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Runescape - Getting too serious?


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I never took RS seriously.




I played since classic. I'm only 114. I know MANY people who would have achieved that in months, or atleast under a year.




Its like God.




Its only as strong as you belive in it


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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Everyone is different...what is deemed "serious" by one person, like someone training a skill to 99, may be truly fun for the person that is training. Some people take games more seriously than other people and still enjoy them.. It's just a matter of opinion.

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well i personally want my first 99 to be defence as its been a long goal, only its horribly slow if your not funded right, then there seriesness begins. new items are at a sky high and make it more enjoyable to train a skill, but without money your going no where. from MY eyes, runescape is now revolving around high levels and rich players to those who only tried playing for fun but cant anymore. castle wars being a major issue for me. i always play castle wars, not with a clan but friends and strangers. now fair-go my opponent has a BGS and i only have a whip but when your getting abused for losing because your low funded is that fun? no sir it aint. fun is players enjoying themselfs, not being abused by wealth or levels.




thats my two cents


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I think its not just runescape in general that is getting to serious. I believe it is the whole gaming community. As games become more graphically and story line advanced, the more the players get "into" it. Just think, back in the day (1990's) all we had was things like super nintendo or sega and the very fist gameboys. back then it was just fun to mess around on Super Mario or something and waste time. Nowadays we have games like Halo 3 on game platforms like xbox 360's and Playstation 3's. The graphics are WAY more advanced as is the storyline, thus making it more interesting to a wider span of people. No longer is it just the "nerds" who play games like runescape, it is anyone who wants to play a fun game with good graphics (HD).




Now i must admit this, i got sucked into this whole "serious" gameplay for a few months. I used to play awhile back and got to around level 80 and then quit. I came back around 3 months later and logged on to see what changed. To my surprise, I knew nothing about the game anymore!! I felt like a total nub straight off tutorial island again! So that is when i really got into it... when it was no longer just easy fun gaming to do when your bored. It actually had grown to become very complex and took great thinking skills in some parts to overcome things (If you dont know about Tip.it's guides =P). since then it just kind of evolved from there and i came to be more and more addicted to Runescape. Always worrying about being the best and having the most money and being able to "own" all my friends and get a skill cape(s). Up until a few days ago i couldnt figure out why runescape was so boring nowadays, and i figured out why.... its because I know almost everything about the game and I can do almost everything. thus making it boring because nothing is "new" anymore like it was when I started playing again at level 80.




This made me realize that it isn't fun anymore because im not trying to make it fun, I'm trying to be the best. And lets face it, being the best at anything in Runescape takes a LOT of boredom to achieve. So recently I've made the decision to not care about money or 99's anymore, and I have been enjoying Runescape a lot more. I may not be as rich anymore (due to bounty hunter =]), but i don't really care because I'm having a lot more fun now. After all, that IS what Runescape is about right?




So this is my message to all of you people out there (mainly high level'ed rich players) who say Runescape is no longer fun because there is nothing to do. You have two choices to resolve that problem.




[hide=]1) Quit playing Runescape for a good length of time. Atleast 2 months.


2) Stop worrying about being the best and having skill/fire capes, start playing like you did at a much lower level and have fun. Dont you remember the good ol' days of trying to kill a lesser demon with a friend because you wanted to get rich off of a rune med drop? or begging a high leveled rich player for his stuff in his bank he doesnt want? those days were way more fun in my opinion.[/hide]


Peace out fellow Scapers, and remember to have fun.


[hide=My goals]Gina_Monster.png


R.I.P Anthony Pacheco, I'll never forget you homie. When i see you up there we gonna go skating aight man.

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