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Everything posted by Ixindor

  1. Can you recommend one? I'd like to know where one is at too. That would be really helpful for decisions that may change weekly.
  2. Amen. On the same path as you. Unlocked Bones to Peaches and Apprentice Wand so far. Plan to get everything from there myself. This is actually a side goal for me. Right now, I'm trying to get Mage to 96. Figured if I went in the MTA and earned all the rewards, I'd feel like I earned something AND get some Mage EXP in the process. May not be the fastest way, but at least I'm getting something I want. BTW - Bones to Peaches rocks for Slayer Assignments. Keep it up man. And Good Luck!!! :thumbsup:
  3. Try the Rocking Out Evidence Files if you want easy 1 step Level 2 Clues. They come fairly often and the fact you only have to go to one location to finish the clue makes them my favorite resource for Level 2's. Level 1 - Edgeville Manhouse (Combat)/HAM (Thieving) Level 2 - Cockatrice (Slayer)/Evidence Files (Thieving) Level 3 - Any Slayer Master Assignment from Chandler on up. (Slayer)
  4. May I ask, what the purpose of this program is? I have most of the quests done (I haven't done Rocking Out and any quest after, which is 4 I think?!?). So will this benefit me in anyway?
  5. I'm going to disagree with the posters above me on the MTA, at the risk of being Flamed. I too am trying to raise my level to 96 Magic. I want Spellbook Swap and am planning to switch to Lunar Spells as soon as I get there. However, my approach is different than most others. I'm attempting to not burn myself out on Magic before I get to my goal. Doing things repetitively, to me, burns me out quickly and I will abandon the goal. MTA is a decent way to earn and learn. What I mean is, I am going to unlock everything in the MTA. This way, I feel as if I earned it and some of the items are useful (Bones to Peaches, Mage Book, Master Wand, Infinity Boots). I do agree that the TeleGrab one is the most boring and slowest and quite frankly drives me a little nutty at times. But I do it a little at a time. I'm waiting to get to 87 Magic to do the Level 6 Jewelry Enchant, so no points have been accumulated there yet. The point is, however, that I am doing it at a pace I like, which isn't the most "Cost-Effective" or "Fastest Way." But its a satisfying way for me to train. To each his own.
  6. Anyone who has all the rewards already, have you checked to see if the bonuses stack with the Pyrelord Familiar bonus? I can't do it yet, I'm at work, but just curious...
  7. This is just a scale idea. Have it add a slot based on your Magic Level. The first scale puts it at 1-99. You get your first Slot at Level 16 Magic and the 6th Slot at 99. The second scale is more to my liking. This way you aren't burnt out on your way to 99 Magic. It gives you your first Slot at Level 15 Magic and the 6th Slot at 90 Magic. This way you can make the extra push for the last 9 Levels with optimum efficiency. Scale 1 Levels 1-99 ...............*...............*...............*...............*...............*..................* Scale 2 Levels 1-90 ..............*..............*..............*..............*..............*..............*.........
  8. This is not meant to sound offensive, but why are you all selling yourselves short? 3 Slots? So you only want to be able to have one spell loaded at a time? Granted you may get a few other spells loaded based on the 3 Runes you pick, but still you are selling yourselves short. Think outside of just High Alchs and Teleports. Look at the bigger picture. You may get much more use out of Magic with this idea. I understand that 6 may sound like alot, but look at the properties of Runes. Runes have no use alone. You have to have at a bare minimum of 2 Runes to make at least 1 Spell. Or a Staff equipped. Rangers do use multiple bolts/arrows, but its something I rarely see. The most common being Mith Emmy and Addy Diamond for their effects. When it comes to regular Arrows, you usually use the cost effective ones or best you can use. You don't see Rangers using combinations of Bronze through Rune Arrows for various effects. Rangers also have the (awful) Bolt Pouch. But at least its something. And like the Bolt Pouch, I was thinking of maybe putting a cap on how many Runes you can have equipped. Not sure how many yet (500?). The main purpose of this idea is to help save Inventory Space. If it were cut down to 3, for Slayer, I would have Astral, Cosmics, Laws in the slots for Spellbook Swap and maybe High Alch Runes in my Inventory with a House Teletab. That greatly reduces the versatility of the idea. It doesn't allow for the mixed combinations of Runes outside of the Inventory and the potential they would bring. You would again, have to fill up your inventory with the other Runes just to try and get the effect, which essentially defeats the purpose of this idea.
