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Ratchets Movie Reviews (The Bourne Supremacy)


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(I do this on the Nostalgia Critic Forum, and just thought this forum did not have enough retro stuff...)




Hello and welcome to my somewhat retro review blog. Here, I will review any movie I have seen lately. Basically, its like Nostalgia Critic, only I do review good movies (and bad of course). So, to start us off, we go back to 1981 and 87 for a set of films that are some of my favorites!








The Evil Dead is one of those movies that is supposed to be serious, but you just have to laugh at. It was a low budget horror flick, that would soon become a cult classic.


It starts as most horror movies did back then, in a cabin in the middle of the woods. Its basically about this "Book of the Dead" that some guy reads and it conjures up a bunch of zombie like monsters who kill off all of main character Ash's friends.


Ash is one of the most kick [wagon] movie characters. He basically kicks your [wagon], and makes it funny. Never have I laughed so hard at a decapitation as when he did it, letting the blood from it enter his mouth.


Which brings up one of the reasons I love it so much. The blood and gore is what makes it funny.


Poor Ash always finds himself drenched in blood. Tons of it. In both Evil Dead movies. For some reason, the zombie people are like giant sacks of blood waiting to explode.


Another great part is when he goes downstairs, and the pipes crack open over him, and a huge wave of blood drenches him. It is so funny, and so nasty at the same time.


This movie also has a tree raping a girl. It is really funny, but all the same, disturbing.


The fact of the matter is, it is cheesy as hell. But, because of that, we get some of the most overused horror cliches ever. First of all, tons of blood and gore. Next, claymation and stop motion. Lastly, the camera flying through the air and at the characters, to tell you theres danger. You just cannot see it. It was brilliant. They were making this movie on next to nothing, so what else could they do? These types of shots would appear in Friday the 13th multiple times, as well as a couple others.


While it may be considered one of the greatest horror flicks ever, it still suffers from many plotholes that I guess the viewer has to fill in, but overall, it is one of my favorite horror movies.




After the unprecidented success of Evil Dead 1, we get Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn. Its beginning makes no sense, kinda redoing the first movie. Then, we get to the movie.


It is much more action oriented than the previous one. Basically, from start to finish, all it is is one big action scene. There is nothing wrong with that, and it kept me glued to the seat.


It was a bit more funny than the previous. Who can't forget that dumb hill billy [bleep] (Can't remember her name...it was Marie Ann or something...). First she eats an eyeball, and then she get killed by the rapist tree...this time though, it did not rape her. Instead, it smashed her into another tree.


Also, it adds in one of the most awesome ideas ever.


A chainsaw hand and a sawed off barrel shotgun.


Friggin awesome.


And what does Ash say when he aquires these crazy weapons?




[bleep]ing right!


That was so awesome, I nearly cried. Why did I not think of that? Who could not think of that. During the 70's and 80's, chainsaws were one of the horror movie cliches (still around in videogames today, as well as some movies). But no one could think of a friggin chainsaw hand? Thats stupid...


Basically, this movie was funny, kickass, and downright insane. Everyone but Ash dies again, and we see our hero get transported to the middle ages.


Which is where the next movie kicks in...






MY SCHEDULE (Only a couple...still thinking a bit...)


10/23/08: Army of Darkness


10/24/08: The Running Man


(After that, I will probably do various other horror movies...Friday the thirteenth and such...maybe some Monty Python...and once November 14 rolls around, Quantum of Solace will be reviewed...and the new Futurama movie will probably be reviewed soon. These are just ideas though).






Please comment and watch out (nearly) daily for more reviews, and perhaps just some retrospects here and there...ratchet573

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That was a pretty good review (lol, i'm reviewing a review), did you use a template or something? It seemed rather uniform: giving a plot summary then explaining the good and bad bits. Nice review. :thumbsup:

My Last.Fm


Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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That was a pretty good review (lol, i'm reviewing a review), did you use a template or something? It seemed rather uniform: giving a plot summary then explaining the good and bad bits. Nice review. :thumbsup:




Nope, I just used my head...no template...just following what most people do...I don't know...its my first review. Thanks for the feedback...gonna have to review another movie tonight!

