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Noob Worlds


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Yep, bad idea.








There's been suggestions to modify Tutorial Island, and I think this might be more effective, although I agree it shouldn't take forever to get off; but just to be sure newbies are better educated about the game.

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I agree with jaklumen its a bad idea,they just need to modify tutorial island.




At the moment their training is pretty basic,and unless they have friends who already play rs and can teach them,their in for a steep learning curve.

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I dont like the idea. If you have friends higher lvls than you that can get into higher worlds than you could never visit them. You could also not be able to trade with as many people.








good job.. i agree :lol:








That idea wasn't that bad.. but eh?

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Think it's a bad idea. The idea of improving the Tutorial Island i kinda like since i found it a bit hard to get around and stay alive during my first few levels and that has nothing to do with being a noob, besides aren't we all noobs at heart? all we did is to learn how to play the game better then some ppl who hasn't and yes beggars are annoying but just ignore them or run away from them. Are they pm-ing you ? just put chat on friends or off even put private chat on friends or off just don't say "put all the noobs on an island or own world" that isn't a nice thing to say. And the whole level X should have their own worlds isn't fair each of us have the right to be on the world you are on and if you don't like that they are on just don't go on that world. My advice world hop or run away if you see a level X .




Greetz Sneffie

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