  9. Casual Mage: Bones to Peaches - 4 Earth, 4 Water, 2 Nats High Alch - 5 Fire, 2 Nats Teleports - 1 or 2 Laws, Various Element Runes Tele Grab - 1 Air, 1 Law Super Heat - 4 Fire, 1 Nat Enchant Jewelry - 1 Cosmic, Various Element Runes Bake Pie - 1 Astral, 5 Fire, 4 Water Cure Plant - 1 Astral, 8 Earths Monster Examine - 1 Astral, 1 Cosmic, 1 Mind NPC Contact - 1 Astral, 1 Cosmic, 2 Airs Humidify - 1 Astral, 3 Waters, 1 Fire Cure Me - 2 Astrals, 1 Law, 2 Cosmics Superglass Make - 2 Astrals, 6 Fires, 10 Airs Dream - 2 Astrals, 1 Cosmic, 5 Bodies string Jewelry - 2 Astrals, 10 Earths, 10 Waters Magic Imbue - 2 Astrals, 7 Fires, 7 Waters Fertile Soil - 3 Astrals, 15 Earths, 2 Nats Plank Make - 2 Astrals, 15 Earths, 1 Nat, Money Vengeance - 4 Astrals, 10 Earths, 2 Death Spellbook Swap - 3 Astrals, 2 Cosmics, 1 Law Total Rune Types: Earth Water Fire Air Nature Cosmic Law Astral Death Body Mind 11 Total Different Runes Condensed: Combo Runes - 2 Elements Combo Runes - Opposite 2 Elements Nature Cosmic Law Astral Death Body Mind 9 Total Different Runes Break Down and Uses: Slayers - Spellbook Swap, NPC Contact, Bones to Peaches, High Alch, Teleports, Tele Grab, Monster Examine, Cure Me, Dream, Vengeance Astral, Cosmic, Law, Fire, Water, Nat, Earth, Death, Air, Mind, Body - 11 Inventory Spaces are used Condensed: Astral, Cosmic, Law, Nats, Death, Mind, Mud (Inv), Smoke (Inv) - 2 Inventory Spaces are used. This setup makes the Slayers more efficient. Access to all these spells are made possible from the Spellbook Swap (which alot of this centers around). Even without the Spellbook Swap, there are alot of Lunar or Modern Spells at your disposal. This also only consumes 2 Inv Spaces but allows for much more versatility. Of course, all of these spells are completely optional and customizable to the individual. This is an extreme case (but a setup I would use). No staffs are "needed" per say, but could be a practical option for the Inventory Spaces. Keep in mind, if you just have the Runes, you don't have to equip the staffs to cast. A simple click to the Spellbook and click on the spell will get you what you need whilst you continue to do your Slaying. Uses: Spellbook Swap for obvious reasons. NPC Contact to get Slayer Assignments. Bones to Peaches for healing. Teleports to get you around (this can open up other Teleports in the Ancient Spellbook as well, but the Ancient Teleports are not extremely practical for Slayer). House Teletabs with Portals in your home would be the best use along with Lunar Teleports. Tele Grab for tough situations where you may be trapped or if you are engaged in a fight, you can get an item without moving (optional). Monster Examine for certain stats on the fly (optional). Cure me to deal with Poison problems. Dream fits in oddly but could be a practical option. Dream paired with Health Restore Prayer could help you go the extra mile if you have a few creatures to kill before you leave an area. And lastly, Vengeance for bringing the smack down and speeding up Slayer Assignments. Break Down and Uses: Farmers - Spellbook Swap, Teleports, Cure Plant, Fertile Soil, Humidify. Astral, Cosmic, Law, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Nats - 6 Inventory Spaces are used. Condensed: Astral, Cosmic, Law, Mud, Smoke, Nats - No Inventory Spaces are used. This setup makes the Farmers more efficient. Access to all these spells are made possible from the Spellbook Swap (which alot of this centers around). Even without the Spellbook Swap, there are alot of Lunar or Modern Teleport Spells at your disposal. No Inv Spaces are consumed (which is an important part of Farming Runs). Of course, all of these spells are completely optional and customizable to the individual. This is an extreme case (but a setup I would use). No staffs are "needed." With just these Runes, you don't have to equip any staffs to cast. A simple click to the Spellbook and click on the spell will get you what you need whilst you continue to do your Farming Run. Uses: Spellbook Swap for obvious reasons. Teleports to get you around (this can open up other Teleports in the Ancient Spellbook as well, but the Ancient Teleports are not extremely practical for Farming). House Teletabs with Portals