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I do not have a retro movie lying around, and my Army of Darkness review will have to be put off for a while...


Tomorrow, I will review the running man, after watching it again, but I will review it.


Anyways, I need to fill something in, so here is my review of the remaking of Bond.




Casino Royale is one of my favorite movies, let alone, favorite Bond film. It is action-packed, and manages to create a more realistic Bond.


In the beginning of the movie, all we get is action. For the first twenty minutes, we see Bond shoot someone, jump around a construction site, and watch him brutally beat the hell out of all these people in an embassy.


The movie then goes to explain a bit more of the story, which is basically about Bond playing Texas Hold Em against a man named Le Chiffre (and others, but thats beside the point). Bond must beat Le Chiffre in order to stop him from funding terrorism. A much more realistic story than the previous Bonds where "World Domination" is the evil characters main goal.


Daniel Craig is a great Bond. He fits the book description perfectly, and is a much more emotional person than the other movies would ever show.


While I am talking about this movie, I might as well rag a bit on the other ones. They were great back when they came out, and I have always liked the Roger Moore ones. I am older now, and completely hate and dispise his movies. Sean Connery established a Bond that was amazing. He was suave, could kill anyone without the use of gadgets, and was just much more fitting for the role.


Here comes Moore. I liked him before because he was funny. Completely destructive, and just plain funny. But then, I grow up, and find that his jokes are mocking Ian Flemings James Bond, as well as Connery's. He was stupid. He would keep making them, and become a fat old man...not what I would call a sex symbol...but then again, he did get hooked up with that one lady from A View to A Kill...who is, by the way, the most unsexy, most revolting looking, Bond girl ever. She was a stupid choice, much less, why would Bond even willingly go to bed with her? Desperation?


After Moore, we get Brosnan (I know I am skipping Lazenby and Dalton, but I did not like Lazenby and found his movie to be the most boring, and I found Dalton to be a perfect representation of Bond, until Craig). Brosnan was all right...but as with Moore, his dependence on gadgets made him boring. Some of his stunts were neat, but overall, his movies became to technical, and stupid...Plus, he got caught and sent to prison! How the [bleep] did James Bond get captured.


Well, thankfully the new one came, and was basically a much needed series reboot. It was supposed to appeal to the younger crowd, who thought that Brosnan was all right, but the others were pathetic, and stupid. The reboot brought with it a Bond with more emotions, a much more violent Bond, and, a much needed new story. The stories were becoming stale in the middle of Brosnan's portrayel. I really think a whole lot of the movies scripts are bad. The only reason I watched the rest of Brosnans movies was to see what stunts would be in teh movie.


If you have some Bond movies, hopefully you have Die Another Day, Brosnans last movie. Watch that, and then, hopefully, you will dispose of it. It was terrible. Then, pop in your copy of Casino Royale, and see the difference. The stunts are more realistic in Casino Royale, as well as the story, characters, Bond, love affair. And also, BOND ACTUALLY GETS INJURED! OH MY GOD! WHAT A MIRACLE!


So, now lets get back to the movie. After more fighting and more awesomeness, we get to the most hilarious interrogation scene ever. Bond is naked, strapped to a bottomless chair, and Le Chiffre has a rope, with a knot at the end. Needless to say, Bond may have the most bruised sack a man could ever get.


All he does is grin and bear it.


"I have an itch."






HOLY [cabbage]! Man that guy is awesome, can take a sack attack without even crying like a baby.


"The last thing the world is going to know you for is scratching my balls."


Best line in the movie. Hilarious. Not like the old Bond at all.


And then, Le Chiffre tries to cut off Bonds nuts...


God, that is the best interrogation scene ever.


The movie keeps going. You thinks its going to end, but no, it keeps hitting you with more, and more...


