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How many hours do you play games a day/week/month etc?


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I'm not playing games all the time... But the time at the computer (games/writing stuff for school etc...)... Maybe 10h a day? Less on the weekends... Mostly partying then, so i say perhaps 55h.. Give/take a couple.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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Jeez, people. I spend maybe an hour a day when I can play at all on weekdays, two hours tops. Weekends can vary from none to like 3. Or in the case of this coming Monday, 6 or 7. But that's a special case.


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Well, since I refuse to play on the weekdays (ever since my parents wouldn't allow me to play on the weekdys six years ago, it kinda stayed) UNLESS it's a new game or an old classic that I want to play, in which case I do my homework and play the game until 11. So about 6-11. However, my schedule is really dependnant if I'm playing an old game, so I have 2:




NO CLASSICS GAMES FOUND (i.e. Half Life or Warcraft)




Monday: None.


Tuesday: None.


Wednesday: None.


Thursday: None.


Friday: 5 hours.


Saturday: 2-5 hours.


Sunday: 2-5 hours.




Total: 9-15 Hours during these Weeks. Computer time isn't integrated on the weekdays, only the weekends, but it's two hours a day on the computer.




GAME I WANT TO PLAY FOUND (i.e. Final Fantasy VII, which I just put into my PSP And am addicted to)




Monday: 5-7 Hours. (With 2 Hours Computer time)


Tuesday:6-8 Hours. " "


Wednesday: 5-8 Hours. " "


Thursday: 5-7 Hours. " "


Friday: 7-9 Hours. " "


Saturday: 5 Hours. (Not counting computer time, which is about 2 hours)


Sunday: 5 Hours. " "




Total: 40-49 (With computer time) Hours During these weeks :ugeek:




It's funny how a game that I REALLY want to play can dictate how long I play. Especially if it's a classic. However, a soon as I'm satisfied with either a) Beating the Game or B) doing as much as possible in the game, I go back to the shortened schedule. I'm playing FF7 though; I won't be off forever.




@ NOM_ANOR: New Guitar Hero game?

Hoping to get a new Signature (with matching avatar) soon. :D


In the meantime...Steam username: )I'll rewrite it later (add me if you want)

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@ NOM_ANOR: New Guitar Hero game?




How did you guess :twss:




Gonna have an all-day session with DaDieselDude and some other friends . . . hopefully. Assuming I can get a copy of the game.


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Over the last year, 2 hours a week average? Probally less. As a younger teenager I gamed alot but I can't afford to buy games anymore, so I occasionally break out an older game and play that.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Honestly? Up to and above 4-5 hours a day.


Though this varies through 3 main functions;


  1. [*:2xomyakr]Is the game new? Or have I re-discovered an old game? [if so; increase]
    [*:2xomyakr]Do I have really, really, really important work in for tomorrow? [Procrastination! But overall lower]
    [*:2xomyakr]Is it necessary for me to be doing anything else than this right now? [ill probably procrastinate anyway, so increase]


I take my PSP with me everywhere I go, so if im not walking or working I tend to have that out. And if im at home im likely to be sat at my computer regardless. I get nervous if I dont have something filling the palm of my hand.


Sometimes it feels like a burden - a curse if you will - but theres just those times when you sit back and think "Man, that was awesome." like when you completely maul someone at a game or complete one.

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