to elaborate: You said "I hope I meet you somewhere in a PvP world and show you what a real pker thinks of "fools" like you. Let's just say your teleports, summons, prayers, and safe bank won't save you." And my response is "I'm so scared of you." :ohnoes: Which I am lying to you about :^o Then I laugh at you and your threats. :lol: My point has been proven. No one wants to fight your way. 11 :thumbdown: and a big fat 0 :thumbup: for your way. The people have spoken and majority rules.
  8. I hope I meet you somewhere in a PvP world and show you what a real pker thinks of "fools" like you. Let's just say your teleports, summons, prayers, and safe bank won't save you. :ohnoes: :^o :lol:
  9. Actually, I'm going to let this thread die. It can be locked if the Mods chose to do so. I do not support the PK Honor Code. Any of its variations is [developmentally delayed]ed in my opinion. I earned my Prayer Level and I will USE Prayers. I earned my Fishing/Cooking Level and I will USE Food. I earned my Magic Level and I will USE Teleports. I earned my Summoning Level and I will use Summons. If I die, I will not complain because knew going into the fight I could die. If I am losing the fight, and I have a means to save myself, I will use it to get away. I will live to fight another day. I will laugh at anyone that stands there and dies when they had a chance to fight back/flee. To all you honor PKers...good luck. If you really REALLY cherish your honor so much, take yourself to the Duel Arena. There you can "enforce" these rules you hang your honor on. To those that didn't vote to support the rule but tried to defend your versions of it, you all look like fools. I will be laughing all the way to the (Safe) bank, while you all lose money based on your honor. Good night and god bless :twisted:
  10. Funny, you feel you can make such a big assertion while admitting you don't pk much? :roll: It's not so much an honor code as it is just plain respect. Praying in a fight will make no one fight you. Rushing will piss people off (and generally they ditch their usual gear in order to switch to something else to beat the [cabbage] out of you with). Tabbing out is just plain sad (running not so much, with the whole timer and all some will still dislike you for it but the same hatred for tabbers isn't there). Basically, if you wouldn't want the other guy to do it, don't do it. This is a guideline within reason of course, and that's basically all pkers really ask for (additional 'rules' are agreed to before the fight, usually). I REALLY don't understand why so many people in this forum think the "honor code" of pking is "stupid", "an excuse", "sad", etc. when really it's just common decency and respect. These are rules both players agree to before they start a fight. Ofcourse they should both keep their promises and not tele or whatever they decided to not do. In a game that is all about luck these rules are kinda necessary. You want a fair fight, and so does your opponent. You may think you are smart by using prayers and safing, but how fair is that towards your opponent who does neither of those things? Now that's honor, keeping the promises you and another player made. I know it's just a game, but there are real people behind every character who deserve to get some respect and honor from you. You are free to do whatever you like to do, but don't pk if you are going to try to win a fight by breaking your promises. That's just sad. This man understands where I'm coming from. So is that a :thumbup: for you?
  11. LOL it will get there. Give it a minute. Why not vote while you wait? Tell you what, you can even vote for it (and explain your way of doing it at the same time :shock: ) Have a nice day! :thumbsup:
  12. Not here to debate it. Just want to know if you follow it. If you got a better way of explaining. I'm all ears.
  13. These are rules both players agree to before they start a fight. Ofcourse they should both keep their promises and not tele or whatever they decided to not do. In a game that is all about luck these rules are kinda necessary. You want a fair fight, and so does your opponent. You may think you are smart by using prayers and safing, but how fair is that towards your opponent who does neither of those things? Now that's honor, keeping the promises you and another player made. I know it's just a game, but there are real people behind every character who deserve to get some respect and honor from you. You are free to do whatever you like to do, but don't pk if you are going to try to win a fight by breaking your promises. That's just sad. You may voice your opinion all you like, but I don't care. So is that a :thumbup: or a :thumbdown: ?