in your home would be the best use along with Lunar Teleports. Cure Plant to cure your crops of diseases. Fertile Soil so you don't have to haul around and/or swap out buckets. Humidify for refilling your Watering Can (not sure if this actually works, but if it does, then it would have a practical use). These are just 2 examples that came to mind. The other Spells in the list at the top are also for casual use. As far as I know, none of the listed spells will "Fail" based on a Magic Bonus. Also, anyone without Spellbook Swap would still have uses for this idea. And yes, these 2 examples are for Casual Mages. But this idea would be extremely nice for Full Mages too. Snares, Charge, Various Attack Spells could be used in tandem instead of just bringing one set of Runes for one or two spell types (aka Inv Space Saving). I think that there is no "overpowering" of Magic. It just makes Magic more practical. It definitely gives Magic more of an incentive to train it. It may put higher demand on Runes. It may put higher demand on Combo Runes (which Magic Imbue helps with). It may increase Runecrafting. *Phew* Didn't mean to write a book about it either. Just really passionate about the idea. I like Magic and wish I could get more out of it on a daily basis. Also, the Rune Pouch idea is not a bad idea, but I'm not a fan of it. Mainly because you would have to be able to check it from time to time. With this idea, just a simple click on your Equipment Stats will show you your Rune Count.
  10. This is just a suggestion and a work in progress at the moment. Take a look at this pic: I did this in MS Paint so please be nice. In a nutshell, I rearranged the Equipment Slots and added 6 open slots for Runes. The idea here is to help free up Inventory Spaces so that being a Mage would be more practical. Basically, you can add a stack of Runes here, much like a Ranger equips his Arrows/Bolts. This frees up Inventory Space and allows both the Casual Mage and the Full Mage a much more functional use of Spells. Just some ideas: You can always have a Teleport loaded. You can always have High Alch loaded. If you have Spellbook Swap, you can pretty much live on Lunar Spells and switch occasionally (Casual Mage). Expanded Ideas: Casual Mage: Bones to Peaches - 4 Earth, 4 Water, 2 Nats High Alch - 5 Fire, 2 Nats Teleports - 1 or 2 Laws, Various Element Runes Tele Grab - 1 Air, 1 Law Super Heat - 4 Fire, 1 Nat Enchant Jewelry - 1 Cosmic, Various Element Runes Bake Pie - 1 Astral, 5 Fire, 4 Water Cure Plant - 1 Astral, 8 Earths Monster Examine - 1 Astral, 1 Cosmic, 1 Mind NPC Contact - 1 Astral, 1 Cosmic, 2 Airs Humidify - 1 Astral, 3 Waters, 1 Fire Cure Me - 2 Astrals, 1 Law, 2 Cosmics Superglass Make - 2 Astrals, 6 Fires, 10 Airs Dream - 2 Astrals, 1 Cosmic, 5 Bodies string Jewelry - 2 Astrals, 10 Earths, 10 Waters Magic Imbue - 2 Astrals, 7 Fires, 7 Waters Fertile Soil - 3 Astrals, 15 Earths, 2 Nats Plank Make - 2 Astrals, 15 Earths, 1 Nat, Money Vengeance - 4 Astrals, 10 Earths, 2 Death Spellbook Swap - 3 Astrals, 2 Cosmics, 1 Law Total Rune Types: Earth Water Fire Air Nature Cosmic Law Astral Death Body Mind 11 Total Different Runes Condensed: Combo Runes - 2 Elements Combo Runes - Opposite 2 Elements Nature Cosmic Law Astral Death Body Mind 9 Total Different Runes Break Down and Uses: Slayers - Spellbook Swap, NPC Contact, Bones to Peaches, High Alch, Teleports, Tele Grab, Monster Examine, Cure Me, Dream, Vengeance Astral, Cosmic, Law, Fire, Water, Nat, Earth, Death, Air, Mind, Body - 11 Inventory Spaces are used Condensed: Astral, Cosmic, Law, Nats, Death, Mind, Mud (Inv), Smoke (Inv) - 2 Inventory Spaces are used. This setup makes the Slayers more efficient. Access to all these spells are made possible from the Spellbook Swap (which alot of this centers around). Even without the Spellbook Swap, there are alot of Lunar or Modern Spells at your disposal. This also only consumes 2 Inv Spaces but allows for much more versatility. Of course, all of these spells are completely optional and customizable to the individual. This is an extreme case (but a setup I would use). No staffs are "needed" per say, but could be a practical option for the Inventory Spaces. Keep in mind, if you just have the