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Anyone want their mascot pixelated?


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Yep, bored as hell, does anyone here have a mascot they want to be made by me? I've already made:








Dementedhero's mascot:












My mascot:




(its my avatar)








So, who has a cool enough idea to merit me making it? Post what your mascot would look like, and I'll pick the best 2 or so to do. Good deal? You'll be able to keep it, free, unless you want to tip me (but, this is a discussion, I'm not really trying to sell, I just want practice). Go crazy!

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My mascot is a super hero named The Flamer. He takes unsuspecting posts and uses his flamethrower and torches them all.








Wears: Dark blue, black, silver superhero costume and has a cape and a flame logo in the center.. Flames for hair. He has a flamethrower that is held in one hand and people egos in the other. He flames there egos and makes them cry.









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Hmm, Godlsayer,I've decided to withdraw my sig request, as you never really like the idea of, sooo, if you do my mascot, I'll give you 1000 Coal Ore :D








Ok, this first bit may help you a bit, I made the name Altkill up for a Discworld MUD, as I was going to join the Assassins Guild, as they have alternate ways to kill someone. If you don't know what Discworld MUD is, nevermind.








I want a guy who is like an assassin, elegant, dark robes and clothes, with throwing knives and any other assassin tools (potion vials, thowing [bleep]es, etc) and weapons you can thinks off on a utility/knife belt and a band around the torso, a wide brimmd cap hiding the eyes (you'll like that :lol: ), i think you'd get a better picture if you read Discwold books, but if you have any questions just ask, if you don't want to do it just say, looking back it seems like a big description.

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So apt Ryan, so apt. :wink: I think you do have a goodshot though, any other mascots? I think I'll start Ryans in a couple hours. Or, right now. I'm flighty.








Yay :), As long as it doesn't suck I'm sure I can provide a nice little donation. I don't play RS anymore so if you need some incentive :wink: (I have some mils in cash)

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So apt Ryan, so apt. :wink: I think you do have a goodshot though, any other mascots? I think I'll start Ryans in a couple hours. Or, right now. I'm flighty.








Yay :), As long as it doesn't suck I'm sure I can provide a nice little donation. I don't play RS anymore so if you need some incentive :wink: (I have some mils in cash)








Oo Oo, Ill make something for you :oops:




Nah just kddin :P








I like the idea god, and I love ryans discription, I'm sure it'll turn out great

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So apt Ryan, so apt. :wink: I think you do have a goodshot though, any other mascots? I think I'll start Ryans in a couple hours. Or, right now. I'm flighty.








Yay :), As long as it doesn't suck I'm sure I can provide a nice little donation. I don't play RS anymore so if you need some incentive :wink: (I have some mils in cash)








It's always the ones that don't play that have the money :( , anyway, cheers Godslayer (do people call you by a shorter name, like God or Slayer, I seem to like calling people by a nickname).

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Well godslayer, I got an idea for one.








I want my guy wearing an outfit like the guy you made.








Except where ever there is green, make it black. Where ever there is red, put a hot pink. For the the initials in the middle put a JR. But instead of a head what I want is the head in the middle of transforming into a dragons head. Also if you could, put some kind of flame going around my body like you got on your guy.

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Teenageloser: Thats cool, you'll definately win with Quer skull, even if he takes longer than me :lol: Also, I didn't say you werent accepted, you'd probably be the third I do, if I find the time.








Altkill: Yes, I'll try yours. You and Ryan for sure, then Teenage. Be careful though, someone may bump you out of your spot with a better idea :shock:

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Alright i want a design similar to this one here
















exept, do u see that ram image on his belt area? instead of a ram, i want a monkey head (y)








and an abby whip for weapon.








Do u need a post? if so it should be me with my shield on my back, im not weilding it, instead on my left hand i have a flame floating eight above my left hand. with my abby whip in my right arm.

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Pureleader, I wont turn you down, but it will take a substantial amount of time for me to get to you, k?








And, I give you: The Flamer! Or whatever!












Feel free to add your own text, your taste is probably better than mine. Tell me if it merits a tip.

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