  14. Ok, I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, but curiosity is getting the better of me. First off, this belongs in Questionnaires. But which ever Mod moves it, would you mind voicing your option on the poll? The PKer Honor Code: Basically standing there and taking your licks until one of you dies. This means using NO FOOD, NO POTS, NO PRAYER, NO SUMMONS, NO RUNNING, NO TELEPORTING. To expand a little: Basically agreeing to some preset rules outside of Duel Arena. It can be a combination of the things listed or all or even none. But staying to the end of the fight, even when you have a chance to get away or help yourself from dying. You do NOT have to explain yourself in any way. Do you follow this code? Please vote with a :thumbup: for YES I DO or a :thumbdown: for NO I DON'T My vote = :thumbdown: Totals: :thumbup: = 2 :thumbdown: = 28 *Will update totals with every page that adds on (if it this thread survives that long). Only looking for little thumbs people! This code is not a rule or implemented into the game outside of the Dueling Arena. If you follow this code (or any various incarnations of it) I want to know. So far, only 2 people follow it. Stats prove that it is a not a popular method.
  15. That may be the best suggestion so far. It would be in high demand, take up one slot (satisfy the Author), and would probably end up costing a pretty penny which gives the makers of it (Skillers) a new money source (if it were tradable). Lol, simple and to the point...Bravo Will_Holmes...Bravo =D>
  16. The "if you can't afford to lose it" argument doesn't apply here. The player did bring it into the fight knowing good and well he may lose it. If the escape route is still open (aka no Teleblock) and he is losing, he will most likely use it. He did risk the items. He just didn't lose it. Anyone will do that. There is a chance he could have been Teleblocked. Since his opponent didn't use it, he has the escape route option. The Teletab argument has a point. And a possible solution. Maybe make it so the a Teletabs/Ecto don't work during combat and up to 10 seconds after combat (like the Logout Feature). The only way out is the actually have the Magic Level and the Runes in Inventory to get away. That would make the escapee have to use a minimum of 2 Inventory Spaces (Camelot), and they would have to have the required Level. That might even things out a bit. Not to mention its dangerous to just teleport blindly into the crowded cities on PvP. Maybe even disable House Teleport like the Teletabs/Ecto so that if you are forced to escape by Teleport, you may be in more danger than its worth.
  17. Don't talk to me about training. My stats are better than yours, higher than yours, and I have around 35m more xp than you. 85 magic is nothing to me. The issue is the accuracy problems and the fact that I have to waste a minimum of 5 inventory and an extra 15kg of weight just to counter someone's 1 inventory teletab No other way to put that, that is unbalanced. Deal is none of the people here have EVER played on anything but this poorly designed combat system, so balance is uncomprehendable to you. Teleport, even with it's teleblock counter, is too available for it's power. One MMO I played had only two things that worked like teleporting does in RS. One was an ability for the wizard class, which was a short range teleport used to get away from people. It took one second to cast, during which if you took ANY damage whatsoever the spell was canceled without a chance of recasting it. Plus you were limited to casting it once every 3 minutes. The other was summon, which required a friend on a healer to summon you to his location. The spell itself took 6 seconds to cast, then you had to accept the summon offer, then it took another 10 seconds. During this 16 seconds you couldn't attack your enemy at all or the summon would cancel. Combat system was different there, so 16 seconds wasn't so long that it was useless. 7 seconds in RS combat would be about the same. That game was overrun with pkers. But unlike RS, you never had problems with people constantly complaining about teleporting/summoning, because 16-17 seconds was a long enough amount of time to make it counterable. Pkers don't hate teleporting because of what it does, but because of how ridiculously effective it is. While the entire combat system in this game could use a workover, a few fixes in the pvp section would go a long way. Oh boy, oh boy. Damn, I was hoping to not have to type so much. But someone needs to be put in his place. So... Ok, first off your initial first post is very borderline ranting, but you do offer a suggestion to fix it. Although, your suggestion was almost immediately shot down by others, you come back to argue and put others down (just like in the quote), making yourself feel bigger because your stats are higher than the other person. Your suggestion is a modification of another games rule on teleporting. I would highly recommend you go and play that game since the rules/restrictions are more to your liking. Jagex has...well...has always been different than other MMO's and they seem to like that streak. If you really want to be heard, you need to move your post to the RSOF. There is a Suggestions area there that Mods see. And if you can get enough support, you may (and its not guaranteed) get your idea implemented. Which brings me back to why we are all arguing over the idea here. Tip.it Forums, to me, is more of a lets talk it out kind of area. Not...I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG bickering! FTR, I offered a suggestion on the 5th post of the first page. Go look...I'll wait.... You are right. 