Until the finale, that basically leads into the next movie, Quantum of Solace, which I will review as soon as it comes out in America (the 14 of november, but it will probably be either the 15 or 16 before I review it.)




Thanks for reading, comment, and also, watch for more!

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Evil Dead, who doesn't love them. The first one is actually quite scary if you ask me. The second one is my favorite, it's so hilarious, so is the third. Ash, with his boomstick. :thumbsup: If you like Bruce 'God' Campbell, you should really read his autobiography "If chins could kill: Confessions of a B-movie Actor".


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Evil Dead, who doesn't love them. The first one is actually quite scary if you ask me. The second one is my favorite, it's so hilarious, so is the third. Ash, with his boomstick. :thumbsup: If you like Bruce 'God' Campbell, you should really read his autobiography "If chins could kill: Confessions of a B-movie Actor".




Might have to...he is a really great actor.

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Evil Dead, who doesn't love them. The first one is actually quite scary if you ask me. The second one is my favorite, it's so hilarious, so is the third. Ash, with his boomstick. :thumbsup: If you like Bruce 'God' Campbell, you should really read his autobiography "If chins could kill: Confessions of a B-movie Actor".


If you ask me, the first one was as funny as all of them, but its nothing compared to anything by the king of comedy gore: Peter Jackson. He did invent the exploding sheep phenomenon!!! :P




Good review, once again!!! Could have done with more comentary on your behalf and less of a plot summary. Still good though!!! :thumbsup:

My Last.Fm


Random Furry Dance!!!

Proud to hate life, since not too long ago!!!

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Oh god, this movie was [bleep]ing awesome.




First of all, it can be summed up in one quote from the movie. An old lady says this in the middle of the movie, and it made me laugh so hard:




"Ben Richards is one tough [bleep]."




I have never experienced a movie this screwed up.




It starts with Ben Richards getting framed for shooting down a mob of innocent civilians, which gets him thrown in jail. He ends up escaping, meeting some lady that looks like Sarah Silverman, getting caught by guards, framed again, and then getting a second chance on a game show called the Running Man. It's 2019's number one show, and Ben is black mailed into playing. He then plays, only to find out the bargaining chips from the black mail are his buddies in the game.




If you do not know the slightest thing about this movie, it stars Arnold Schwartzenager, and a woman who has about as bad of a accent as Arnold. Arnold kills everyone, and then makes somewhat funny comments, kind of like Roger Moores Bond, only funnier. It is based on a book by Richard Bachmen (I mean, Stephen King...oops...).




Now, let me keep going about this movie.




On the DVD box, it says "A game nobody survives. But Schwarzenegger has yet to play." Its actually pretty catchy, except that Arnold is not playing it, he is portraying a man playing the game.




Anyways, it is basically American Gladiotors, minus the crappy gladiators. At first, we get this (as an old lady puts it) "Big cuddly Teddy Bear." Subzero! He is a big asian who looks kind of like Oddjob from Goldfinger. Except, he has a scythe-like hockey stick, and pucks that blow up like grenades.




I might as well tell you the rules of this game as well. Basically, its this 400 block area, where these people called Stalkers follow the Runners and try to kill them. And thats the whole game. Kill Kill Kill.




Anyways, it ends up that Arnold puts barb wire around this guys neck and kills him (as well as cutting off the dudes fingers).




Heres one gripe I have with this movie, just needed to point this out. IT SEEMS LIKE EVERYONE WATCHING THAT SHOW IS OLD! Old people are the main people in the audience, Old ladies especially, and yet, my grandparents complaint that violence is bad (I mean, both sets of grandparents, my great grandmother...every old person). In 10 years, I guess the old ladies have a change of heart.




Well, lets continue. So, Arnold fights a guy with a chainsaw, called Buzzsaw or something, and ends up cutting that [wagon] in half, and then this guy that, as Arnold puts it perfectly, looks like a "Christmas Tree" ends up getting his car rolled over, and being the fatass of the movie, he cannot get out, and of course, Arnold does not kill him.




