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when someone dies...?


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Seriously..... :wall: :wall: :wall:




No need to be a jerk three posts in a row, a simple here is a link to the RS knowledge base would have been fine. Just becuase he didn't know something doesn't mean he is stupid, he just has a question, which is WHY he came to this section of the forums...




OT: Yeah, ever since last December Jagex made it impossible to trade wealth between players (Safely and easily), and they introduced gravestones which allow 2-5 minutes for a player to run back and collect their items, depending on the gravestone they bought.




KB Link: http://www.runescape.com/kbase/viewarti ... cle_id=563




Hope that helps

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^ Yeah I never saw the point in that anyway, I like having everything I need all in one place. :)


Its fun for some people.




But for future reference, the knowledge base is a great place to look for answers to your basic questions.

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