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Stop telling free players to buy membership!


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Ever played adventure quest?


Every click basically is just an advert to get membership.


(Not to add the fact to get onto the servers themselves pratically requires membership in the first place.)


My friend told me about that site so I made an account to see what it was like. After 5 or 10 minutes of playing that game you could only mouse-click probally 2 or 3 times before it says "You need to become a member to access this option." I wil never go back there again because it was so annoying and frustrating, thank God Runescape isn't like that and probally wil never be.

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I am indeed, sick and tired of "Why sohk? Can't afford members? NOOB!"




I believe that F2P is NOT a "glorfied demo". I do believe that this P2P came out of the starting F2P itself, thus, technically making the P2P a probable upgrade, or an add-on. I think most members have their heads, and ego swell by paying money. For a game. And gloating about it. "Lol you can afford an internet, computer so stfu and pay!!!!!!! u dont deserve any of dis!!! pay!!!" Please. That's something only Jagex would say. We DON'T need YOU to tell US.




Although, I do have mixed feelings about this, since I strongly believe that we seriously can't catch up, even if Jagex gives us all the cool P2P updates. I don't know, it's like... giving a caveman instructions on how to kill high tech aliens. Or something like that. :P


I joined approximately a month and a half ago, after spending almost six years on and off as a f2p-er. Surprisingly enough, I'm actually fairly caught up (stats in siggy if you want to see) and I've gotten to play almost every minigame. I don't have access to all the guilds or GWD yet, but I've gotten at least half of the quests done as well.




Of course, I've got plenty of free time to play in college (easy class semester, woot!), but still, the point stands that in no more than 2-3 months of dedicated membership it's pretty easy to catch up on member skills, especially with the non-member skills already high to support them. I didn't even think ahead to build up a giant lump sum of cash before joining :wall: but I made it just fine.



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I've been playing free to play for awhile now, after canceling my suscription a month or so ago. I think that f2p do have enough with what they have up to a certain level. When you get into the 90s or so in f2p, you start to run out of things to do, or monsters to kill. Thats when i think Jagex expects you to want that extra content so you can. My level 100 for example, ive been f2p on it for about a month, and i dont think ive even touched a monster in that whole time, there is just no point. Unless you want to go kill moss giants or something for fun? I think f2p should be seen as an appetizer for the p2p content. People who dont feel like paying for this extra content, then fine, no big deal.


Also, i dont think its the fact that they cant 'afford' it. It actully dosent cost that much to play... I used to pay about $8 or so a month, to me thats nothing, for a game that you can spend hours and hours on at a time.


Just my opinion.

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