Then, we get this guy with a jetpack and a flame thrower named Fireball or something (funny how I just finished the movie not more than fifteen minutes ago, and I cannot remember the names of anyone...).




This guy ends up getting blown up.




And then the bad guys use neat computer tricks to broadcast a fake death for both the woman that looks like Sarah Silverman, and Arnold (Arnolds friends are dead). Basically, it shows the girl getting her neck snapped, and Arnold getting impaled on these [bleep]es.




Thankfully, they are not dead, and our heroes meet an underground resistance who help them save the day. They show that Arnold is innocent, and basically take over the games studio. Arnold then kills the announcer for the show, by sending him down a pipe in this superfast car, and blowing him up.




After that its all happy happy make out, crappy eighties music, and crappy ending credits.




Its a good movie. Some good lines like:




Arnold: I'll be back




Announcer guy: Only in reruns




Complement it, and it was just awesome. Arnold is a great actor who kicks so much [wagon] in this movie, as well as gets a beard and mustache. It was really, not that good by my standards if I actually decided to look at it, but I was to busy watching at awe as this really cheesy and awesome movie went on.




My next couple gripes:




1. Running man the home game? How the [bleep] do you play this at home?








2. In 2019, we will still be using tapes to listen to music, have crappy box televisions, and use really [cabbage]ty computers...Do the new machines attack us so we must go back to old, [cabbage]ty technology?
















Thanks for reading, comment, and wait till sometime this weekend for my movie schedule for next week.

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Evil Dead, who doesn't love them. The first one is actually quite scary if you ask me. The second one is my favorite, it's so hilarious, so is the third. Ash, with his boomstick. :thumbsup: If you like Bruce 'God' Campbell, you should really read his autobiography "If chins could kill: Confessions of a B-movie Actor".


If you ask me, the first one was as funny as all of them, but its nothing compared to anything by the king of comedy gore: Peter Jackson. He did invent the exploding sheep phenomenon!!! :P




Good review, once again!!! Could have done with more comentary on your behalf and less of a plot summary. Still good though!!! :thumbsup:




It was liek that, because I had nothing to nitpick, its one of my favorite movies, and there was just not enough bad things for me to get mad at anything.




The Running Man was good, its just that when I look at it closely, its really crappy. Kind of like every Arnold movie. Commando especially...Cool, yet crappy...

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Every weekend, I will write up a "round up" basically going over my blogs from the weekdays, and going over my future reviews.








First off, let me thank you, the reader, for actually reading my reviews. I hope you continue to enjoy them as I get more and more boring and find less and less to write reviews about (eventually, I might have to write reviews for games...I might do that as a bi-weekly special...).








Also, thanks to the guys who let me put up this horse[cabbage] (Nostalgia Critic, and the TIF Forum).








Anywho, I might as well round up last weeks reviews!








The Running Man: 3/5 stars








Casino Royale: 5/5 stars








Evil Dead 1: 5/5








Evil Dead 2: 4.5/5








Now, this week is chocked full of non retro reviews...I was hoping to have a larger arsenal of old movies, but nope...








Heres next weeks roster:








The Bourne Supremacy








The Borne Ultimatum








Batman Begins
















Yes, I am going as far as to review another Scwarzeneggar movie.








And yes, in my Super Awesome Delux special, I will be reviewing "Don't Mess With The Zohan", a relatively new movie, that I already dispise. Really, I can tell from the box it will have to many crotch jokes and such...God save me...(Coming tonight for those of you who want my take).








Also, I am taking requests for movies. Got a [cabbage]ty, good, or Schwarzenneger movie you want me to see? Just leave a comment, and I will see what I can do. I like the people reading to interact with me, and thats exactly what I am trying to do.








Also, if you want to know what video game I might review:








The Punisher (PS2)








Also, I will be soon reviewing Monty Python movies, do a monty Python retrospect, and more.








Also, for Haloween night, prepare for my spooktacular! I will look at some of my favorite horror movies, make fun of both old and new ones, and nitpick, nitpick, nitpick, in what I consider the most Hit or Miss Genre.