Runes, you don't have to equip the staffs to cast. A simple click to the Spellbook and click on the spell will get you what you need whilst you continue to do your Slaying. Uses: Spellbook Swap for access to any spell. NPC Contact to get Slayer Assignments. Bones to Peaches for healing. High Alch for converting drops into gold. Teleports to get you around (this can open up other Teleports in the Ancient Spellbook as well, but the Ancient Teleports are not extremely practical for Slayer). House Teletabs with Portals in your home would be the best use along with Lunar Teleports. Tele Grab for tough situations where you may be trapped or if you are engaged in a fight, you can get an item without moving (optional). Monster Examine for certain stats on the fly (optional). Cure me to deal with Poison problems. Dream fits in oddly but could be a practical option. Dream paired with Health Restore Prayer could help you go the extra mile if you have a few creatures to kill before you leave an area. And lastly, Vengeance for bringing the smack down and help speed up Slayer Assignments. Break Down and Uses: Farmers - Spellbook Swap, Teleports, Cure Plant, Fertile Soil, Humidify. Astral, Cosmic, Law, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Nats - 6 Inventory Spaces are used. Condensed: Astral, Cosmic, Law, Mud, Smoke, Nats - No Inventory Spaces are used. This setup makes the Farmers more efficient. Access to all these spells are made possible from the Spellbook Swap (which alot of this centers around). Even without the Spellbook Swap, there are alot of Lunar or Modern Teleport Spells at your disposal. No Inv Spaces are consumed (which is an important part of Farming Runs). Of course, all of these spells are completely optional and customizable to the individual. This is an extreme case (but a setup I would use). No staffs are "needed." With just these Runes, you don't have to equip any staffs to cast. A simple click to the Spellbook and click on the spell will get you what you need whilst you continue to do your Farming Run. Uses: Spellbook Swap for access to any spell. Teleports to get you around (this can open up other Teleports in the Ancient Spellbook as well, but the Ancient Teleports are not extremely practical for Farming). House Teletabs with Portals in your home would be the best use along with Lunar Teleports. Cure Plant to cure your crops of diseases. Fertile Soil so you don't have to haul around and/or swap out buckets. Humidify for refilling your Watering Can (not sure if this actually works, but if it does, then it would have a practical use). These are just 2 examples that came to mind. The other Spells in the list at the top are also for casual use. As far as I know, none of the listed spells will "Fail" based on a Magic Bonus. Also, anyone without Spellbook Swap would still have uses for this idea. And yes, these 2 examples are for Casual Mages. But this idea would be extremely nice for Full Mages too. Snares, Charge, Various Attack Spells could be used in tandem instead of just bringing one set of Runes for one or two spell types (aka Inv Space Saving). I think that there is no "overpowering" of Magic. It just makes Magic more practical. It definitely gives Magic more of an incentive to train it. It may put higher demand on Runes. It may put higher demand on Combo Runes (which Magic Imbue helps with). It may increase Runecrafting. Leveling Scale This is just a scale idea. Have it add a slot based on your Magic Level. The first scale puts it at 1-99. You get your first Slot at Level 16 Magic and the 6th Slot at 99. The second scale is more to my liking. This way you aren't burnt out on your way to 99 Magic. It gives you your first Slot at Level 15 Magic and the 6th Slot at 90 Magic. This way you can make the extra push for the last 9 Levels with optimum efficiency. Scale 1 Levels 1-99 ...............*...............*...............*...............*...............*..................* Scale 2 Levels 1-90 ..............*..............*..............*..............*..............*..............*......... This is again a work in progress and I want to add more to this. This is just a sample of what I'm attempting to work out. Any ideas taken in will be credited.
