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Everything posted by Ixindor

  1. ^^^ From the other topic that has all the Update info. I can't get on and see for myself just yet, but I'm going to assume that the main bank is its own tab? So if there is a 9th Tab, I would add the Generic stuff like hammer, chisels...things of that nature. In no particular order (again): 1) Slayer/Weapons/Armor 2) Farming/Herblore 3) Emote Clue Items 4) Crafting/Fletching/Firemaking 5) Summoning 6) Magic/Runecrafting 7) Fishing/Cooking 8) Mining/Smithing 9) Generic Materials/Tools
  2. Only 8 Tabs? hmmmm... In no particular order: 1) Slayer/Weapons/Armor 2) Farming/Herblore 3) Emote Clue Items 4) Crafting/Fletching/Firemaking 5) Summoning 6) Magic/Runecrafting 7) Fishing/Cooking 8) Mining/Smithing
  3. Extremely excited for the new bank!!! :shock: \ :thumbsup: =D> :lol: Now, about Item Lending. I really don't have a problem with this. But be warned people. Even though there are several scam prevention devices installed into our current Runescape lives, don't forget that the second this update comes out, there will be many people...bad people, looking for glitches and ways to make a trade permanent. I would highly advise to NOT lend anything extremely expensive (EX: Phats, AGS, etc) until all the bugs are documented and dealt with. I know this sounds negative, but can see people actively trying to exploit this update, and getting rich off of it. You have been warned.
  4. Definitely going to have a Rune Tab, Herblore Tab, And Farming Tab. Not sure about what else yet. Might go home tonight and start sorting out what I want grouped together.
  5. More info: My roommate and I have Dell Latitude 1200 series laptops. His is about 6 months older than mine. For some reason, he can go to Full Screen with no problems. He, however, only has 2 available resolutions. Also, both of our Anti-Aliasing options are disabled. Turning them on is not an option for either of us. Our graphix cards are generic chipsets. But High Detail does work for us. We can both play on the highest setting with all the other High Detail options turned on and set to the highest and dynamic settings. But for some reason, my laptop doesn't like Full Screen.
  6. Ok, so after the new updates I was extremely excited to play Runescape on Full Screen. But much to my disappointment, I played last night on High Detail, but with old interface (looking at the game through its little window). So I decide to try and figure out the problem and can't seem to get it to work. First off, here is what keeps happening. My laptop (which is the only PC I have) has 5 different resolutions to choose from. After I pick one (I have tried them all) and click on Full Screen (either ingame or at the login) it just goes to a full white screen. Then goes back. Ingame I get a message saying something along the lines of "There was problem going to Full Screen." My computer specs are fine for this, but I do not have a graphix card for anti-aliasing. If that is the problem, then I guess I'm screwed. I don't even know what Anti-Aliasing does. I'm beginning to think that it is my Java. I went to Control Panel>Java>Update and noticed that the last time I manually ran an update was in 06/17/07. It says I have Java 6 Standard. I tried to run the update last night (it told me there were updates available). After I clicked on install, I would get 2 messages seemingly at random. One would say "Request timed out" and the other would say "Cannot install updates. Check windows Internet Options to ensure proxies are set correctly." I use Firefox exclusively. Can anyone PLEASE help me solve this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I am missing out on something great. ~Ixindor~
  7. Dammit, I'm trying to update my Java. I'm in the same area as described above. I click on the Update button. I get a bubble that tells me a new update is ready to install. Also a box appears that say Install. I click the Install button and nothing happens. I have Java 6 Standard. Can anyone help!!! THIS IS DRIVING ME INSANE!!! I JUST WANT TO PLAY FULL SCREEN!!! :cry:
  8. Please keep the pics coming. I'm stuck at work until 7PM (which is another 5 and a half hours away)! Please, this is the only tangible way for me to "see" the new graphixs until I get home!!!
  9. Pfft, range animation looks awesome now. :roll: And bows *gasp* actually have strings! [hide=][/hide] How is that [developmentally delayed]? I swear if it were up to some of you we'd still be way back in the beginnings of RSC where the most powerful armor was steel... so many of you seem to feel that change = bad no matter what it is. Holy HELL!!! What is that Skull Armor the character in the middle is wearing?!?
  10. Please keep the pics coming. I'm stuck at work until 7PM (which is another 5 and a half hours away)! Please, this is the only tangible way for me to "see" the new graphixs until I get home!!!