So, I will see you later tonight with my review of Don't Mess With the Zohan...Pray for me...

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I shall now give you my review. I hated it. It sucked. And here are 11 reasons why:








1. Adam Sandler-I have never liked this guy. His only good movie, in my opinion, was Little Nicky. So, having to watch him for two hours did not exactly make me happy.








2. Penis Jokes-There are too many of these jokes! They are nasty, and overused. The movie depends on them to get anywhere and its just too nasty for me.








3. Point the camera somewhere else-Other than at Adam Sandlers fake junk.








4. Airhumping-Its pretty odd when the first shot you see is Zohan airhumping in a crowd. I just think its pretty dumb, and adds nothing but another reason to hate this movie.








5. Hummis-Its everywhere, and more than overused in this movie.








6. Sex with old ladies-Its nasty. The Zohan has sex with a bunch of old ladies, and a couple times, we bear witness to it!








7. Some fat ladies butt-My penis shriveled back into my [wagon] after that shot.








8. Action scenes-They are stupid and add nothing to the overall movie. All the action is lame and too comic for me.








9. Hacky sack- Why is this such a big deal with these people?








10. The lover interest revealed-Because can have an erection looking at noone but her? And thats how he expresses his love is by telling her? Ew...








11. The plot- The story is really [developmentally delayed]ed. It must have been made over some good weed. I won't go into detail, because I want you to finish reading this blog.








SO, we get to two reasons to love it...








1. Mr Sulu's in it.








2. The credits were good.
















So there you go. I overall give Zohan a 1 out of 5. Into the discount bin at K-mart it goes.

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Nice reviews man








I would love to do this as well








I have no talent when it comes to writing








I don't know if you would want to do this but like recommend the movie or not to the rest of us

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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Nice reviews man








I would love to do this as well








I have no talent when it comes to writing








I don't know if you would want to do this but like recommend the movie or not to the rest of us








I guess I can start recommending it...I'll try at least.

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In reviewing a couple movies over the past week, I have found myself in this predicament. A lot of people have never seen the movies I review, so I should pick a bit more modern movies. Apparently, Bond does not suit everyones fancy so I decided to instead give you all a review of The Bourne Supremacy.








I have seen the first one and thought it was all right. My only real problem with it was that it did not follow the book, and when it did, it was very loosely tied together.








The Bourne Supremacy once again, does not follow the book, but makes an exciting, and sometimes heartwarming movie.








Anyways, the movie is about Bourne getting framed and attacked by an assassin who ends up killing Marie, Bournes love interest. So, he goes into this sorta rampage, where he traces clues all the way till the clues stop.








It leads him through a lot of twists and turns. In this movie, the action, I thought, was relatively light. The story was what mattered, and it packed a wallop of that.








The few action scenes in the movie were well done except for one thing, that irks me in any movie...








The [cabbage]tastic camera.








In one fight, we see Bourne punch someone, the camera goes to his feet...oh, theres his head again...oh, he did some kind of punch...what the hell are his feet doing there this time?








It shows up in every part of the movie, which I guess is fairly neat in some parts, but in fast paced action, it takes away a lot.








My favorite part was the car chase through Moscow. In it, Jason has taken a shot in the chest, and is escaping cops and an assassin while driving through the busy streets. Quite a few cars get destroyed, and when Jason finally gets side to side with the assassin, boy does the chase get awesome.








The camera angles this time improved it I thought. It gave us a glimpse at the hectic chase, which turned into a shooting fest.








Eventually, Jason prevails, and he walks away...








Overall, I liked it. Its definately not one of my favorites, but the acti0n scenes were neat sometimes, and I definately have to like Matt Damon. He's a great actor, and it reflects in this.








If I may continue for a couple more paragraphs, I wanted to say that the movies locales are beautiful, and most of it is so amazing, I had to drop my jaw in awe at the wonderful places. Russia was amazing, and the camera angles helped that, allowing me a kind of touristy look at the place.








