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LCD monitor question


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I recently bought a 17 inch Hyundai LCD monitor with a 8ms response time. When I looking for a monitor I definantly wanted something with a fast response time figuring I am into fast moving games like counter-strike. When I was configuring some of the options with the monitor there is a place to configure the screen refresh rate. I have an option to go all the way to 180 Hz. Can anyone explain what the screen refresh rate is? It doesnt appear to be the same as response time, and should I set it at the highest setting available?








Thanks for the help

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The refesh rate is how often the monitor gets update. At 180Hz, your monitor updates 180 times every second.








The responce time is how long it takes for the monitor to update the image after it is sent the update. It takes time for the crystals to change shape to produce a different color, in your case, it should take 8ms (8 thousandths of a second).








A higher refresh rate is generally better, but if you set it too high and your monitor is not built to handle that refresh rate, it'll burn out.








I'd suggest looking in the manual and seeing what the recommended refresh rate is for the resolution you are using (in your case, I would use the native resolution of the montor for most tasks). A higher resolution usually means you'll have to use a lower refresh rate, so at a lower resolution, you can use a higher refresh rate.








I'd use the max of what the manual recommends, but no higher.

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I doubt u will need over 80hz for CS. 180 seems like overkill.








It is. Your eyes won't notice the difference, to them everything after 60-80 hertz is a fluid motion.

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I doubt u will need over 80hz for CS. 180 seems like overkill.








It is. Your eyes won't notice the difference, to them everything after 60-80 hertz is a fluid motion.








Yep. Even at 25 Hz (PAL TV, 25 images per second - Europe. It's 29.97 in the USA - NTSC) it's fluid. Although the eyes still see a difference up to what Hannibal said because we're able to make a difference between 'how' fluid and smooth it looks... if that makes sense lol.

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I think most monitors will burn out quickly at 180Hz. I haven't seen a monitor go that high before.








CRT Monitors generally can run at higher frequencies (faster refresh rate) than LCD monitors. That's why gamers swear by their CRT monitors vs LCD monitors.








The refresh rate setting is set by the video card, not the monitor. The video card makers had to make an upper limit, so they picked 180Hz because they figure within the next (pick a big number) years nobody will create a monitor with a refresh rate higher than 180Hz. (at least that's my guess)

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Ok, well I guess I should try to tone down the 180Hz then lol...the recommended level from the monitors instructions said I should set it at 60 hz, which in counterstrike, I could still see a little delay time. At 180Hz, counterstrike was pretty much perfect, it was as fast as a crt monitor.








I'd really like to keep it at 180Hz, but if you all think that it will burn out my monitor faster, I guess I'll try to tone it to a more reasonable level.








Thanks for the replies

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Try cutting down the resolution in counterstrike. Usually the monitors will allow a higher refresh rate at a lower resolution. (I would check the manual to confirm that).








A lower resolution will also mean faster framerate. Find a balance that you like!

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It would pay off more if you buy a great mouse or one those hotkey pads. Big difference when ur trying to use a sniper rifle. Regular mouse can be very jerky. You definitely dont need 180hz to be good at cs lol. I havent played cs for awhile but i used to play it on a Eizo Flexscan L66 ($3500 lol, i had the first LCD in my school :) ) and i was pretty good at CS.

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Do NOT use any modes above 100 with an LCD monitor. It WILL lose a considerable amount of lifetime. If the manual says 60, run it at 60. Normally the operating system should prevent you from using options that your monitor does not support, but it seems that didn't work in this case.

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