  11. Yesterday, my roommate got killed in the Wild by a rogue Reverant. He was wearing Rune stuff and had an Obby Shield and Cape. Lost the Obby and Dragonstone stuff (Glory and RoW). I've been telling him to get the new Diamond Bracelet and Spirit Wolves when you go out there, (not to mention D hides to help negate the magic attacks) but he never listened to me. He paid the price last night and I was laughing my [wagon] off about it. He was completely pissed about it and the fact that we were talking about this thread earlier yesterday. Anyway, as for myself, I can only think of one moment of total rage. Damis. I will never forget that bastard! I decided to do Desert Treasure right after its release to check out the cool new "Magicks!" No guides were out yet, but many people were still doing it. The only info we had on Damis was that he was tough (I was a level 90 at the time) and he drained Prayer really fast. I went in with Full Rune and 6 Prayer Pots (couldn't make them and they were expensive at the time). Had the rest of the inventory filled with Sharks. Owned his first form, got pwned by his second form. Ring of Life failed me. I was pissed! Someone collected my stuff for me, but I had to buy it back. So I try round 2. Get back to him with a WHOLE inventory of Prayer Pots and 2 Sharks. This time there was no one there with me. I'm trying to see him through all the monsters and forget to juice up on Prayer. BAM 22! Panicked, I switch to inventory. BAM 22! I eat a Shark (instead of drinking a P Pot). BAM 24! I eat the other Shark. BAM 24! DEAD!!! Maybe 20 P Pots and my armor hit the ground and I end up in Lumby. I WAS FURIOUS!!! TONS OF MONEY WASTED!!! AND THE STUPID RING OF LIFE FAILED ME AGAIN!!! I took some time off from it to make some money back to regain my equipment. Then randomly, some one tells me he's vulnerable to magic. This time I gear up with Mage and bring a friend to pick up my stuff if I get KO'd again. And I beat him! I will never forget the RAGE I felt over this though. To loose 200k back then was a big deal to me when I had little to no money. Now I look back on it and laugh at myself! ~Ixindor~
  12. Who did your sig pic Bloodveld? I like it!
  13. As Mr. Mackey would say... "Junk Trading is bad, mmmk."
  14. Don't you have to have the Summoning level required to use them? I'm only 4 Levels off from using them, but I'm also broke as joke (hence, no more further leveling until I get some cash-ola)
  15. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I will not be using Blue Charms. Those are for later down the road and hard to come by.
  16. I'm currently 54 Summoning and doing alot of Slayer Tasks for the new updates to Slayer. I've found myself being very un-efficient when it comes to working other combat skills lately. I'm currently just using melee on EVERYY task it seems, so I've decided to look into Combat Familiars that would help with Range/Mage EXP. Anyone tested any of the ones under 54 Summoning? Only interested in RANGE/MAGE Familiars. EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I will not be using Blue Charms. Those are for later down the road and hard to come by.
  17. Cool, are there any workable safespots in the GWD? I have a Zammy book to keep me safe.
  18. I have 160 Hellhounds to kill for Slayer. I'm only familiar with 3 spots that have them. Taverly Dungeon, The Dungeon east of Ardy and level 50 Wild. Is there any other places that these guys inhabit? And I need to improve my Mage. I was wondering if Slayer Dart would be good for these guys. I know that under Taverly are safespots. Are there other places with safespots? ~Ixindor~
  19. Ugh, so you can only blacklist a total of 4 Slayer Monster Tasks spread out between all of them? If that's the case, then I will have to do more evaluation on them. I know for a fact that Steel Dragons are gone. And possibly Spiritual Rangers. ONLY 2 MORE?!? This is going to suck lol.
  20. Questions! When you blacklist a task, does it apply to ALL slayer masters? For example, if I black list Spiritual Rangers on one Duriel, will that apply to say Sumona? Can you blacklist more than 4 tasks? Maybe you can only see 4 at a time. Maybe a scroll bar appears once you get past 4. Can you blacklist anything from Tureal (Burthrope guy)? For example: You finish a task and have nothing else assigned. You decide to got try the weakest one. He gives you Birds. Can you blacklist them? (Names are probably mis-spelled. I haven't had time to look them up)
  21. I could have sworn I read somewhere that Jagex was going to be reducing the amount of randoms because the are doing a good job of beating back the bots. Just remember them saying it got pushed back as a less important update, so it may take awhile. I do agree with the optional chat filter. I really do. I hate the filter in this game. I really do. :wall: OH and not to stir up the bee hive lol, but the Wilderness is not coming back and the players that want it are in the Minority. Sure they can SPAM a lot, but its not doing any good and Jagex obviously has plans for the Wild. So, I highly doubt they will scrap possibly months of work, just to please a small minority of players.
  22. This is the rant section right? So I'm going to rant for a bit! WTF!!! I was finally getting things going here. Participating in the discussions and really enjoying my time spent on this forum. Unlike the RSOF, you people here are more mature and pleasant to deal with (I swear the entire RSOF is swarmed by people under the age of 11). Goodbye Dark Squall post. Goodbye RS Blog. I worked hard to get that up and running and now...I think I am going to abandon it. I want the name of the Traitor! GIVE US HIS NAME!!!!!!!!!! ~Ixindor~
  23. How many quests are there to date? I remember Recipe for Disaster was their 100th Quest. If we are close to the 150 Quest Mark, maybe that will be a Legends Part 2. And a new Half Shield for the Kite doesn't sound too out there. How the plate comes into existence may be different though. But again, there are 2 other Metal Dragons that need to rear their ugly heads. ~Ixindor~
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