5 Spaces is a lot to give up when PKing (and to correct you, yes I do PK). Teletabs/Ecto are a nuisance. Teleblock is a godsend though if you catch someone out in the open and far away from a bank. I personally have to give up a total of 8 Spaces in my inventory to be efficient. 1 Super Atk, 1 Super Str, 1 Super Def, 1 Chaos, 1 Law, 1 Death, 1 House Teletab, and 1 Magic Essence Pot (to boost me to 85 Magic). I have won fights though with this much space sacrificed. And yes, I have had to run a few times too. If I'm not Teleblocked, I'm going to get out and live to fight another day. I want to pose this complete Hypothetical Situation to you and see what you would do: You are PKing and for some unknown reason you have a Godsword and all 4 Hilts on you. And for some ungodly reason you are losing the fight. You attacked first and now you are skulled. You have Item Protect on, but you are going to lose all your Armor (let's say Full Bandos) and Hilts except for one... You have not been Teleblocked and you have a Teletab/Runes for Teleport on you. What do you do? Stick it out and die? Or get the hell out of dodge? Now, this situation is a huge abnormality. It serves a purpose though as it demonstrates the loss of money vs running. To anyone but the richest players...this would be a colossal loss of cash, when a 880 gp Teletab could have saved it all. For other players that don't have as much cash, getting away saves money. Armors and other weapons all had a [bleep]e in value because of the update. Not everyone has 99 Smithing to make Full Rune (which is weak compared to P2P Armors). And not everyone can afford to keep replacing the better P2P Armors/Weapons. Food/Potions on the other hand can be gathered/made yourself with not a lot of effort and should looked at as acceptable losses. Targeting Skillers is just going to get you upset, because more than likely they will always run. Any Skiller on a PvP World is fair game, but almost always, they are not prepared to fight and overly prepared to escape. So if you are targeting them, your chances at a successful kill is slim to begin with. This all leads back to the suggestion part of the conversation. Tweaks do need to be made. Ranting here about it will more than likely not get anything done. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy. The PKing aspect has been expanded beyond what anyone had imagined. My suggestion was the accuracy, no matter what armor you wear. Should be a fine fix. If it was deadly accurate, people would want it and it would probably become a standard inventory addition. Since it is not, its not highly used. And lastly, I do feel sorry for F2P that have to deal with the fact that anyone with 25 Magic can get away. My only suggestion to them is to make a Pure. Keep the Pure low enough to target people that don't have 25 Magic and hope for the best. That is about the best you can get for now. And be sure to get 20 Magic for yourself so at a minimum, bind is available to help you out.
  18. The best thing about the all this is the fact that first you all complained and moaned about the loss of PKing, then complained and moaned that Rev's were too strong and NOT like a true PKer (but can be killed), and then you get PKing BACK (!), just so you can complain and cry over the fact that you can't kill PKers!!! WTF PEOPLE?!? What the hell does it take to satisfy you all?!? Jesus! I know it could use some tweaks here and there, but damn...do you really have to cry and argue over it so much? Sorry, if this comes off as angry, but you all really need to get a grip and stop arguing over it. If I was Andrew/Paul, I'd tell you all to go to hell, issue bans for your characters for being [puncture]s to each other and move on with further game development without a second thought. FTR, you are all starting to sound like the RSOF. [/Rant]
  19. I'm thinking that Teleblock should just have a higher success rate, no matter what armor you wear. This way, people that have earned the power, will use it. People that don't have the power will be more willing to get it. And people that fall victim to it, will understand its power. I for one will teleport if the option is still there. No sense dying if I don't have to. But, should a Teleblock befall me, then I will have to suck it up and fight my way out or die trying. I'm not sure how the Enchanted Diamond Bracelet functions now, but if it prevents all Teleblocks, in or outside of the Wild, it may be a new item to use...granted you sacrifice offense, since the Bracelet offers no Combat Bonuses. It might even make you less of a target if people notice that you are wearing one and have the option to get away visible on your sleeve.
  20. You may want to look into the Amulet of Inoculation. Its an enchanted Ruby Bracelet that protects against Disease. For ANY player doing the Thieving method, this is a must to help avoid disease. May come in handy for Ranging too, if the monsters are still aggressive and safe-spotting isn't working. After they go non-aggressive, you can switch back to Vamps/Dark Gloves.
