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I'm considering buying a 12 inch iBook...


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I am looking into buying a new iBook G4 from Apple Computers.








It will cost $999 and will have 256 MB of RAM, 32 MB of VRAM a 1.2Ghz processor and a 30GB (18.85 when you get it) hard drive.








I have a few questions:








1: Will the iBook edit movies in iMovie without freezing up?








2: Will the iBook play Halo or Unreal Tournament 2004?








3: Is it a good computer for light gaming, movie watching, light movie editing and surfing WiFi hotspots?








4: Is this a good computer for it's price?

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1) It should - it might not be fast but it shouldn't freeze up.




2) It will probably play them. Will it play them well is a different question. UT2k4 worked fine on a PB 1.5GHZ G4 but it had 128MB VRAM. The iBook is not built for gaming (*points at graphics card*) and its main purpose it to websurf, do some video editing, MSOffice work, e-mail, internet, etc.




3) Basically yes but when you say light gaming, I do not think you will be happy at all with how Unreal Tournament/Halo runs. I haven't done it on an iBook but I really do not think you will be pleased.




4) If you need a Macintosh for video editing, web surfing, e-mail, MSoffice, etc., it's not bad. I would up the RAM to 512 at least as Mac OS X is known to run its best at 512+.








If you are looking to game, I would not get this computer though. I'm not sure how intensive you are planning on using it, whether or not you will want a bigger video card / larger hard drive / faster processor. You may consider going with the Powerbook.. or if you want to game, just sticking with a PC. The $999 iBook is rough-and-tough and gets the job done for everyday things but it is not a powerhorse like the Powerbook.








This is coming from my limited experience with Macs (two powerbooks, but am currently on a PC - game addict :)). I would think it over long and hard before making a decision though.

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I like the Mac OS X feel, although I am a Windows guy.








I will consider the 512 upgrade, I'll try one in the store.








One more question I have is:








How do I get all the junk that they install on the computer off? I don't need the thing in every language...

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You should be able to, I guess, but I've never thought of doing that - don't see the real purpose other than saving space (minimal, I'd imagine?).








Anyways, I cannot offer any advice there. What I *can* recommend to any "switcher" is to immerse yourself in the Support Discussions boards: http://www.apple.com/support/ (Click Discussions)








I found them extremely helpful - you learn a lot, meet some new people, and maybe get some answers to your questions like this one, lol.

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If you want to get a PC laptop, which you might find could be more-suited to your needs, but you want the mac OSX feel, you could check out Stardock.com and WinCustomize.com. Lots of software that lets you dramatically change the look and feel of windows.








Also, you'll find that you can either have a nice light portable laptop, or a laptop that's good for gaming. You can go middle-of-the-road as well I suppose, but either way you won't entirely be able to have your cake and eat it too.








EDIT: Maybe that was unclear..




Basically, the better-suited a laptop is for gaming, the heavier, hotter, and more power-hungry it will be. So if you get a really good gaming laptop, it'll probably be rather hefty, emit more heat than a normal laptop, and have considerably less battery life.




If you want something light, cool, and with lots of battery life, you won't be able to play games well.

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If you're more suited to PC's then get a PC based laptop. You want battery power, buy a Laptop with a Pentium M processor.








You won't quite get 6 hours like the Mac, but it won't be a kick in off it, plus it'll be cheaper and easier to work. More compatible with software too.

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Guest GhostRanger
I am used to Apples and PCs, I just need to know whether or not it's worth it.








I do like, however, the price of this Apple and I demoed one at the store.








Well, I'm typing this one a 12 inch iBook actually.








I'm an Apple lover at heart but if you want a computer for gaming, get a PC. You'd need to upgrade your RAM to 512 (I can tell you that from experience right away) and you'll find a lot of games aren't made for Macs so if you want to buy more games in the future, you could be out of luck.
















I do lots of movie editing with my lappy (Final Cut Pro 4) and it runs great. I go WiFi surfing often and it works great, so for those things you'd have no problem. But, once again, you will need to upgrade to 512.

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I am used to Apples and PCs, I just need to know whether or not it's worth it.








I do like, however, the price of this Apple and I demoed one at the store.








Well, I'm typing this one a 12 inch iBook actually.








I'm an Apple lover at heart but if you want a computer for gaming, get a PC. You'd need to upgrade your RAM to 512 (I can tell you that from experience right away) and you'll find a lot of games aren't made for Macs so if you want to buy more games in the future, you could be out of luck.
















I do lots of movie editing with my lappy (Final Cut Pro 4) and it runs great. I go WiFi surfing often and it works great, so for those things you'd have no problem. But, once again, you will need to upgrade to 512.








If all you got was the $999 iBook with 512, then that's the one I'll go with.

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