  11. The only thing I can agree on would be if Jagex can actively apply a timestamp to the account. What I mean is, I wasn't playing when the Bunny Ears/Scythe was dropped. I would kill to have a Scythe, but there is nothing I can do about it since I didn't even know the game existed back then. But the Halloween Event that had the Zombie Head is the one I missed. I had Real Life to deal with. I had to set aside the game for a bit to deal with some very real issues that threatened to pull my family apart. And I tried, believe me I tried to find a way to get on long enough to get the Zombie Head. But it didn't work out that way. And now, I have a gap in my Toy Box. It glares at me and I wish to god I could do something...ANYTHING to get it (HUGE fan of Zombies). I have been around since the Yo Yo. But because I had to deal with something that prevented me from playing, I was denied the one thing I really wanted. And I never quit. I just had to stop playing for a bit. It haunts me everyday. And I hate looking into my Toy Box. Again, I wish there was someway to have Jagex look back at the time of the creation of the account to help an older player pick up a missed event. I'm not asking for them to let me get the Bunny Ears/Scythe. To be fair, I wasn't playing then and the older players deserve that privilege. But I have been playing since. Which would still signify my "older" status.
  12. Yeah, I read up on Stews, but I hear its nearly impossible to get the +6 mark. Guess I'll just see if I can raise my Farming levels up a bit on lousy low level Herb Seeds.
  13. Son of a...crap :wall:
  14. Ok, I'm on the verge of 64 Summoning (Stranger Plants Familiars). According to Tip.it...Stranger Plant boosts Farming +1 +4%. I am at 64 Farming. I can make Garden Pies (+3 Boost to Farming). Is this enough to boost me to 70 Farming so I can plant a damn Poison Ivy Bush for my final Varrock Achievement Diary Task? If not, what minimum level do I need to make this work. I'm out of money and good seeds. I suck at math. #-o
  15. Lol, last week, I went to a gathering with my friend. He was trying to hook me up with this one girl. Turns out she has a son who is 13. We are all outside (10 of us) and her son comes up to me and says, "You got a Level 109?" Everyone looks at me. I'm thinking, "Oh god...not now." So I'm like, "116 actually. I don't play on Free Servers." Everyone is like, WTF is he talking about. Next thing I know, I'm into a full blown discussion about Runescape with her son. Turns out, my friend's girlfriend plays Runescape too. She had asked for my help and I was messing around on a Free Server, trying to help her get started in the game again. She told the girl's son. Turns out 2 other people there also play. And, because of the connection with her son, well let's just say...I got a new place to sleep ;) Thank You Runescape!!! \
  16. I guess I should give my Summoning background. Tears of Guthix all the way. Tears got me to 57 Summoning and Saturday I made 1600 Terrorbirds to get to 61 Summoning. I literally walked from Fally West Bank to the Taverly and back again. I had no idea their were other faster places. I know I'm going to move to the Fishing Colony one and walk from the Bank from now on (too poor for Dueling Rings and my Emeralds go on bolts). I'll get all the Secondaries myself. I am actively training Slayer and get Warped Tortoises all the time. I'm just debating on whether I want to make pouches I will use or make pouches and then turn them in for Shards. That is the biggest issue I am having. Those 1600 Terrrorbirds? Those will last me a long time. So they aren't getting traded back in. The next logical thing to make would be Bloated Leeches, but I know nothing about them. If they are useless I hesitate to make them. So there is my dilemma.
  17. OK, I'm at 61 Summoning and am trying to reach my target goal of 68 Summoning. I have 1200 Gold, 1800 Red, 2000 Green and 260 Blue Charms with 3.5M Cash. I have no idea where to go from here to be efficient. I know 3.5M Cash is not a lot of cash. I was wondering what you would do to get these next 7 Levels. Any advice would be greatly valued.
