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On average, about 150 sharks an hour. I forget about monks, but I know that sharks are more profitable. You shouldn't have any reason to fly fish. Monkfish are more efficient if you care about fishing xp, though.

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People tell me sharks are more profitable than monks atm because of the PvP boom. I can't confirm that, but it's good for you to know.




If you are looking for xp, Heavy Rod Fishing is the best. Hands down.

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Best xp: Fly fishing, especially barbarian style (heavy rod)


Best gp (right now, anyways): Sharks. They're currently going for 1.2k max (and they instantly sell at that)


Balanced between xp and gp: Monkfish. Also good to stockpile for training food for yourself, if you want.

Owner of quest cape since December of 2006


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Everyone here as pretty much hit the nail on the head, so I'll just back up what they say. =]




If you want to get to the real 99, stick with monks. It's the best XP/GP balance while fishing. But even if you don't care about XP and only want money, the money you lose fishing monks instead of sharks is neglibible while the XP you receive is phenomenally greater. You get around 2.5X the XP per hour fishing monks versus sharks.




Sharks aren't really worth it until you hit 99, but since you already [kind of] have that if you just want money fish sharks. But I think you'd get a better sense of accomplishment getting 99 fishing legitimately.



-Recipient of Lesser Demon Champion Scroll

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