Otherwise, it is a movie I would definately watch again later on...








Because some people have asked me to suggest the movies I watch to them...I guess I will suggest this movie to someone who needs an adrenaline rush. Maybe somebody also, who likes action and a heartwarming story to go with it. Or if you read Ludlums books, you might like it...








I meant "Might" because as stated previously, this movie is loosely, VERY LOOSELY, based off the book.








Watch out tomorrow for my review of the Bourne Ultimatum.

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you mention people not liking the movies you review, I think it is that no one reads your reviews. I hate to be negative towards you, but your reviews ramble on. Casino Royale is NOT a remake. You also fail to mention that it is Jame's Bonds first mission as a double 0 agent, where he is bound to make mistakes like he does, and puts his emotions ahead of his actions. You really failed to analysis this film. You talk more about how you don't like the older films then Casino Royale which is the movie you are reviewing. Do more reviews of current film, as those do better and strike up more interest as they are "new".

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you mention people not liking the movies you review, I think it is that no one reads your reviews. I hate to be negative towards you, but your reviews ramble on. Casino Royale is NOT a remake. You also fail to mention that it is Jame's Bonds first mission as a double 0 agent, where he is bound to make mistakes like he does, and puts his emotions ahead of his actions. You really failed to analysis this film. You talk more about how you don't like the older films then Casino Royale which is the movie you are reviewing. Do more reviews of current film, as those do better and strike up more interest as they are "new".








1. this was a subsidiary site to place these on...I host the main blog on Nostalgia critics website...




2. I mentioned that it was a remake of the Series in general...




3. I said he had more emotions unlike previous Bonds...




4. I am reviewing "Newer" films. I said I thought Casino Royale was the best Bond movie...I liked it better than previous Bond movies...








Analyse that.....before you ramble on about my review...

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you mention people not liking the movies you review, I think it is that no one reads your reviews. I hate to be negative towards you, but your reviews ramble on. Casino Royale is NOT a remake. You also fail to mention that it is Jame's Bonds first mission as a double 0 agent, where he is bound to make mistakes like he does, and puts his emotions ahead of his actions. You really failed to analysis this film. You talk more about how you don't like the older films then Casino Royale which is the movie you are reviewing. Do more reviews of current film, as those do better and strike up more interest as they are "new".








1. this was a subsidiary site to place these on...I host the main blog on Nostalgia critics website...




2. I mentioned that it was a remake of the Series in general...




3. I said he had more emotions unlike previous Bonds...




4. I am reviewing "Newer" films. I said I thought Casino Royale was the best Bond movie...I liked it better than previous Bond movies...








Analyse that.....before you ramble on about my review...








1.Link to the site please.








2.its not a remake in the series. Casino Royale is one of Ian Flemings books, they just recently obtained the rights to the book to make the movie. You may want to look up what remake means before you use it. A new direction in a series is not the same as a remake.








3.You don't explain why he has more emotions. It is very clear that because it is his first mission as a double 0 agent that he is going to let his emotions take control unlike an aged, more experience Bond. When you read a review you want details. Otherwise the reader is going to be why the [bLANK] is he emotional, a reader doesn't want to play a game trying to solve the question when it shouldn't have to be.








4. When you review something, you don't review the whole series in the middle of a review. Make a separate review for that if you want to talk about the whole series. When I go to read a review on Casino Royale I want to read about Casino Royale not the rest of the series because I'm trying to find out more about the one movie not the other 20 films.








I'm not trying to make you mad, like I have. I'm trying to help you improve if you want to become a movie reviewer. I don't know much about you but if your in college; take a intro to film class, learn some basics about film. Or buy a book about film if your so interested in it or a book in journalism. All these would help you write better reviews.

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Why are you getting mad at Steve? He's absolutely right, that Casino Royal went absolutely nowhere. Personally, I found it less like a written review, and more like a verbal review from your mate who had recently seen it; especially when you started rambling on about the interrogation scene.

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