  21. That's interesting. I was unaware that the new spells could be cast'd on monsters. (although, in hindsight, I don't see why it wouldn't work since all other offensive magic can be cast'd on monsters) You may be onto something here 8-)
  22. Daily Tracker: [hide=Individual Skill Trackers] [/hide] [hide=Personal Goals Vs. All Maxed Goals]Personal Goals Vs. All Maxed Goals: Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. [/hide] [hide=My Stats] [/hide] [hide=My Clan] [/hide] [hide=Personal Pics]Finally got to the Half Way point for a 99... 93 Attack! Personal Best... Finished my 100th Task... And Slayer Points so far... 68 Summoning... BUNYIPS FTW! While Guthix Sleeps Good Old Anti-Fires... [/hide] *ALL NEW* CLAN CHAT: STAR CHASERS!!! ALL INFO IS BELOW [hide=*NEW* Star Chasers Clan Chat]Chat Name: Star Chasers (SC) Chat Entry Name: Ixindor Primary Use: To gather enough players for chasing down Stars all over the Worlds. I'm setting up this Clan Chat for use in finding and mining Stars all day. This is for players that love to Mine, but anyone may join to chat as well. Additional Comments: Well, at first, I will be the only one with Kick rights. If some Mods begin to be a prominent players on the CC, they will get Kick rights too. Also, anyone who shows good CC morals and values may be promoted to having Kick rights. The only real rule is to be honest when you spot a star. Please indicate its size and location using the Call Codes (see below). Any dishonesty will give anyone with Kick rights, the power to Kick you out of the CC. Permanent banning may be possible. Any issues regarding Kicks or any other fighting will be dealt with by me. You may discuss when a Star is going to land, but do not call out its location until it has landed. Speculation is fine, but don't tell people it is in a location when it has not landed yet. That may make people mad if they travel to the area and switch worlds only to find that you were wrong and its now somewhere else. Anyone who has the highest upgraded Telescopes will also get special promotions to indicate to others players that your times are the most accurate (within 2 minutes). You must invite me to your house so that I may verify that you do have the Mahogany Telescope. Any Mod that confirms it will be taken into account, until someone proves them wrong. The advantages of all of this is very fast Mining EXP plus the rewards on a daily basis. If you think about it, there are enough worlds to have a star within a few minutes of logging in. Please post or PM me here or ingame. Once I verify your level or telescope, you will be added to the ranks. This CC is open to ALL players. No rank is required to get in. People with ranks will help you to be able to figure out what their positions are (CC Mods, Mahogany Telescopes, etc). Please note that you do NOT have to leave a Clan to be in this CC. Your Ranks are honorary. Any Clan that requires you to stay true should not worry as this is not a full Clan. We will just be using the CC Feature to our mutual advantage.[/hide] [hide=The Ranks]General (Gold Star) - These are the enforcers. Any Mods and/or players earning the right to Kick will have this rank. Captain (Silver Star) - These are anyone with Mahogany Telescopes (84 Construction). Any Captain's Time should be taken seriously as they are accurate up to 2 minutes. Lieutenant (Bronze Star) - Anyone with 90 Mining Sergeant (3 Stripes) - Anyone with 80 Mining Corporal (2 Stripes) - Anyone with 70 Mining Recruit (1 Stripe) - Anyone with 60 Mining[/hide] [hide=Landing Sites]NOTE: UPDATED 11/12/2008 Kingdom of Asgarnia -Mine west of Falador -Rimmington mine -Crafting Guild mine -Northeast of the Mining Guild, Southeast of Falador East Bank Kingdom of Misthalin -Southeast Varrock mine -Southwest Varrock mine -East Lumbridge Swamp mine -West Lumbridge Swamp mine -South of Varrock east Bank, just northeast of the magic shop. Kingdom of Kandarin -Outside Yanille Bank -Khazard mine, north of Yanille -Coal Trucks -At the mine just northeast of East Ardougne -At the mine north of the Monastery. This is the one south of Ardougne, not the one near Edgeville. Morytania or Mos