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  1. give him vambraces not gloves and make the arrows a little straighter IMO
  2. maybe you should out the dragon symbol on the Dragon Chain, but maybe the Glory Amulet would get in the way? w/e nice sig :) made me laugh!
  3. hey flip! it's me! i agree, i really hate buddies :(
  4. haha, it suits Elfa perfectly! saw u at the wedding ;) and i'm pretty sure she has a white phat not red but amazing sig as usual :)
  5. agreed, it needs a lot of work, keep practicing is all i can say
  6. there really are some sick people in this world and u spelt "London" wrong, it's not "Londond" and yes, wrong board
  7. agreed, u can see the blue splat still and the "35" looks terrible...=\
  8. i didn't really like it either, it just came to my head dw
  9. mine is a chimp wielding a whip - simple enough for ya? ohh yea and he's gotta look a teeny bit psycho?
  10. it would eliminate the point of tele-block in the wilderness?
  11. u get them from any lvl clue
  12. i was doin a puzzle box and i logged out because nature called :lol: i logged back in and it had reset....that's never happened before, i started again and now i can't do it..... :oops: since when do they reset when u log out?
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