  18. Man, PVP everywhere on a Free Server would be REALLY crowded. I can see it now...Like Banks packed to the brim with a bunch of PKers standing outside waiting patiently. Sounds Flippin Awesome :thumbsup:
  19. Most obnoxious post of the day. The PKers are very sorry for being king of their own realm, and you don't seriously mean you expect to walk here and there in peace in a PKer-infested world? Not trying to sound obnoxious. But I wasn't a fan of being PKed if I wasn't ready to fight. To me, that was just picking on the weak. I do/did have respect for PKer's that wanted to fight others that were ready to fight. At least it was a fair match. I'm not a good PKer and remember the few times I tried it, having my heart race and begin to shake with nervousness. It was because I knew if I lost, I was going to loss my items. But at least I was trying to defend myself and even win (yes, I won sometimes). I do understand the thrill of winning. And I hated the feel of defeat. And hated more being killed when I was trying to finish a clue. You know, minding my own business. Now that the worlds are separated, we can all live in a state of balance. A form of Harmony if you will. We can rely on each other (Skillers and Killers). I said it in another post and will say it again here. I think Runescape is heading in a Golden Age. 2008 ftw!
  20. I think it will definitely put a demand on Combat-Based items. Finally Skillers and Killers will have to greatly rely on each other. This could be a Golden Age for Runescape!
  21. Ok, tbh, I have never liked PKing and when the Wild went, I was sooooooooo happy. I hated PKer's that stopped me from doing my daily activities. But now that we are separated from each other, I say AMEN! This has to be the best year for updates since...well I don't even know when. Everyone is getting a piece of the pie. And to be even more honest, I'm curious to play on these PK Worlds. I want to see if I can ever get over the nerves of fighting with another player. I remember someone somewhere once threw out a number like 16% of the RS Community are PKers. I have no idea how that number came to be, but it was mostly agreed upon. And there's what? 150,000 players on average playing? That means that roughly 24,000 PK players are online at once and I have no idea what the percentage of P2P and F2P is. So if there are only say, 6 new worlds and at the current restriction of 2,000 players at one time, wouldn't that make them overcrowded at all times? And if that number is true, what about the players that just can't get in? Another angle: Besides Combat-Based Potions rising, wouldn't Metal Armors and Weapons move to rise? I mean if you can make you own armor and get killed, you can make it again. Or sell it to players that need it? Might put a bigger demand on the base metal armors. I know, for example, if I went there, I would be wearing what I can make. So, its not a huge loss if I get KO'd. Might even put a demand on the Metal Bar/Ore Market as well. My conclusion of all this...keep doing what you are doing Jagex. I'm praising you all the way. I know of least one WoW person in real life that has come to this game and enjoys it. This will be the icing on the cake for him. People of Runescape...REJOICE!!!
  22. Here are my Slayer Tips in no particular order. -Get Abyssal Whip -Get Barrow Gloves (also called Dark Gloves) from Recipe for Disaster Quest. -Get non-degrading armor (Rune, Dragon, Bandos) -Get Guthans -Get Bones to Peaches -Get Dragon Boots -Get FoG Dragon Slayer Gauntlets and use them when not Meleeing Dragons -Get the Slayer Helm ASAP -Get the ability to make Slayer Rings after Helm -Get Angel of Death Gravestone -Get Cannon -Get Slayer Staff and Leaf-Blade Sword -Get the Prayer Armor (forget the name but comes from the White Knight's Questline) -Unlock all Transport Systems (Fairy Rings, House Tele w/ Portals, etc) -Make and use Combat Potions -Monkfish are universal -Make friends with the Chaos Tunnels (routes) That's about all I got so far...Getting all these tools (not all at once, but when you can) will greatly increase your speed. If you got any questions, feel free it PM me here or ingame.
  23. Yep. Also, any Temple Trekkers/Burgh Ramblers can use them for the Campsite Event. Instead of scrambling to kill and cook some food to save the campers from dying (thus becoming Ghast that attack you), you can just pull out some strawberries and move on. Its my only source of food now when I play that minigame.
  24. To clear things up...the Mister, I'm my own Grandpa quote is a Futurama quote. Funny Episode if you have see it. OT: I want to see what that slum town way east in the Swamp looked like. Also, there is a castle near there we haven't been able to get into yet too. Hmmm...
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