LeHarmless -Southeast of the bank on Mos LeHarmless, north of the docks -Just outside Burgh de Rott bank -Just outside Canifis bank Karamja or Cranador -Gold mine northwest of Brimhaven -Just south of the mine outside Brimhaven Dungeon -The mithril mine on the southwest of Cranador -The gold mine on the northeast of Cranador, make sure you come from the north side of this -The mine north of Shilo Village, northwest of the nature alter -Gem mine in Shilo Village Fremminik Lands and Lunar Isle -The mine in the northeast of Relleka -The mine outside the entrance to Keldagrim, just south of the Snowy hunter area -Outside the mine on Jatizo -South of the Bridge to the Rune rocks on Neitiznot -Northeast of Lunar Isle, by the entrance to the rune essence mine -The mine on Miscellania Tirannwn, Picatoris or Gnome Stronghold -In Lleyta, just south of where you teleport to -Picatoris mine, just northeast of the fairy ring -West of the Agility Training Area in the Gnome Stronghold, right by the north stairs to the bank Kharidian Desert -Just east of Nardah Bank -Near the clay mine northwest of Uzer -Gold mine northwest of the agility pyramid -Just outside of Al Kharid Bank -North of the Duel arena Hospital -At the Quarry -Al Kharid mine Wilderness -The mine with the hobgoblins, northwest of Bounty Hunter -Rune rocks north of the lava maze -Mine near the Zamorak wizard, north of edgeville -Mine west of the Mage arena bank, by the Pirates Hideout -Bounty Hunter Bank -Just north of Mage arena bank -Skeleton Mine northwest of Edgeville[/hide] [hide=Call Codes]First text is the World Second letters is the abbreviation of the Landing Field Third letters is the abbreviation of the Landing Site Fourth numbers is the Time using H (Hour) and M (Minute). NOTE: Always call the shortest time. Example: W103-ASG-FWM-1H15M Translated: World 103, Asgarnia, Falador West Mine, 1 Hour/15 Minutes NOTE: UPDATED 11/12/2008 ASG - Asgarnia ASG-FWM - Falador West Mine ASG-RM - Rimmington Mine ASG-CG - Crafting Guild ASG-MG - Mining Guild MIS - Misthalin MIS-EVM - East Varrock Mine MIS-WVM - West Varrock Mine MIS-ELM - East Lumbridge Mine (Swamp) MIS-WLM - West Lumbridge Mine (Swamp) MIS-VMS - Varrock Magic Shop KAN - Kandarin KAN-YB - Yanille Bank KAN-KM - Khazard Mine KAN-CT - Coal Trucks KAN-LEG - Legend's Guild Mine KAN-AM - Ardougne Monastery MOR - Morytania or MOS - Mos LeHarmless MOR-ROTT - Burgh de Rott Bank MOR-CANI - Canifis Bank MOS-BANK - Mos LeHarmless Bank KAR - Karamja or CRN - Cranador KAR-GOLD - Brimhaven Gold Mine KAR-BD - Brimhaven Dungeon KAR-NAT - Nature Alter KAR-GEM - Shilo Gem Mine CRN-MITH - Cranador Mithril Mine CRN-GOLD - Cranador Gold Mine FRM - Fremminik Lands or LUN - Lunar Isle FRM-RLK - Relleka Mine FRM-KELD - Keldagrim Mine (Outside entrance) FRM-JAT - Jatizo Mine FRM-NEZ - Neitiznot Mine FRM-MISC - Miscellania Mine LUN-REM - Rune Essence Mine TIR - Tirannwn or PIC - Picatoris or GNO - Gnome Stronghold TIR-CITY - Lleyta PIC-RING - Picatoris Fairy Ring GNO-AGI - Gnome Stronghold Agility Area DES - Kharidian Desert DES-NAR - Nardah Bank DES-UZER - Uzer Mine DES-AP - Agility Pyramid DES-BANK - Al Kharid Bank DES-DUEL - Duel Arena Hospital DES-QUAR - Granite Quarry DES-AK - Al Kharid Mine WILD - Wilderness WILD-HOB - Hobgoblins Mine WILD-RUNE - Rune Mine WILD-ZAM - Mine near Zamorak Wizard WILD-PIR - Pirates Hideout Mine WILD-BHB - Bounty Hunter Bank WILD-BANK - Mage Arena Bank WILD-SKEL - Skeleton Mine[/hide] [hide=Star Map]NOTE: Out of Date - Still useful for visuals, although some that show are not Landing Sites[/hide] [hide=*PIMPIN* World 60 Penguin Hunters!] I'd like to promote W60 Penguin Hunters CC. They have a really good batch of players that can help you find all the penguins in roughly 30 minutes to an hour. Please be sure to log into World 60, then use the Entry Name: Riods2525. You can be Kicked from the CC if you are not in their world. Happy Hunting![/hide]
  23. I was a F2P back in 2004. Played for about 3 months, then went P2P and never looked back. I would find it incredibly hard to play with that small amount of space, even if I started over lol.
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