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The New Random Event Idea


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I was talking to my friend on runescape and something came up and i told him, we need a new event, this is ancient times right, where dragons should fly around and stuff, well i said we need dragons to fly, he says where are they gonna fly, in the cave? lol, well i said it would be a random event just like genies, old man, dwarf, like you're walking to varock or fally or whatever city, you see the dragon flying towards you, you start fighting it, after u kill it you either get 10 d bones, and some rare item, but it would be extremely rare, too extremely but it happens =), well what do you say? Post what ya think about it




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ya, and members need more random events thatare just theirs, we only have two that f2p doest, we have strange plant and watchman, i like the idea of the dragon, but it shouldnt be able to shoot fire, and it should be very very very rare, like you get one every 200 hours of play

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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